Best Online RPG- Lost Power City vol. 6

we can copy and paste links now.

everybody click these links.
[Send Cash]
[Send Crystals]

edit: I forgot these 2
[Hack Bank One Account]
[Hack Lost Bank Account]
bwood, I thought you quit. You were offline for like 2 or 3 days.

For leveling, I usually go after 9126. I get ~30% exp each time.*

* I've only done that once.

I still quit though. Bwood, rawe, lisa -- which one of you can store crystals (5500 of them)? Email me in game. Eventually I'll log-in.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]My swag was phenomenal.[/color]

I just checked. It's never a good thing when your gang is composed of my leveling targets.

None of them even tried mugging me. I'll let you guys have fun cause I gotta go soon.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin


I just checked. It's never a good thing when your gang is composed of my leveling targets.

None of them even tried mugging me. I'll let you guys have fun cause I gotta go soon.

I noticed that none of them attacked you, but i remember looking at the gang logsand seeing that one of them attacked karma and surendered after 1500 rounds
Originally Posted by tyronebillion

Originally Posted by whywesteppin


I just checked. It's never a good thing when your gang is composed of my leveling targets.

None of them even tried mugging me. I'll let you guys have fun cause I gotta go soon.

I noticed that none of them attacked you, but i remember looking at the gang logs and seeing that one of them attacked karma and surendered after 1500 rounds
[table][tr][td]November 18 2007, 11:36:54 am[/td] [td]^Dawg^ hired an assassin to kill you.[/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][tr][td]November 18 2007, 10:58:32 am[/td] [td]^Dawg^ hacked your Lost Bank account and stole $0![/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][tr][td]November 18 2007, 10:58:27 am[/td] [td]^Dawg^ attempted to hack your Lost Bank account, but they caught him.[/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][tr][td]November 18 2007, 10:58:22 am[/td] [td]^Dawg^ attempted to hack your Lost Bank account, but they caught him.[/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][tr][td]November 18 2007, 10:58:16 am[/td] [td]^Dawg^ attempted to hack your Lost Bank account, but they caught him.[/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][tr][td]November 18 2007, 10:58:06 am[/td] [td]^Dawg^ attempted to hack your Lost Bank account, but they caught him.[/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][/table]
I hacked him 10x for over 15M earlier, didn't think he'd spend the cash toassasinate me.

Edit- I'll send a kevlar helmet to the next person to post their id.
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