Best Online RPG- Lost Power City vol. 6

November 19, 2007, 5:05:41 pm IMADINOSAUR wrote: lol i still can use branchisaurus.. he more large and tall in the world.. -.-
November 19, 2007, 5:01:15 pm imagiraffe[emoji]8482[/emoji] wrote: Hi Hi, imagiraffe i bet my neck is longer than yours.

Oh hell no
my id is 23271 but going to your profile won't tell me your stats? just copy and paste it so i can compare mine to yours. when ddi you start?
i just asked her what kind of dinosaur she was before i saw that.
she's gonna stopresponding to our emails soon.

[table][tr][td]November 19, 2007, 5:17:09 pm[/td] [td]IMAMANATEE wrote: rawrrrrr.... feisty.
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]November 19, 2007, 5:15:40 pm[/td] [td]IMADINOSAUR wrote: spinosaurus.. RAWRRRRRRRRRRRR..[/td] [/tr][tr][td]November 19, 2007, 5:14:42 pm[/td] [td]IMAMANATEE wrote: what kind of dinosaur are you?[/td] [/tr][/table]
Brain Power: 10 [Ranked: 5111]
Strength: 233 [Ranked: 4896]
Speed: 223 [Ranked: 4608]
Defense: 229 [Ranked: 4410]
Job Skills: 10 [Ranked: 5587]
Driving Skills: 10 [Ranked: 3801]
Computer Skills: 10 [Ranked: 2351]

Total Stats: 725 [Ranked: 5290]
Total Worth: $42,937

Why spend money when i can get it for free. I know its only 22k to you but thats something to me. I just started about a week ago.. =P
Let's decide on a new gang name and then I'll come up with a pic and invite IMADINOSAUR.

Do we want to go with Zoo Crew?

For the gang pic, I'm thinking we could just do a collage of all the different animals.

this is possibly the dumbest thing we have been doing in this game.

Or maybe the greatest thing.....
Pretty sure it's the latter.

lets do this...or we can do WEREAZOO or IMAMAMMALS

Only problem is that dinosaurs aren't mammals....

cheaMayn23 whph, you talking about this:

I don't have the complete one with me. It had a couple more people on it.

Wait, hold on.... Are you guys making a new gang? Cause we can't accept everyone in our gang. You'll need to talk to me or someone else from the gangfirst.
i like IMAGANG. she said she wasn't gonna join though, i already talked to her....

nah, i just told her a bunch of animals from nt were making a gang. i'm not trying to be in it. i'll hit you up after i train though.
This reminds me...Who still has that pic of the Nters in Alaska?

That Alaska pic is hilarious....Dude was offering like 10mil forpictures of someone in "Ketchikan" when everyone was giving away bils
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