Best Online RPG- Lost Power City vol. 6

[table][tr][td]November 23, 2:00:37 pm[/td] [td](15854) READYON3[emoji]8482[/emoji] hired an assasin to kill (23969)xxweebabybeexx.[/td] [/tr][tr][td]November 23, 1:59:24 pm[/td] [td](15854) READYON3[emoji]8482[/emoji] hired an assasin to kill (23972)Nightshade.[/td] [/tr][tr][td]November 23, 1:59:14 pm[/td] [td](15854) READYON3[emoji]8482[/emoji] hired an assasin to kill (23977)lerkerboi.[/td] [/tr][tr][td]November 23, 1:59:07 pm[/td] [td](15854) READYON3[emoji]8482[/emoji] hired an assasin to kill (23978)c11uny.[/td] [/tr][tr][td]November 23, 1:58:35 pm[/td] [td](15854) READYON3[emoji]8482[/emoji] hired an assasin to kill (24070)Caseyjones.[/td] [/tr][tr][td]November 23, 1:58:27 pm[/td] [td](15854) READYON3[emoji]8482[/emoji] hired an assasin to kill (24076)i_JoshuaS_i.[/td] [/tr][tr][td]November 23, 1:57:58 pm[/td] [td](15854) READYON3[emoji]8482[/emoji] hired an assasin to kill (24086)LiLVietBoIZ.[/td] [/tr][tr][td]November 23, 1:57:47 pm[/td] [td](15854) READYON3[emoji]8482[/emoji] hired an assasin to kill (24080)SnakePlissken.[/td] [/tr][tr][td]November 23, 1:57:36 pm[/td] [td](15854) READYON3[emoji]8482[/emoji] hired an assasin to kill (24085)DASYHARD.[/td] [/tr][tr][td]November 23, 1:57:00 pm[/td] [td](15854) READYON3[emoji]8482[/emoji] hired an assasin to kill (24125)mwmorph.[/td] [/tr][tr][td]November 23, 1:56:39 pm[/td] [td](15854) READYON3[emoji]8482[/emoji] hired an assasin to kill (24147)gothicxrealm.[/td] [/tr][tr][td]November 23, 1:56:29 pm[/td] [td](15854) READYON3[emoji]8482[/emoji] hired an assasin to kill (24153)molo.[/td] [/tr][tr][td]November 23, 1:56:15 pm[/td] [td](15854) READYON3[emoji]8482[/emoji] hired an assasin to kill (24157)xsh0rtyx.[/td] [/tr][/table]
used up all my CI and about 2 mil...
another one
You successfully hacked IMADINOSAUR's Lost Bank account and stole $1,030,962!

and perry, if youre going to read nt everyday and post what we say. why dont you go ahead and make an account
Originally Posted by tyronebillion

and perry, if youre going to read nt everyday and post what we say. why dont you go ahead and make an account

that. They're not welcome here after everythingthat's happened.

Besides, the pictures he could post wouldn't be allowed here.
Searching the streets of Lost City...
You look next to a garbage bin and you see something sparkle...As you get closer you notice it's a crystal!. You quickly grab it.

You have 6 turns left.

A bum trades you a crystal for $1 dollar. You jump on the deal.

You have 5 turns left.

You look next to a garbage bin and you see something sparkle...As you get closer you notice it's a crystal!. You quickly grab it.

You have 4 turns left.

A bum trades you a crystal for $1 dollar. You jump on the deal.

You have 3 turns left.

You hear something coming from the alley. You walk down there and see a lady getting mugged.
You reach and pull out your wallet and pretend you have a badge. You yell, 'STOP, POLICE!'. The muggers fire a couple shots at you but miss, and thenthey run off.
The lady is greatful and gives you a reward of $3492.

You have 2 turns left.

You found an empty bottle of brandy.

You have 1 turns left.

Someone is following you.

You have 0 turns left.

Sorry, all turns used!

You scope out several different bank a finally decide on one.
You divise a plan with the other 3 guys.
You head for the Bank of Trust - Downtown Branch.

All 3 of you walk up to the bank, with guns under your coats and head inside.
Once inside one of the guys walks to the far corner to set up.
The 2nd guy stands close to the front door where the Security Guards are.
You stand in line waiting for the signal.
A couple minutes pass then the guy at the front door sees the getaway car pull
up and gives you the signal.
You all then pull out your guns and you yell:


Everyone, including the Security Guards, do as you say so you proceed to give
the tellers the bags.
After the bags are full you each grab a few and head for the door.
As you are walking through the door you hear the alarm go off.
You run for the car and get in.
You take off and get back to the Safe House.
You start counting the money and then divide it up.

You gained 40% EXP!

Crime Success Rating: 159%
very nice
Pre-reset how much were you making off of full street searches in Lost City?
I'm only getting 200k + 5 - 10 crystals
Originally Posted by justinvincent

Pre-reset how much were you making off of full street searches in Lost City?
I'm only getting 200k + 5 - 10 crystals

about the same, any where from 100-300k and 4-8 crystals
HE PUT A HIT ON ME AND HIS LIL FREIND SNITCHED ON ME.. critter94....AND 19404 .[table][tr][td]New! November 23 2007, 4:52:19 pm[/td] [td]The jail guard banged your head off the wall.[/td] [/tr][/table]
[table][tr][th=""]To[/th] [th=""]Subject/Message[/th] [/tr][tr][td]critter94 [24115][/td] [td][/td] [/tr][tr][td]Sent at: November 23, 2007, 4:55:32 pm
[/td] [td]DID U SNITCH ON ME???[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td] (24115) critter94

Time: 4:56:30 pm
Date: November 23, 2007

User Info:
Status: Online (11 secs)
Location: Downtown

[/td] [td] Subject:


no and if i did ud be a dead man [/td] [/tr][/table]
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