Best Online RPG- Lost Power City vol. 6

Total Stats: 474,293,461 [Ranked: 76]

I was ranked 75 two days ago
check id: 1966

every few minutes he gets more crystals. i mugged him once to like 2950 something and now he has more than that. he refreshes every second and i sent him amail that he has yet to respond.

suspect anyone?

I have 325 ebars, 160 shakes, 5 sterioids, and 3,500 crystals.

If I copped a Private Hotel, what kind of stats would I get?

What about a Private Island?

(Just looking for an approximation; no need to rack your brains over this)
User Id: 21650
Property: Private Island
Donor Days Left: 13206

User Id: 12832
Property: Private Island

User Id: 6416
Property: Moon
Donor Days Left: 21283

User Id: 12489
Property: Moon

User Id: 10612
Property: Private Island


Why haven't these been bombed?

And is anything less than a mars really worth it if your stats are already in the hundred millions? Unless of course you want to get carpal tunnel....

Fizzy, what are the staminas on the PH and PI?

rawr, durandai is using an exploit that he has reported to dEf about a dozen times over the past 2 months but dEf hasn't fixed it yet.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

User Id: 21650
Property: Private Island
Donor Days Left: 13206

User Id: 12832
Property: Private Island

User Id: 6416
Property: Moon
Donor Days Left: 21283

User Id: 12489
Property: Moon

User Id: 10612
Property: Private Island


Why haven't these been bombed?

And is anything less than a mars really worth it if your stats are already in the hundred millions? Unless of course you want to get carpal tunnel....

Fizzy, what are the staminas on the PH and PI?

rawr, durandai is using an exploit that he has reported to dEf about a dozen times over the past 2 months but dEf hasn't fixed it yet.
12832 is that bumdigger guy?. Gave us that classic line from you know who
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

User Id: 21650
Property: Private Island
Donor Days Left: 13206

User Id: 12832
Property: Private Island

User Id: 6416
Property: Moon
Donor Days Left: 21283

User Id: 12489
Property: Moon

User Id: 10612
Property: Private Island


Why haven't these been bombed?

And is anything less than a mars really worth it if your stats are already in the hundred millions? Unless of course you want to get carpal tunnel....

Fizzy, what are the staminas on the PH and PI?

rawr, durandai is using an exploit that he has reported to dEf about a dozen times over the past 2 months but dEf hasn't fixed it yet.


I don't even have to search to know that that's Ash and ATKM.

PH: 3,000
PI: 8,000

Maybe we should discuss this somewhere else.... Anyway, I'm done for the night so we may need to leave it till tomorrow.
Originally Posted by Mr Fizzy Womack

PH: 3,000
PI: 8,000

Let's see.... Moon used to be 25,000 (?) and that gave 2.1 mil.
I think a PI would give 200k per stamina refill and a PH would give.... 30k?

My numbers might be off slightly.
Yeah I've got a login. Applied a while ago. I' haven't got a problem with most of you. I've done a fair bit of buisness with most of you. Trustme guys It's not worth bombing +%#% yet. You only waste 200 mill.

Moon- 1.1-1.2 mill stats from 100 to 20-245 stam.
I think so, I never really used the SS before. But I get 1.1 stats from 100 to 16-24% stam (depends where I stop) It usally drains 7% each train.
Lol I just searched my name in this topic. Atleast somebody noticed I had a moon 1-2 week afte reset lol. I've had it, sold it, and rebought it. You loose400 mill btw, it's painful lol.

Yeah I was reading you guys talking about how I dropped price of crystals. I lost quite a lot doing that, but I tried doing it for a greater good lol. I wasthe first to bring shakes down to 1 mill aswell.
I lost quite a lot doing that, but I tried doing it for a greater good lol. I was the first to bring shakes down to 1 mill aswell.

I still think it did more bad then good for the vets. But your not 100% to blame, its mostly the double donator days that flooded the market.
Aye, I should have kept on to them. I just wanted to supply cheap training supplies, but they bought them to invest because no body was training except me. Iremember when I felt a n00b with my 6416 tag but now it's in 20,000's. Time flies. I'm been having more fun since reset though. I remeber when Iwas second richest in game since reset. Obv went down cause of moon and %@+!.
#*%* , least you can train... 1 rpg, sharpnel suit and 300M wasted on wars later im broke smh

Just went down one rank to 58 lol
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