BET founder is ashamed of what the Newtwork has become.

its easy to bash BET...but more important to look at the bigger picture my dudes. How could a conscious, substance filled, entertainment network survive on contemporary cable? Look whats on our channels! A whole bunch of fake $!%!, BET is just doing what it has to do to stay afloat.
what person (regardless of race) actually EMBRACES BET?

like c'mon the "good" shows that they do have are ripped off from other stations: The Game, Jamie Foxx show, Steve Harvey show, etc.
without OTHER stations bringing those things to life BET would be NADA.

most of the "original" BET shows make black people look extremely bad.

Frankie and Neffie don't make us look good.
Tiny and Toya make us look like we've never been to college. speaking of "college."
College Hill had controversy every motherf-ing episode! I remember debating with my boys all last season because every single person had beef and it seemed to be the theme of that ENTIRE series...smdh.
he was part of the problem. the network been trash, and got much worse. but he made his money off of it, so he can't be feeling that bad?
Why are y'all singling out BET, though? T.V is trash period. BET is just a reflection of everything else that's on T.V.
I haven't really sat and watched T.V in probably over a year. If it ain't Sports/Discovery Channel/History Channel/or a movie (like on TNT or some @%@#) I am not !!!!#*$ with it.
Ooooo the irony
Just like most people in this post, I would ask him what he expected to happen to the channel after he sold it. 
i honestly haven't watched BET sine AJ and Free. word to Rev goodluv...BET sucksss



and thats just to name a few. There are examples of pure ignorance in media all over the place. It sells...point blank. I'm actually getting pretty tired of everyone just targeting BET. Anyone who has watched BET would know that they actually aren't even as bad as they used to be, but again, because its BLACK Entertainment Television, its easier to pick out the flaws. Last I checked MTV offered nothing of value to society yet you rarely hear anyone whos ashamed of them.
Last I checked MTV offered nothing of value to society yet you rarely hear anyone whos ashamed of them.
When people see Mtv, they don't think that it represents an entire race.

Right or wrong, when people see BET, they think it represents our whole race. That's why people pick on it, and rightfully so. Take the 'B' out 'BET' and this conversation doesn't exist.

Realistically though, if BET was truly to be an asset to our race, it would look PBS, and nobody would watch.
BET at one point was fine. I was 9 when I first ever watched BET(1999) and i remember watching shows that interest me and this included long blocks of music videos that were good. Then in the early 00, there were good shows, however I gurantee that the non sense on BET now would have never been shown on TV back then. I mean seriously, Tiny and Toya? Neffie and Crackh0? I watch 106 once in a while for promotion artists work, but other than that I'll pass on the reruns they air. They have just disapointed me. I'll tell you one thing though, Centric is still good so if you want something BET owned, check out Centric. I record hours of good music videos on Centric.
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