Better Call Saul Season Thread - Season Six - April 18th

When you see it...


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I look at Chuck as the star sibling whereas jimmy as always seen as the screw up.. Even though jimmy would have been wiser to the ways of the world and not willing to get down with the system

We see it all the time in the real world.. The one sibling who is book smart and the other is street smart.. Chuck was probably all cool with everything til jimmy went and got a law degree and then things became awkward

This right here is the story of my life. Older brother was always top of the class academically. Eventually became a doctor. Can't remember him ever failing a damn thing in life. I always got into trouble, mostly average in school and got a Computer Science and Psychology degree for the sake of having an education. My street smarts > his though

Same exact scenario here. My siblings all have masters degrees or higher, I'm the only one that just got a bachelors
I did law (my older sis did medicine and was far more studious then me on every level).. but I see it all the time in my profession

hell, there was this one guy in my firm who was the top overall student in both law and bar school in all of England.. dude had zero street smarts

the partners essentially came to the realization dude couldn't cut in private practice and tried to steer him towards working in the law school.. he moved on to another firm, but again I don't see that working out great for him.. wish him all the best

but you need the street smarts to go along with the book smarts for practical application
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So in the pictures you guys are painting, I'm Chuck. 

I've always known that, though, and there are 2 things I do different than most of these 'black sheep vs. golden child' situations.

And these 2 things are exactly why I can't STAND Chuck.

First, one of my little sisters is Slippin Jimmy. But unlike most favored children in other families, I won't tolerate people talking crap about my sister. I haven't spoken to my dad in almost 2 years... not one word... because me and him got in a fight over the phone in September 2014 over the way he talk about her. I literally screamed on the phone, "COMPLIMENT HER! I need to hear it. Right now! I need to hear you compliment her!" And he just, "You don't see what I see every day because you don't live out here anymore." (She still lives in CA in the same city he does, and I moved out of CA years ago.)

I don't care what he thinks he sees. Yeah, I've got a degree, I'm extremely devoted to my boy, I don't drink and never have, don't smoke (anything) and never have, always worked... and she has, well she has... I'm not going to air her out, but she has definitely made some poor choices in her life, for sure.

I don't care. I'm not going to have somebody, especially my/her dad, sit there and judge her and crap all over her. I get it if someone is like, "Awww, man, she got fired? Yeesh, that's tough. I wonder what we can do to help out until she gets hired again." That's different than, "Oh, fired? Again? Well surprise, surprise. I wonder what her next job will be... and how long that will last before she shows up drunk or cusses out her..." No. Stop that. I'll interrupt you right there. I'll be rude about it and let you know you better chill out.

But Chuck? Chuck's the one talking, ol' 'like giving a monkey a machine gun' self. Ol' 'I'm going to the meeting to hurt my kid brother by taking his girlfriend's big client' self.

Nah. Eff a Chuck.

The second thing I do different than Chuck is that I don't think I'm any better than my sister. Not at all. Just because I make a choice that turns out better for me than a choice she made doesn't mean I'm a better person than her; it means I made a more effective decision. She has a heart of gold and wouldn't hurt a soul, but doesn't make the best decisions. Chuck thinks he's better than Jimmy; you can feel it.
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Then after his scam was over, his ***** *** collapses. **** outta here with that garbage.
This was my exact response to that entire thing. I still don't know or understand what this dudes problem is. It has to be mental, or some kind of cry for attention.


Yea, as soon as the name Jimmy dropped, he pulled that Grandpa Joe.



What is 1216?

Go back and watch it won't be disappointed. Just start from the scene where Jimmy goes to visit Chuck after he steals Mesa Verde from Kim.
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So in the pictures you guys are painting, I'm Chuck. :wow:

I've always known that, though, and there are 2 things I do different than most of these 'black sheep vs. golden child' situations.

And these 2 things are exactly why I can't STAND Chuck.

First, one of my little sisters is Slippin Jimmy. But unlike most favored children in other families, I won't tolerate people talking crap about my sister. I haven't spoken to my dad in almost 2 years... not one word... because me and him got in a fight over the phone in September 2014 over the way he talk about her. I literally screamed on the phone, "COMPLIMENT HER! I need to hear it. Right now! I need to hear you compliment her!" And he just, "You don't see what I see every day because you don't live out here anymore." (She still lives in CA in the same city he does, and I moved out of CA years ago.)

I don't care what he thinks he sees. I've got a degree, I'm extremely devoted to my boy, I don't drink and never have, don't smoke (anything) and never have, always worked... and she has... I'm not going to air her out, but she has definitely made some poor choices in her life, for sure.

I don't care. I'm not going to have somebody, especially my/her dad, sit there and judge her and crap all over her. I get it if someone os like, "Awww, man, she got fired? Yeesh, that's tough. I wonder what we can do to help out until she gets hired again." That's different than, "Oh, fired? Again? Well surprise, surprise. I wonder what her next job will be... and how long that will last before she shows up drunk or cusses out her..." No. Stop that. I'll interrupt you right there. I'll be rude about it and let you know you better chill out.

But Chuck? Chuck's the one talking, ol' 'like giving a monkey a machine gun' self. Ol' 'I'm going to the meeting to hurt my kid brother by taking his girlfriend's bog client.'

Nah. Eff a Chuck.

The second thing I do different than Chuck is that I don't think I'm any better than my sister. Not at all. Just because I make a choice that turns out better for me than a choice she made doesn't mean I'm a better person than her; it means I made a more effective decision. She has a heart of gold and wouldn't hurt a soul, but doesn't make the best decisions. Chuck thinks he's better than Jimmy; you can feel it.

I'm not sure which part of your post either backs my claim, or backs Zik's claim about family.

Like, I do get, and can agree wife, have kids, etc, and cut off a real family member. I see some points there, but the other side of that is, regardless, no matter how much you don't want, or don't care, blood is blood. Even if you diss your brother for 50 years, you both have the same blood inside you.

On the flip, I absolutely know it's possible to be "more" family with a friend than with actual blood family.

So iono, I guess it comes down to the individual. Jimmy seems to try to care, he wanted, desperately to earn Chuck's approval, Chuck has already written him off. So maybe Jimmy believes in blood over everything, even thru fault, and Chuck believes in cutting off family if they don't bring any value to your life, we'll see.
^ Context.

When it comes to doing something for my sister, I hesitate. I have friends that I wouldn't hesitate at all with. Need a car? Take mine. I've got a bike. Need a bike? Here, I'll walk.

But with my sister? I'll defend her. I'll love her to death. I'll babysit for her, I take her out to dinner a couple times every time I go back to CA, but if she needed my car... ummm.. "What time does the bus run? You can get where you're going by bus."
^ Context.

When it comes to doing something for my sister, I hesitate. I have friends that I wouldn't hesitate at all with. Need a car? Take mine. I've got a bike. Need a bike? Here, I'll walk.

But with my sister? I'll defend her. I'll love her to death. I'll babysit for her, I take her out to dinner a couple times every time I go back to CA, but if she needed my car... ummm.. "What time does the bus run? You can get where you're going by bus."
:lol: Exactly.

That's Chuck. Only he acting like he gotta shield the entire legal system from Jimmy and make sure he doesn't prosper on his level to make a bigger impact.

Either way when you think about it, Chuck ended up being right about Jimmy.
^ Context.

When it comes to doing something for my sister, I hesitate. I have friends that I wouldn't hesitate at all with. Need a car? Take mine. I've got a bike. Need a bike? Here, I'll walk.

But with my sister? I'll defend her. I'll love her to death. I'll babysit for her, I take her out to dinner a couple times every time I go back to CA, but if she needed my car... ummm.. "What time does the bus run? You can get where you're going by bus."
:lol: Exactly.

That's Chuck. Only he acting like he gotta shield the entire legal system from Jimmy and make sure he doesn't prosper on his level to make a bigger impact.

Either way when you think about it, Chuck ended up being right about Jimmy.

No, he didn't.

Jimmy made himself an excellent lawyer, had Chuck shut his ******* mouth and helped Jimmy, backed him, didn't call him a monkey with a machine gun, Jimmy very well becomes an elite, legit lawyer instead of backing scumbags.

Chuck could very well be the one that pushes Jimmy towards Walter White. Had he backed him, he might have become the next Howard.
^ Context.

When it comes to doing something for my sister, I hesitate. I have friends that I wouldn't hesitate at all with. Need a car? Take mine. I've got a bike. Need a bike? Here, I'll walk.

But with my sister? I'll defend her. I'll love her to death. I'll babysit for her, I take her out to dinner a couple times every time I go back to CA, but if she needed my car... ummm.. "What time does the bus run? You can get where you're going by bus."
:lol: Exactly.

That's Chuck. Only he acting like he gotta shield the entire legal system from Jimmy and make sure he doesn't prosper on his level to make a bigger impact.

Either way when you think about it, Chuck ended up being right about Jimmy.

No, he didn't.

Jimmy made himself an excellent lawyer, had Chuck shut his ******* mouth and helped Jimmy, backed him, didn't call him a monkey with a machine gun, Jimmy very well becomes an elite, legit lawyer instead of backing scumbags.

Chuck could very well be the one that pushes Jimmy towards Walter White. Had he backed him, he might have become the next Howard.
According to Jimmy himself, he has to do things his way and "remain colorful" and that was when he was talking someone he was in a relationship/loved. Kept it 100 with her.

Now you could dispute if the whole monkey with a machine gun revelation broke Jimmy but I'd say he was sort of living a lie in that he was just trying to do good to make Chuck proud and earn his respect/acceptance and learning the truth took Jimmy off the hook. I feel like the real him is Saul. Not cuz he failed to do this or that but simply a choice to be the best criminal lawyer he could be, negative traits and all.
Reddit pointed out the first letters of the episode titles could be an anagram for


I guess they used the episode titles of BB season 2 to hint at the plane crash?
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Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

Reddit pointed out the first letters of the episode titles could be an anagram for
I guess they used the episode titles of BB season 2 to hint at the plane crash?
Gloves Off
Bali Ha'i
Fifi (last week)
Nailed (in 2 days)




(legit question: why would that need to be in a spoiler? Am I being rude by not spoilering it?)
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Nah I just spoiler stuff out of habit just to be safe

Plus I thought it might be kinda dumb :lol: though looking at it, not sure why they named one "Klick" with a K unless they needed that K :nerd:
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Yeah, that Klick spelling is exactly what made me think you/reddit were onto something. 
WOW not sure why i was shocked Jimmy did that :lol: they look on his face after when chuck was thanking him :\

Ready for EP 9 :smokin
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