Better Call Saul Season Thread - Season Six - April 18th

I don't got cable
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Chuck was nice on the piano. Nice start. he's so disloyal and swarmy with his jealousy though :smh:

Ep seem to coast until it was focused on Mike. This dude and his cards :rofl: Such an oblivious idiot. Mike was making all the right moves.

:rofl: @ sitting on cake videos for a dude. That's a real thing btw. Don't google it :x

Chuck has such a smirk on :smh: .

i think dude scared that saul might be better than him one day
Extremely scared.
Just watched Episode 1 of the new season, man I missed this show :frown:

That girl at the pool :smh: Lord have mercy

My dude Jimmy is a sweet talker as well, had Karen ready to marry his ***
I was thinking you know how in BB we see glimpses of Walt where he has the full blown beard and hair living in Alaska early on in the show? What if BCS ends up the same and the last season shows him in Omaha post breaking bad? I don't know how they would fill that gap but just a possibility
I was thinking you know how in BB we see glimpses of Walt where he has the full blown beard and hair living in Alaska early on in the show? What if BCS ends up the same and the last season shows him in Omaha post breaking bad? I don't know how they would fill that gap but just a possibility
That's what I kinda always figured would happen. We know where he goes and his situation cuz of BB but we don't know everything he's doing.

So I expect BCS to be what he did pre-Heisenberg which involves Jimmy becoming Saul but a lot of focus on Jimmy and then by the end they'll time skip the events of BB or maybe show some scenes we didn't know about and then show him @ Cinnabon to wrap it up.
Morally flexible. :rofl:

Chuck is an a hole, but he's crushing that role. The rage in his face when he sat back down at the piano....

Jimmy gets flustered around him, but Kim steadies him.

The last 30 minutes was greatness. Mike moving chess pieces, Jimmy/Saul pie story, Kim checkin him hard. All greatness.

He WANTS to be Saul. He hates this suit & tie drivel. He wants to mix it up. He thrives in that world. Not the Cocobolo desks and gold pens ****.

Chuck turns two face for a sec playin the piano. Like a window glare or somethin.

This show is a crock pot. Slow simmer inching us along. And I love it. :pimp:
Morally flexible. :rofl:

Chuck is an a hole, but he's crushing that role. The rage in his face when he sat back down at the piano....

Jimmy gets flustered around him, but Kim steadies him.

The last 30 minutes was greatness. Mike moving chess pieces, Jimmy/Saul pie story, Kim checkin him hard. All greatness.

He WANTS to be Saul. He hates this suit & tie drivel. He wants to mix it up. He thrives in that world. Not the Cocobolo desks and gold pens ****.

Chuck turns two face for a sec playin the piano. Like a window glare or somethin.

This show is a crock pot. Slow simmer inching us along. And I love it. :pimp:

Exactly. Jimmy got the girl, the job but Chuck :smh: He should be happy for his brother but no...


Seeing him in both rooms, he feels more comfortable with the crooks. Getting over on people is his true calling.
I'm still trying to figure out the color meanings. I noticed that when he first met up with the firm they were all wearing grey suits and then when he accepted they were all wearing black at the firm. Also when mike met nacho they were both wearing black. Still don't know what grey means because when Kim checked him she was wearing grey with a red logo. Also when Saul is with her he always has a white shirt on and she usually wears blue. I guess that's supposed to symbolize her keeping the purity in him. I'm guessing it'll be a struggle for him to turn mainly due to her. All I can say is that it's going to get really good soon

EDIT : also brown is used a lot. Saul changes from brown to grey a lot
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That interrogation room scene was hilarious. One of those scenes that's a perfect example of what the show's supposed to be.
That shot from the bottom of the cupholder was fire.

I also liked how he said "it must be metric".

Before that, he was flaunting the new Benz at the nail salon but what I liked the most is the Vietnamese nail salon owner just shaking her head thinking "You're going to mess up and come right back soon".
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid
Originally Posted by CP1708

Morally flexible.

He WANTS to be Saul. He hates this suit & tie drivel. He wants to mix it up. He thrives in that world. Not the Cocobolo desks and gold pens ****.
Seeing him in both rooms, he feels more comfortable with the crooks. Getting over on people is his true calling.

Just dawned on what Vince has done... AGAIN.

He is creating a character that so many of us wish we could be as we live out our family man, suit and tie lives.

I mean, I've always been a rebel. Wearing an Alpinestars fitted at my desk right now, listening to Sublime. (Being o NT ain't really rebelling, because personal time on the computers ain't really a big deal so long as work gets done, and I get my stuff done). And I don't do mandatory overtime. Off at 5? I'm out by 5:01.

But wearing a fitted, listening to Sublime, leaving when overtime is supposed to mandatory... that ain't no damn Walter White. 
 If I fell on hard times, I'd absolutely WANT to start mastering some bomb meth recipe and collects funds for my family... but I'd stay the way the things are, and then die.

Saul? Man, I have all the ability to use what I've got to accomplish much more devious things than wearing a damn fitted when we're not allowed to wear hats. I've done short cons before, but ultimately I go back to my vanilla life, being a good daddy and safe boyfriend and productive employee.

Saul, like CP and Uptempo said, he ain't comfortable with that vanilla life. When he was in the interrogation room, son was in his element like we haven't seen yet. Doing that sandpiper investigation, that wasn't him. In the board room, all fidgety and wandering eyes. But in the interrogation room, lying like hell to those cops, dude was doing that as naturally as he breathes.

Sorry for rambling. Realllly don't wanna get back to work.

I wanna be Saul, just like I wanted to be Heisenberg.

Vince, man.
KingParappa KingParappa I said the exact same thing about the two face reference to Chuck when he was talking to Hamlin. That shadow was covering his whole left side.

I know we were clowning dudes last season...but Ernesto might really be Gus' son..Or he just somebody else with a bigger role down the line, his presence is too clear at this point
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