Better Call Saul Season Thread - Season Six - April 18th

Jimmy navigating both sides of his character was done really well. In the meeting with the lawyers and showing his skill and competence, and then the Saul-ness of his character in the interrogation room with the cops.. I loved both. 

Mike's storyline was brilliant as well. I am really happy to see how much he's been involved.. it's not quite 50/50, but I'm glad he's been getting his own story and wasn't simply a complimentary character for Jimmy. While Jimmy is more of a complex character better suited to be the focus, Mike is easily my favorite character and watching him work has been awesome.
I see a lot of hate for Kim right now. SMH

She's no Skyler IMO.

She basically told him do him just don't let her see it.

Respectable to me.
It was only an "overreaction" based on the current tone of the episode.. but that was the point. Things were all well and good and Jimmy was riding high, but she brought him back down a peg. I mean, what he did was  wrong.. at the very least, it's something that he shouldn't be doing considering his position with a new firm and important case he's working on. 

That's part of her character and an important part of her relationship to Jimmy. What was crucial wasn't that she told him how wrong he was or how risky that kind of behavior can be.. but rather "I can't hear about this".
i thought when she said "i cant hear about this ever again" it was implied that meant jimmy wont ever DO anything like this again for her to have to hear about

not necessarily that she was saying do what you want and just dont let me find out

then again she knows jimmy is a crook and in all likelihood she knows telling him not to do it is futile
i thought when she said "i cant hear about this ever again" it was implied that meant jimmy wont ever DO anything like this again for her to have to hear about

not necessarily that she was saying do what you want and just dont let me find out

then again she knows jimmy is a crook and in all likelihood she knows telling him not to do it is futile
I think she was saying whats in italics.

I think jimmy will take it purposely as whats in bold even though he knows she meant italics
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I swear man
She only wanna claim jimmy now that he on top
Ol gold diggin ***
Then wanna act all high and mighty
come on now.. you think if she was gold digging she would be messing with him from when he worked in the mail room, to when he was a public defender and lived in the back of a nail salon? chick does one thing ya'll ain't feeling and you guys get the pitchforks out

trust if she was a gold digger she wouldn't look twice at jimmy and that yellow old beat up whip. it's gonna be a sad scenario however jimmy and kim eventually part ways, she's a real one imo.
Originally Posted by ohokalright
Originally Posted by had pants

when you look in da dictionary for da work player hater, this is what you see.
nothing more beautiful then to watch scum like this get bodied into oblivion by da success of da one they've been hating on.
I can't be the only one secretly hoping for a scene just like this where Slippin Jimmy has the floor, and says something along the lines of 'It would be like handing a machine gun... to a chimp,' and then stares his big brother down hard. 
Oh yes. That would be great :lol:

I'd want that to happen during a trial where Jimmy is clearly going to win and says that in summation. Chuck's in the back and Jimmy stares right at him when he says it.
That's what I initially thought about the cover story. I thought I missed something and he actually went through getting the interior pimped out lol. If I was nacho I would have made that part of the deal. Would be funny as hell to see Mike whippin around on some "interior crocodile navigator, I drive a Chevrolet movie theater" type steez :rofl: :rofl:
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