Better Call Saul Season Thread - Season Six - April 18th

Chuck out here lying to folks about electronics but expecting Jimmy to walk the straight and narrow.
Meh to this ep. It was solid but annoyed me.

From ol girl now worrying about herself cuz she spoke up for Jimmy to his boss at the firm. I know that actor and it was only a matter of time he came through with his patented angry voice :lol:

To me it was all bull ****. So much bureaucracy. For a harmless commercial.

At this point I'm beginning to think what causes Jimmy to become Saul the criminal lawyer is some big tragedy. He's gonna have to shed his bro and girl.

Mike :smh: This daughter-in-law is either crazy or trying to get one over on him.

Nice call back with that pig toy :lol: :smokin

Its sad watching Mike in BCS knowing how he went out in BB
It does come to mind but hey he accepted his death. Broke his rule with a half measure. Walt didn't.
The fact that Jimmy changes his mind constantly just to appease Kim and be in her good graces irritates me. I can understand she spoke up for Jimmy but she shouldn't **** on him every time he does something she doesn't agree with.

Chuck is a **** boy.
The pins and needles, wondering if that was gonna be Gus....... :smh:

I need an Ally McBeal dream sequence where Jimmy comes over that table and tazes Chuck. Dirt bag

One of the things I'm loving, Jimmy so quick and fast and movin movin movin, and Mike, just plods along, but equally brilliant, equally bright, just 8 steps ahead of everybody else. Love the contrast in the two stories.

All the bs just causes Saul to want out more and more, be his own boss, call his own shots. Big *** law firm sendin out pamphlets. Lame *** commercials. But grippin over one spot, that nets 107 calls in one day. Outta here.

Kim gonna cause some real damage at some point. I think she turns Jimmy to Saul, not Chuck. Chuck just set the course, Kim is gonna flip the switch.
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Am I the only one who gets Kim on here?

I don't fault Jimmy but he puttin Kim in some bad positions.

She is not the villain NT wants her to be.

She good peoples in my book 
^ I'd bet most people get that.

She's not a villain in a sense of 'bad person'.

She's a villain in a sense of 'obstructing the main character from shining'.

But the main character, we all know, transforms into a 'criminal lawyer'.

So if she's obstructing a criminal, she's a good person... but that person is our hero, so she's our villain.

All the old people in this ep had me :lol:

I also think the commercial storyline was kinda lame because we can see where it's going from a mile away. This show has been pretty good in not doing that.
Show makes me mad uncomfortable. Kim Reminds me of an ex I dated a long time ago. I was constantly walking on pins and needles trying everything I could not to upset her but she always got pissed at something. Kim reminds me of that situation like no other. Ughgh that was like 10 years ago and I'm still scarred. Kim can go to hell for real. With that fart smelling face she has on all the time
Kim just wants the best for Saul. He's like the friend who's basically a good dude but constantly puts his career, health, etc. in jeopardy by doing reckless @!!@, ignores your advice, and eventually breaks your trust or brings you down with him. Maybe some of you have had amazing luck and have never been associated with this type of dude, or maybe you have but just have hatred for smart women :lol:
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Show makes me mad uncomfortable. Kim Reminds me of an ex I dated a long time ago. I was constantly walking on pins and needles trying everything I could not to upset her but she always got pissed at something. Kim reminds me of that situation like no other. Ughgh that was like 10 years ago and I'm still scarred. Kim can go to hell for real. With that fart smelling face she has on all the time

Let That Hurt Go Bro!
I was hoping for Gus too but knew it was going to be Nacho

Kim's voice is so deep sometimes :lol:
This "somebody" that Nacho has a problem with better be Gus or somebody interesting.
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