Better Call Saul Season Thread - Season Six - April 18th

The hatred for Skyler bordered on misogyny... it almost made BB discussions unbearable at times. Yes, she had her faults as a character that made disliking her very easy, but good god.. you couldn't read through this thread without every post being "F Skyler" over and over.
^ On the interwebz, sure.

At the time BB was on, I discussed it on here and had a group of friends I talked about it at the place I used to work at. 'Skyler the Horrible' was never discussed in person, and in the years since it has been over, I've never met one person who complained about her the way people do online and especially on NT.
So wait, are we really saying Skylar cheating on her cancer stricken husband with an old flame/coworker is okay? That's not a justifiable reason to dislike her without being called a misogynist? Maybe I need to rewatch, because I remember Skylar being difficult at every turn. And not in the 'I'm just trying to keep you on track' way like Kim, but in the just conflict for the sake of conflict way at times.

I think that was intentional though. Walt was supposed to be that guy who lets everyone else decide for him, so make the impact of his 'break bad' hit that much harder. If you look back, everyone kind of bullied Walt early on.
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I'm sorry, I can't feel sorry for a guy who had a glorified midlife crisis and decided to sell drugs. Dude was a liar, he was manipulative, and just because he had cancer doesn't mean he's absolved from any responsibility for his actions.

Like, I cannot believe some of you think it's ok that he disappeared on his PREGNANT wife for days. Or missed the birth of his daughter just to complete a drug deal :lol:. She was just supposed to let Walt run amok unchallenged? I don't understand what you guys wanted her to do...
^ Exactly.

I'm rewatching BB right now, almost done with S2. Walt just lies to Sky every chance he gets, and she knows it. And us fans watching the show, we know these aren't little lies, we know it's some serious mess Walt is lying to cover, we know, we get it.

Sky had no idea, but she knows it's big, and she knows Walt is not cheating, and the point I'm at now, Sky is picking up that Walt is paying for his own treatments.

Disappearing for days, making tens of thousands of dollars, and it's worth lying about.

Yes, cheating was justified, because their relationship was over.

And I can convince all of you you're being unfair with one simple tactic: gender reversal.

"Sky just lies to Walt every chance she gets, and he knows it."

Just right there, y'all would hate her and applaud Walt cheating. Stop lying. Yes you would. :lol:

"And us fans watching the show, we know these aren't little lies, we know it's some serious mess she's lying to cover, we know, we get it.

Walt had no idea, but he knows it's big, and he knows Sky is not cheating, and the point I'm at now, Walt is picking up that Sky is paying for her own treatments."

You would allllll the way justify Walt getting topped off by an old flame. :lol: Be honest. If that were the actual show, NT would erupt with vitriol towards her every week.
I'm sorry, I can't feel sorry for a guy who had a glorified midlife crisis and decided to sell drugs. Dude was a liar, he was manipulative, and just because he had cancer doesn't mean he's absolved from any responsibility for his actions.

Like, I cannot believe some of you think it's ok that he disappeared on his PREGNANT wife for days. Or missed the birth of his daughter just to complete a drug deal :lol:. She was just supposed to let Walt run amok unchallenged? I don't understand what you guys wanted her to do...
He was selling drugs to provide for his family and set up enough money for them to live well on after he died. He wasn't selling drugs because he was bored and had a midlife crisis.
Yes, cheating was justified, because their relationship was over.
As a historic cheater, I can say for a fact cheating is never justified.

All his actions warranted a divorce though even though what he was doing had nothing to do with their relationship.

How you so morally outraged at selling drugs that you counter that with cheating?

The **** out of here!
Yeah, I agree it wasn't a midlife crisis. It just so happened that a point in his life that we call midlife.
I'm sorry, I can't feel sorry for a guy who had a glorified midlife crisis and decided to sell drugs. Dude was a liar, he was manipulative, and just because he had cancer doesn't mean he's absolved from any responsibility for his actions.

Like, I cannot believe some of you think it's ok that he disappeared on his PREGNANT wife for days. Or missed the birth of his daughter just to complete a drug deal :lol:. She was just supposed to let Walt run amok unchallenged? I don't understand what you guys wanted her to do...
He was selling drugs to provide for his family and set up enough money for them to live well on after he died. He wasn't selling drugs because he was bored and had a midlife crisis.

Exactly. Boggles my mind people don't understand this
[quote name="KingKoopa"][QUOTE name="DarthSka"]Yes, cheating was justified, because their relationship was over.[/QUOTE]As a historic cheater, I can say for a fact cheating is never justified.

All his actions warranted a divorce though even though what he was doing had nothing to do with their relationship.

How you so morally outraged at selling drugs that you counter that with cheating?

The **** out of here![/quote]As someone who has never cheated, and wouldn't in Sky's situation, I'm saying: I get it.
Yeah, I agree it wasn't a midlife crisis. It just so happened that a point in his life that we call midlife.
I will say, once things start falling apart for him, it becomes sort of a midlife crisis. The whole buying him and his son the fancy cars thing. But at the onset of his prognosis, it was really a noble, yet incredibly flawed, mission to provide financial stability for his family.
This guys gets cancer, and decides to sell drugs to provide for the future of his family. Fairly simple enough concept if all he did was cook a few batches of meth and then get the $737,000 and called it quits. But nah, that wasn't just it.

This wasn't a midlife crisis? A genius who is wasting his talents being a high school chem teacher and works at a car wash part time, who sees his former business partners thriving. 40+ years old with a child on the way, a guy who was seemingly picked on and pushed around to a degree. I don't think it's about being bored, more like needing a reason to act how he did.

I don't doubt his intentions were good in the beginning, but Walt used that cancer as an excuse to do whatever the hell he wanted.
I'm not excusing her behavior, justifying all her actions,  or saying everyone who disliked her character or actions hated women.. of course not.

But trust me, I was in here for every single page of Breaking Bad discussion from about season 3 to the end.. and A LOT of the attitude and comments toward her were pure hate that went above and beyond just the show 
 It happened on a few different websites/discussion boards too, so it's not just a NT thing. But a large portion of the Skyler hate was people being angry at a woman for standing in the way of Walt and giving him problems.

And Walt's decision to cook was initially a financial one, but soon became all about him. He admitted so in the end, he was good at it and enjoyed it. And as always, it isn't a strictly black and white thing, but Walt's past decisions and regrets played a major part in him continuing to cook and risking more and more.
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I watched the series this year for the first time and never read anything about it or any of the threads. I ******* hated Skylar. Not because she was a woman, but because of how annoying and stupid she was. The whole thing with giving her boss the money epitomized my hate for her. Her arrogance puts her family at risk when Walt can't use the money he thinks he has stashed in the crib to escape.
HER arrogance put the family at risk? My god :lol:

She was dead *** wrong for giving Ted that money, but she did it because if it came down to the IRS auditing the car wash's books they were ******. If anything she was trying to help, even though she went about it in a terrible way. Ted was a prick, she should've let him fall off all by himself.
Some of y'all are putting on that cape for her. She ****** another dude and gave him money that Walt made. She insisted The money Walt made be used to help out Hank. She was all good throwing that money around when she saw fit.

And a ******* HJ? For the birthday??? Nah B! Skylar was **** and y'all trying to cape for her.
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

Some of y'all are putting on that cape for her. She ****** another dude and gave him money that Walt made. She insisted The money Walt made be used to help out Hank. She was all good throwing that money around when she saw fit.

And a ******* HJ? For the birthday??? Nah B! Skylar was **** and y'all trying to cape for her.
Just another person who would be singing a different tune if the genders were reversed. 
I watched the series this year for the first time and never read anything about it or any of the threads. I ******* hated Skylar. Not because she was a woman, but because of how annoying and stupid she was. The whole thing with giving her boss the money epitomized my hate for her. Her arrogance puts her family at risk when Walt can't use the money he thinks he has stashed in the crib to escape.
Gilligan and Skyler herself addressed it, it was that much of an "issue"

One of the criticisms of Breaking Bad that keeps coming up is over the female characters. Skyler White is seen by some as this henpecking woman who stands in the way of all of Walt’s fun.

Man, I don’t see it that way at all. We’ve been at events and had all our actors up onstage, and people ask Anna Gunn, “Why is your character such a *****?” And with the risk of painting with too broad a brush, I think the people who have these issues with the wives being too *****y on Breaking Bad are misogynists, plain and simple. I like Skyler a little less now that she’s succumbed to Walt’s machinations, but in the early days she was the voice of morality on the show. She was the one telling him, “You can’t cook crystal meth.” She’s got a tough job being married to this *******. And this, by the way, is why I should avoid the Internet at all costs. People are griping about Skyler White being too much of a killjoy to her meth-cooking, murdering husband? She’s telling him not to be a murderer and a guy who cooks drugs for kids. How could you have a problem with that?
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Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

He's right about the HJ though
Longest serious, living together relationship you've ever been in?

Sure, it's nice to IMAGINE, "Man, my girl better give me a damn 3 some for my birthday. Been together a year, 50 years, idc."


Longest serious, living together relationship you've ever been in?
Longest serious, living together relationship you've ever been in?

Sure, it's nice to IMAGINE, "Man, my girl better give me a damn 3 some for my birthday. Been together a year, 50 years, idc."


Longest serious, living together relationship you've ever been in?
6 years and this aint HS.

***** use that mouf!

She thought she was doin it 
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