Better Call Saul Season Thread - Season Six - April 18th

This is why people step out on their significant others. Next time Kim doesn't want to let Jimmy in the guts, he needs to call that wife of the politician from last season
Don't judge all women and relationships like that though. There are certified nymphos out there that won't lose that drive as long as their body allows it, have you being the one with the excuses. I've had both, you can tell the ones that will slow down and the ones that won't.
Ain't nobody a nympho for as long as Walt and Sky had been together up until we saw the bday handie, though.
 Junior's what? 17? And you figure they were together at least a year before?

Ain't no one a nympho for 18 years, and IF THERE WERE, they don't look like the couple we see in Walt and Sky, Mr. and Mrs. Play It Safe. 
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Ain't nobody a nympho for as long as Walt and Sky had been together up until we saw the bday handie, though.:lol:  He's what? 17? And you figure they were together at least a year before?

Ain't no one a nympho for 18 years, and IF THERE WERE, they don't look like the couple we see in Walt and Sky, Mr. and Mrs. Play It Safe. :lol:

Why you ruining our dreams bro?
Almost time. My predictions are that jimmy doesn't get fired but this puts a big strain on his and Kim's relationships. Also that mike has some sort of moral dilemma or something idk haha
Where y'all at? 

Chuck extra grimey. Literally the only thing going wrong with Jimmy's new gig is the stuff Chuck's whispering in people's ears. 
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It's pretty crazy to me watching this show at times and seeing every single person Walt killed basically on his own :lol:

It's like this dude's life comes to an end by Walt, so does him, so does her, etc.
:rofl: @ Mike playing the senile old man.

In the end Kim was right even though I still felt she overreacted. This commercial thing got her screwed.
Tuco really was insane. Cops got guns drawn on you, hit the old man again. He'd be dead right there if that was a black man.
If Tuco really does go to jail for a few years and that opens the door for a Nacho/Mike partnership, I'm here for it.
Krazy 8 sighting, yea the tucos going to jail is gonna open along the of things to potentially happen with that storyline
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I love listening and watching Mike work. Even something as simple as him breaking down and analyzing Nacho's plan in the parking lot... just awesome.

Then the interaction with the gun dealer.. pure gold.

"You went a long way not to pull that trigger... why?"

I've absolutely loved Mike's story this season so far. Similar to Saul/Jimmy, we know where he ends up, so it's fascinating watching him get to that point. The small choices, decisions, philosophies, that add up to the guy we meet in Breaking Bad. Mike is fighting against being that guy right now. Nacho said it himself.. he got half the money for skipping out a job with 1/10 the effort. Mike doesn't want to be that guy just yet, he doesn't have to be that guy. But he's slowly inching towards that person he becomes.

He's stepping up to the bigger jobs, but using his intelligence and cleverness to avoid the potential danger and risk.. and that's been a lot of fun to watch.


On the flipside, Jimmy's storyline was pretty simple. The fallout from his lie. The partners gave him one more chance, Kim was banished and is giving him another chance, and he and Chuck had their small battle as well. Through all of that, you still see how good of a guy Jimmy wants to be. He'll give up the law if it puts Kim back in the firm's good graces... but he also wants Chuck to admit something he knows he can't/won't admit. A smaller story for him, but it covered all the bases and let Mike get more shine.

Really good episode.
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