Better Call Saul Season Thread - Season Six - April 18th

I feel kinda bad for Chuck.

Dude has charisma and speech set on -10 and -100 respectively while Saul is balling out with maxed stats in all those categories.

Watching Saul really makes me wish I watched BB from the jump. But I'm still glad I binged the series when I did.
Writers doing a good job of making Chuck a complex character. In a good guy world he'd be the hero but all things aint equal so of course he gets the shaft socially. Still dislike him but I knew it wasn't jealousy for why he was against Jimmy. This deep rooted history. If Jimmy can steal from his father, **** up the family business and probably indirectly lead to his pop's death I wouldn't want to trust family like that either. You let Jimmy be a partner at HHM and that firm would go under eventually.

This ending though :pimp: :smokin

If there was on thing I felt Breaking Bad didn't make the most out of was Mark Margolis' acting. Dude is a great presence as a character actor. The show only made the best use out of his face acting and ringing that bell :lol: and one flashback where a young him punked Gus. Hope he's here for the rest of the season.

I hope Mike put him in that wheelchair .
C'mon b.

Hector in that wheelchair cuz of a stroke or something. Not no beating from Mike :lol:
Now I can't stand chuck, but I don't blame him for not rushing to give him a seat at the big boy table for discovering this case. Earlier in the thread cats were bashing chuck for that, but they must not know what it's like to have a family member that you can't trust. I understood his stance on that.
Hector in that wheelchair cuz of a stroke or something. Not no beating from Mike :lol:
so we're gonna sit here & act like Mike isn't capable of keeping Old Man quiet .
Not Hector Salamanca. He's not just any old man.

Mike and his fam would be dead. He'd have to poison dude to do that. Which we know he doesn't.

It's pretty simple. Dude told Mike to kill Tuco. Mike came up with a half measure plan just so he wouldn't have to kill dude and now he's in this trouble.

If anything part of this show is about Mike fully committing to the underworld as a clean up guy and part-time hitman the same way it's about Jimmy becoming Saul. Mike aint there yet.
Caught the episode tonight after all.

Jimmy humming the rocky theme to Mike :rofl:

Ernesto Fring and the blue EVO :pimp:

Rebecca :evil:

Couple questions:

Mike knows who Tio Salamanca is right? like is he aware of Salamanca family/what kind of danger he's in?

also I was confused about what Kim was doing calling all those people. They spent like 20 mins on it, I found it more annoying filler than story building but whatever, what was she doing?
Mike's aware of the family. He made that clear when Nacho hired him to kill Tuco. He may not know a lot about Tio now but he'll find out after this ep but he knows he's screwed and is gonna have to do this.

Kim was doing exactly what she said she was gonna do to Jimmy, get herself out of the dog house by calling connects to bring in new big name clients which she eventually does.
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