BFA's Chemistry Series: Whats Your Fav Nas Track Produced By Premo

May 30, 2006
need something different in the music forum, so this is the first part of a series of threads where we'll discuss just good musical chemistry.


·NY State Of Mind pt 1 & 2

·Memory Lane

·I Gave You Power

·Nas Is Like

·Come Get Me

·2[sup]nd[/sup] Childhood

My fav Nas/Premo collabo would have to be Nas Is Like, that track is just Nas in his greatest lyrical form and the beat is classic!
nas is like is that*#+#, but 2nd childhood just reminded me of so many people in real life. smh an i never wanna be a 2nd childhood n
After serious thought how is not every answer 2nd Childhood? If there was never a 2nd Childhood Memory Lane would be my pick tho

Straight up sh*t is real,
and any day could be your last in the jungle......

I have always preffered Nasty to Nas, and this track just brings out that raw grittiness that made me gravitate to dude the first time I heard him.
this is difficult

but i will go with NY state of mind with I gave you power & Nas is like right behind.

why don't these two jabronis just make an album together?
For me its between 2nd Childhood and Nas Is Like however I think 2nd Childhood has just always had more replay value for me so I have to go with that.
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