Big Bear

^ from what i've heard, it's never icy, never crowded, and their small terrain park is still fun. and if you don't have a season pass, youcan't beat 18 bucks.

but if you're looking for variety, high or bear would be your best bet. save the 18 and go there (i'd suggest day at high cuz night has been icylately)
it's always good to try something new though.

EDIT: btw, what new board are you riding on?
My new one is a Nitro Punisher. Its so sick, really flexible. My last board was jacked out of my car at SDSU, and I got hooked up from Active with a really,really, really good deal. Most of my old friends from high school have worked at Active for a minute and they are all managers/assistant managers at thedifferent Actives.
I've only been to Mtn. High and Snow Valley, and Snow Valley is less crowded...hardly any lines, and it's still powdery. Imma take my gf there againthis Wednesday. Prolly go up to Big Bear or Snow Summit soon because I still have my 2 for 1 lift ticket from Ski Dazzle I still need to use...
damn that sucks.
but that hookup is sickkkk
have fun on the board man
but be careful for spring conditions. rocks and dirt everywhere = not cool haha

and yeah same here llcooljunr. i still have two of those haha

how far are you guys from high and bear?
Thanks man. Well I live in San Diego, so im like, maybe 2-3 hrs from bear depending on traffic. I have never been to Mtn High, so I wouldnt know how far I amfrom there. But from one of my guys at Active, he said he could get me a free lift ticket, so im thinking i'll be up there within the next few weeks. Whereare you located?
I went to UCSD for one year back in 2000/2001, and my roommate at the time drove out to Mtn. High every weekend. I think it's 2 hours at the most from SD,since the 15 freeway is right there. I couldn't understand why he would drive up there so much until I started snowboarding myself. I'm currently inCorona right now, so the fastest I've gone up there is about 45 min. To big bear, it's about 45 min to the 30, and I'm guessing another 45 minup...
Yea, I would be trippin' about gas being so expensive driving up to bear all the time, but a lot of my friends live in/around Orange County. Mostly theMission Viejo/Laguna Niguel area. So I just drive the 45-55minutes up there and then bum rides off them. My one homie Alex owns a cabin up in bear off ofsugarloaf. So we usually stay there. Every once in a while his friend hooks it up with free tickets to snow summit!
Its only happened once out of the 6 or so times ive been up there though. lol.Im thinking about taking a quick day trip up to mtn high though, especially with that Active employee discount.

Have you ever been to Tahoe/Mammoth? Is it worth the drive/trip?
ooh dope
i'm about an hour 15 away from mt high without traffic. and like 2 hours 30 or so to bear
driven to high like 15 times this season.. so it's been about 2000 miles for me haha. but whatever
and if you do go to high, i'd suggest going on a midweek day (besides wednesdays cuz they have that two for one special) so there aren't any crowds.
it'll make your 2 hour drive a lot more worth it

but yeah mammy is dope.
never been to tahoe but if you go, hit up northstar.
i've also been hearing good things about june's (about 30 minutes away from mamm) terrain park this year
So would you say that Mammoth is worth the money and drive? Or should I just save money and time and go to bear twice? lol I was going try and set up a Mammothtrip with my friends, but didnt think it was worth it. Especially with one of my boys who owns a cabin up at Bear.
if you guys all have the money i'd say go for it.
it's good to experience at least once a year
but if not, i'd say to stay with bear since it's cheaper and a lot more convenient

if you do go though, hit up schats bakery and there was some dope beef jerky place on the way up (the city before mammy)
Originally Posted by do12jet

if you guys all have the money i'd say go for it.
it's good to experience at least once a year
but if not, i'd say to stay with bear since it's cheaper and a lot more convenient

if you do go though, hit up schats bakery and there was some dope beef jerky place on the way up (the city before mammy)

Thanks man, i'll do that for sure. Does anyone know when Mammoths season ends?
usually late june or early/mid july i think
we usually do high in the beginning/main part of the season, bear mid-late season, and mammy late late season.
then if you're really desperate to board, oregon (mt hood) during late late late season.
i heard an indoor resort is gonna open in vegas within the next few years as well.
so.. that'll be a better drive than going up to oregon. haha
^I'm also wondering when Mtn. High's season ends... I was talking to the guys who work at Powder and Sun on the road up to Mtn. High; they said theyhave a big clearance sale on everything right when it ends. It's been getting a little warm the last couple days...
INDOOR @ VEGAS? thats some Japan/Korea type stuff. That is the only places I know that has indoor "outdoor" places. Mammoth just might be in my nearfuture. THanks for the help/knowledge do12jet!
np man

& mt high usually closes mid april (they closed early march last season though)
active usually has sales on all snow stuff around march-$#*. sometimes late february. and it's usually like 50% off.
you can also find some good deals online. sometimes itll go up to like.. 60% but it depends i guess.

and yeahh it's some type of thing where it's a hugeee indoor water park and the snow park. dubai has a dope one.
but i don't know if i'd want to travel there. hahah (except they have that dope looking 7 star resort)

but yeah man. mammoth is dope and the drive is easy (similar to mt high. just three times the distance). wayyyyy different than the drive up to bear with allthe 25mph turns, etc
Originally Posted by do12jet

if you guys all have the money i'd say go for it.
it's good to experience at least once a year
but if not, i'd say to stay with bear since it's cheaper and a lot more convenient

if you do go though, hit up schats bakery and there was some dope beef jerky place on the way up (the city before mammy)

just came back from mammoth yesterday and it was so dope I was expecting it to be crowded but the lift lines were pretty manageble, the cabin we stayed atwas literally walking distance away from the canyon lodge/village, and we went to schats bakery in Bishop, it was bomb copped a turkey sandwich and some sugarcookies
dopeee. those sugar cookies are bomb.
my friend had to get his mom like 6 cases so she could give some away. hahah
but damn. that's sick. you can't beat walking to board.
when we went up, we were closest to canyon, but we had to drive like 5 minutes. haha
(i don't know if you saw this too, but you can even take the bus to each resort. so sick lol)
how were the conditions up there?
the conditions were good, It was a real beautiful day not a cloud in the sky, the snow was packed and groomed but it wasn't hard enough to hurt when youfell, I also heard that it was gonna be snowing this weekend, it was real cold in the morning but it went up to around 40-50 towards midday hot enough that Iwas going on runs with my jacket unzipped. And that bus is the truth, it's free, goes all over town, and you never have to wait a long time for a bus tocome
How much are lift tickets to mammoth? And what is a good average price for a place to stay up in mammoth?
lift tickets right now are 79 bucks, and i think it depends on where you stay, check this site out this is where we got our cabin,
yeahhh. and you can also get like a 2 day/3 day pass, which will save you SOME money. not a ton.. but hey. saving's saving i guess. (if you're 18 oryounger, you get tickets for cheaper too. just make sure you take your id with you. 19-21 is a little more expensive, but 22+ is the most)
and since spring season is coming up, ticket prices will get even lower. lodging will usually get cheaper when spring conditions hit, too..
so be on the lookout for those specials.

lodging isn't bad at all. if you go up with 10 friends, it's pretty cheap. and if you're on budget. fast food is the way to go. (we each spent 230for room, food, gas costs for 5 days and paid 180 for a 3 day lift ticket - this was a week before christmas and also ate at a steakhouse one night)

it's fun to board up there.. but i honestly had more fun just because of the lifestyle. hanging out with friends in the cabin is a dope experience.
Damn, thats not bad at all. I spent 200 for four days at Big Bear. AND the damn cabin was free. lol. alcohol, food, lift tickets, gas...killing me softly...
hahah damn.
but it's all good.
having a good time is always worth the money.

anyway, some sick realms up on right now.
act quick before theyre gone.
Originally Posted by do12jet

hahah damn.
but it's all good.
having a good time is always worth the money.

anyway, some sick realms up on right now.
act quick before theyre gone.

Damn, not bad Jet--Thanks for the good looks!!!
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