Big Bear

Active Snow Sale started today... I almost forgot about it. UP TO 50% off... not as great as last year's 50% off clearance. I was able to pick up a helmetfor half price, at least it was something I needed instead of another board, hehe.
Originally Posted by llcooljunr

Active Snow Sale started today... I almost forgot about it. UP TO 50% off... not as great as last year's 50% off clearance. I was able to pick up a helmet for half price, at least it was something I needed instead of another board, hehe.
Good lookin' out on the Active sale. I totally forgot about it.
Trying to keep this post alive, hehe...

Is the snow still good or got better at Mt. High? I was there last Friday before it started raining, and it did feel like it was starting to heat up. Thesnows starting to recede alot too.

Man, you weren't kidding about the icyness at night. It went from slushy to icy within an hour. All I hear is my board grinding on the ice as I go downthe hill... I gotta push down extra hard to make sure my edges catch while turning. Almost slipped and fell while I was walking towards the tables...
^that ice gets you homie. lol.

I was planning on hitting up Bear this weekend, but I might not make the trip it if its going to be 100 degrees.
I just went 2 weeks ago for the first time in 10 years myself and had a blast. It was like riding a bike and within the first couple of runs i was right backto where i was back in the day. I ended up going 3 times in a week because i just couldnt get enough. I cant believe i have been missing out on this for solong, ive been trippin and im planning on going all the damn time next season.
Jeuce, naw i'm devin

i know a jeremy though
and we kind of look similar when we board
haha. i don't know if it's the same one you're thinking about though
Originally Posted by theymademepick

the backshop in fashion valley is closing in one week but everything is 50% off. all sorts of good snow deals.
Last time I went in there I almost went into shock it was so damn expensive. Im hoping that since its closing it will hit like 70% off later this
Originally Posted by yeahitsRUST

Originally Posted by theymademepick

the backshop in fashion valley is closing in one week but everything is 50% off. all sorts of good snow deals.
Last time I went in there I almost went into shock it was so damn expensive. Im hoping that since its closing it will hit like 70% off later this week. lol.

it won't hit 70% off, at 50% off, we're losing money.

snowboarding is expensive, you can blame all the brands for that. everything we had at full price was MSRP.
Oh ok. Yeah were probably talking about the same guy. 31 married with kids? You guys ride with Pek and Jackson and Lawrence and stuff right?
wait #*# he has kids?
damn, i was shocked when i found out he was 31 haha. i was thinking him and lawrence were both like 22 tops lol

have i ridden with you before?
Originally Posted by yeahitsRUST

Feelmode ^^ where do you live? I wish I was close enough to go that often...
I live in Los Angeles, however im pretty used to the drive seeing as my ladys parents live in Highland which is right below the mountain, combine thatthe fact i dont have a regular 9-5 and i can kind of go when i want. I honestly cant believe i haven't been going all the time. Definitely going to try andget at least one more ride up this season and then next season im seriously trying to go very often.
umm maybe man. im sure we have ridden together before in a big +@@ group. maybe last weekend? i was the dude in the blue airblaster jacket practicing theBackside 1's on the Wedge. Have you ridden with Donellyn and Isaac before too? I usually roll with them.
oooh yeah we probably have.
i think i know who you are now
i've seen donellyn before but never really met her.
were you riding with her and malcom last week? or in that group when he was filming.

i think i was standing with you guys in the middle of the road gap haha

you're asian right?
Yeah thats me. Whens the next time your going up?

anyhow i just came back from Mammoth today, ***# was FUN! The Roxy Chicken Jam event was going on and after we got done riding we went out to the after party. Crazy night. Heres some pics from this weekend.



wow im so jealous dude.
that's still like an 8 foot base.

and i'm jealous you danced with pro boarders

but not sure when imma go back up
i've got class everyday now
when you going back up?
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