big sean featuring kendrick lamar and jay electronica "no i.d" freestyle

right, I can't debate hip hop history with someone that could be my son
Hit Em Up created more buzz hands down yo. And really what does it matter than Kendrick dropped a buzz-worthy verse compared to impactful songs? It's basically making excuses for the song to go down in hip-hop history. Not that it won't, but verses like Cappadonna's Winter Warz verse and others are hands down more historical than Kendrick mentioning his competition's name. What did he say that makes it more impactful than other great verses? "The following need to step their game up because I want to be better than you" I'm all for what Kendrick did but you're playing this up bigger than it is. The Real Roxanne and The Bridge is over probably had more "buzz" than this verse.
It WILL be the most impactful. The word will indicates futurity. I am making a prediction. You don't have to agree with it. Not sure how you could refute it but certainty will come with time. And Winter Warz was a terrible example in terms of impact. It's one of my favorite verses but hardly anyone has even heard it as opposed to Kendrick's.
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Hit Em Up created more buzz hands down yo. And really what does it matter than Kendrick dropped a buzz-worthy verse compared to impactful songs? It's basically making excuses for the song to go down in hip-hop history. Not that it won't, but verses like Cappadonna's Winter Warz verse and others are hands down more historical than Kendrick mentioning his competition's name. What did he say that makes it more impactful than other great verses? "The following need to step their game up because I want to be better than you" I'm all for what Kendrick did but you're playing this up bigger than it is. The Real Roxanne and The Bridge is over probably had more "buzz" than this verse.
It WILL be the most impactful. The word will indicates futurity. I am making a prediction. You don't have to agree with it. Not sure how you could refute it but certainty will come with time. And Winter Warz was a terrible example. It's the stronger verse imo but hardly anyone has even heard it opposed to Kendrick's.

Anyone your age has hardly heard it compared to Kendrick's. That verse is widely regarded as a top 5 verse of all time by legal adults. Using social media as your backing to refute your opinion shows where the next generation of hip-hop is heading.
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Winter Warz was a terrible example in terms of impact. It's one of my favorite verses but hardly anyone has even heard it as opposed to Kendrick's.
You are really showing your age with statements like this. It Ain't Hard To Tell you don't know what you're talking about when you're discussing this culture; especially an era when you were still ******** in a diaper.
right, I can't debate hip hop history with someone that could be my son
Not with statements like that last one you can't. Age is irrelevant in this situation as I guarantee I'm more knowledgeable of the genre. Sayin' that a line as simple as the one you quoted could be greater than such a verse is beyond ignorant.
Just because you spent hours googling hip-hop facts doesn't validate your opinion on the impact of something that came out when you weren't even born. You can't speak on the impact of Hit Em Up because you simply weren't there for it, just like I can't speak on the impact of Blowfly breaking through on vulgar music.
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right, I can't debate hip hop history with someone that could be my son
Not with statements like that last one you can't. Age is irrelevant in this situation as I guarantee I'm more knowledgeable of the genre. Sayin' that a line as simple as the one you quoted could be greater than such a verse is beyond ignorant.

See, age is not irrelevant because you're talking about the impact of something you weren't even alive to experience
the simplicity of the line has nothing to do with the weight of it.
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Anyone your age has hardly heard it compared to Kendrick's. That verse is widely regarded as a top 5 verse of all time by legal adults. Using social media as your backing to refute your opinion shows where the next generation of hip-hop is heading.
That verse is EASILY in my top 10. But we are talking IMPACT here. How could a verse that hardly anyone has even heard be more impactful than a verse that has been heard from here to the next galaxy? A single statement could change the world but if no one hears it, how could it? You're all COMPLETELY misinterpreting my argument as you're bringing up points that aren't even relevant.
Anyone your age has hardly heard it compared to Kendrick's. That verse is widely regarded as a top 5 verse of all time by legal adults. Using social media as your backing to refute your opinion shows where the next generation of hip-hop is heading.
That verse is EASILY in my top 10. But we are talking IMPACT here. How could a verse that hardly anyone has even heard be more impactful than a verse that has been heard from here to the next galaxy? A single statement could change the world but if no one hears it, how could it? You're all COMPLETELY misinterpreting my argument as you're bringing up points that aren't even relevant.

How is it a verse that anyone has hardly heard? **** I live in Cali and heads out here even recognize it. Stop making up facts. It's far from misinterpreting, you're just trying to make yourself a witness to one of the biggest moments in hip-hop history when you aren't. Way more "impactful" verses have been dropped calling people out than this one.
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Anyone your age has hardly heard it compared to Kendrick's. That verse is widely regarded as a top 5 verse of all time by legal adults. Using social media as your backing to refute your opinion shows where the next generation of hip-hop is heading.
Says the man who can't even use the word refute in context. Social media is a perfect backing in this situation as word gets out faster, and to more people through its use. Again, if there was an emergency broadcast across the globe stating that the world would cease to exist in a matter of hours, we'd be in turmoil. If that broadcast reached only one city, the masses would be completely unaware. Which situation would you predict to have the bigger impact? The global broadcast or the local one? Think about it.
Just because you spent hours googling hip-hop facts doesn't validate your opinion on the impact of something that came out when you weren't even born. You can't speak on the impact of Hit Em Up because you simply weren't there for it, just like I can't speak on the impact of Blowfly breaking through on vulgar music.
How are "hip-hop facts" at all relevant here? Please, do tell. You speak as if I can't educate myself of an era I didn't grow up in. Would history classes even exist if that were the case?
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Anyone your age has hardly heard it compared to Kendrick's. That verse is widely regarded as a top 5 verse of all time by legal adults. Using social media as your backing to refute your opinion shows where the next generation of hip-hop is heading.
Says the man who can't even use the word refute in context. Social media is a perfect backing in this situation as word gets out faster, and to more people through its use. Again, if there was an emergency broadcast across the globe stating that the world would cease to exist in a matter of hours, we'd be in turmoil. If that broadcast reached only one city, the masses would be completely unaware. Which situation would you predict to have the bigger impact? The global broadcast or the local one? Think about it.

You're trying to argue the "hypothetical" impact of verses that dropped when you weren't even born though :lol:
Just because you spent hours googling hip-hop facts doesn't validate your opinion on the impact of something that came out when you weren't even born. You can't speak on the impact of Hit Em Up because you simply weren't there for it, just like I can't speak on the impact of Blowfly breaking through on vulgar music.
How are "hip-hop facts" at all relevant here? Please, do tell.

Uhm because you claimed to be more "knowledgable" than people that seen a lot more than you ever have in the field of hip-hop and chose to disregard it because of your knowledge of said facts. But please do tell how you're more knowledgable than all of us. **** the most meaningful beef that happened since you were alive was Jay and Nas and you couldn't even tie your own shoes when that happened.
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See, age is not irrelevant because you're talking about the impact of something you weren't even alive to experience
the simplicity of the line has nothing to do with the weight of it.
I've heard the line NUMEROUS times. Maybe even more than you have. How does me not hearing it first hand change it's impact? I'm well aware what the situation was at the time of the track's release. You don't have to grow up in a specific era to know about it.
Yes you have to be there to understand the impact. Are you going to tell your kids "Kendrick dropped this verse that had twitter going crazy!" and expect them to understand it? Just because you understand the situation doesn't mean you know how everyone reacted to it.
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Uhm because you claimed to be more "knowledgable" than people that seen a lot more than you ever have in the field of hip-hop and chose to disregard it because of your knowledge of said facts. But please do tell how you're more knowledgable than all of us. **** the most meaningful beef that happened since you were alive was Jay and Nas and you couldn't even tie your own shoes when that happened.
So judging by your logic, you know absolutely nothing about anything that occurred before your date of birth?
Uhm because you claimed to be more "knowledgable" than people that seen a lot more than you ever have in the field of hip-hop and chose to disregard it because of your knowledge of said facts. But please do tell how you're more knowledgable than all of us. **** the most meaningful beef that happened since you were alive was Jay and Nas and you couldn't even tie your own shoes when that happened.
So judging by your logic, you know absolutely nothing about anything that occurred before your date of birth?

I can't attest to peoples' responses or the impact it had on the majority at the time, no. Not the same as "knowing anything" that happened before I was born. But hip-hop "facts" aren't relevant here, remember?
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How is it a verse that anyone has hardly heard? **** I live in Cali and heads out here even recognize it. Stop making up facts. It's far from misinterpreting, you're just trying to make yourself a witness to one of the biggest moments in hip-hop history when you aren't. Way more "impactful" verses have been dropped calling people out than this one.

465,846 views in almost six years.

2,309,635 views in one week.

My guess is that more people have heard Kendrick's verse...
I can't attest to peoples' responses or the impact it had on the majority at the time, no. Not the same as "knowing anything" that happened before I was born. But hip-hop "facts" aren't relevant here, remember?
So you're unaware of the impact Hitler's reign had on the jews?
Certainly you must be if you can't attest to the impact of an event that occurred before your birth.
How is it a verse that anyone has hardly heard? **** I live in Cali and heads out here even recognize it. Stop making up facts. It's far from misinterpreting, you're just trying to make yourself a witness to one of the biggest moments in hip-hop history when you aren't. Way more "impactful" verses have been dropped calling people out than this one.

465,846 views in almost six years.

2,309,635 views in one week.

My guess is that more people have heard Kendrick's verse...

My guess is more teenagers have heard Kendrick's verse. You're using YouTube views to argue impact when it wasn't even around for almost 15 years after Ironman dropped. I ain't no joke hasn't hit 3 million views yet I guess Kendrick's one verse on Control has had as big an impact on hip hop then.
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Son said most impactful verse ever :rofl: :rofl: and he's 16 have a seat bruh your talking out your *** stop being a prisoner of the moment ...quote some of these impactful bars from that mediocre verse please :rofl: I hope your trolling
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