big sean featuring kendrick lamar and jay electronica "no i.d" freestyle

New York cats... Are ya'll still rockin with Kendrick after this? :nerd:

Aint no man not from NY gonna say they the king of the New York. I no longer respect him/ rock with him and I was a supporter. Nah man take that sh** elsewhere.
^ :rofl: :rofl:

Dudes gotta be trolling with the Lil' B praise...

That freestyle was trash. I thought he was joking the whole time.
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^ :rofl: :rofl:

Dudes gotta be trolling with the Lil' B praise...

That freestyle was trash. I thought he was joking the whole time.

LOL word... I'm tight everything I read so far has something to do with lil b.

Waits for King Push to gracefully destroy what's left of Kendrick's big *** ears.
That mentality/attitude towards music is part of the problem in hip hop right now. 
Not really...even Public Enemy had Flava Flav...

Digital Underground spawned Humpty Hump..

I think Parody is a lane that was lost once we got too serious in the earlier 2000's and late 90's.

Its ok to laugh and enjoy things here and there. We don't always have to be straight faced.
All of the factors you listed were given in small doses and not really seen as the MAIN focal point of hip hop at the time.  If dudes want to have parody in rap that's one thing, but it needs to be closer to 10% worth instead of closer to 70% which I think it is now. 
Oh ok now I get it. Dudes got to Lil B for comic relief. I guess that makes sense.

But his name still doesn't belong in a thread about real rap.

Make a thread about him and Weird Al if you want to talk about that guy. I honestly don't care what he said about Buddens . And I'm not even a huge Buddens fan. But I know Mood Music 2 >>>>> Lil B period.
100% Truth. 
That mentality/attitude towards music is part of the problem in hip hop right now. 
last time I checked music artist are entertainers which is why we discussing them, why they are on tv, radio, and all over the internet THEY ARE HERE TO ENTERTAIN
Loud and wrong champ.  Music artists aren't just entertainers, there are more facets to them other than to just entertain.  By placing the title of entertainer to them, you are placing them in a box.  Music can entertain, but there are more factors to music than just entertainment.  Music can educate as well. 

When dudes say they listen to hip hop to be entertained, then first thing I say to dudes that say that is to "take your *** to the circus and join the rest of the clowns on stage that are there to entertain".  Then be sure to take all the fans that think and feel the same way as you do when it comes to hip hop and being entertained and jump threw the ring of fire on stage and see how many times you can jump in and out of the ring of fire until you can't jump anymore. 
J Cole has the best album of the year, and this how ya'll treat him? 

Where do ya'll get us praising Lil B? We just said the dude demolished Joe Budden, and that he did. 
J Cole has the best album of the year, and this how ya'll treat him? 

Where do ya'll get us praising Lil B? We just said the dude demolished Joe Budden, and that he did. 

Bruh if Lil B demolished Joe budden then i would love to know your opinion on diggy's verse against cole because he also stated true things and went at cole's neck... and he did it all w/o rambling offbeat about 5th grade disses.
Yeah Iman is buggin for all this rap nonsense. Dudes flamed him on IG right when he started. He got tight and actually started deleting comments. I understand if KD do it, that man gets BUCKETS. But Iman.... Smh he need to be in the gym.
So Iman can't rap now?

Man what are you even saying?

People can't have hobbies outside of their career? Rappers act, ballers rap. It's always been that way.

"I understand if KD do it, that man gets BUCKETS" :lol: man shut up
I agree with some of what you said but in my opinion the public has much less of an impact on what we like then what we believe. And that's not just music but everything. now not saying that everyone isn't able to make up their own minds but i really think people don't recognize how impressionable some people are and just how easy it is to manipulate the average americans minds.

From products sold, to politics, to music, to perception about a person... all it takes is enough people to say "This is good for you, this is bad for you" and like that someones entire mind has been changed. we are all victims of it some worse than others.

over the past 10 years there has been a steady push in what is heavily marketed and what is considered underground and all that is easily manipulated because there are only a handful of companies pulling the strings.

Hell there's even a large correlation on a smaller scale when you look at the artist blogs post all day and the admiration they get as opposed to those who aren't and how they are strayed away.

On a even smaller scale look at NT as a barometer and watch how the first post on most discussions dictate how the post will end up. It's like dudes are allergic to their own opinions.
All good points. I think you also have to look at the over saturation of hip-hop and the expansion of the total fan base as well.

For instance, when you went to a hip-hop show back in the day it was in a small *** venue, shoulder to shoulder, with not much diversity in terms of the characters present. You look around the room and it was purely _'s in hoodies, Carhart, and Timbs. Nowadays? You go to a show and hip-hop is selling out stadiums, with these smaller acts even filling bigger than your average venues. The most important piece though is that the diversity of people at these shows is mind boggling. You got all types of characters who are into the music now, from your hood boogers to Todd Bridgewater in his Sperry's rockin' out to A$AP at SXSW.

Essentially hip-hop growing this big was a gift and a curse for the culture and art form. Hip-hop has to now cater to a bigger, more diverse audience, making it a lot harder, as a whole, to go back to being a specialist (i.e. lyricism) genre and really doesn't have much of a choice but to continue on as a generalist.

Again, that's the masses dictating that (along with the record labels, industry, etc). And I don't think you necessarily have to go back and recreate It's Dark and Hell is Hot or Muddy Waters but I think Kendrick just want dudes to put more effort and passion into their craft in these modern times. Think 'Ye when he first dropped. Quality > Quantity.
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So Iman can't rap now?

Man what are you even saying?

People can't have hobbies outside of their career? Rappers act, ballers rap. It's always been that way.

"I understand if KD do it, that man gets BUCKETS" :lol: man shut up

Nah I'm from NY. I'm a Knicks fan, Iman can't rap. He needs to be in the gym, because we need a chip. You not allowed to have hobbies on the Knicks. KD can do whatever he wants cause he aint a Knick and that man GETS BUCKETS. Rappers act, ballers rap? Nah not when you a Knick.

THIS MAN RAPS TOO?! Smh, I was tight about that contract extension.

Just listened to this. Please tell me this is fake.
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Bruh if Lil B demolished Joe budden then i would love to know your opinion on diggy's verse against cole because he also stated true things and went at cole's neck... and he did it all w/o rambling offbeat about 5th grade disses.
Diggy went in on Cole too. 

See that's the thing I can admit when a dude gets served in a battle, but the difference in the Cole situation is he followed up with a great body of work. He wasn't gonna let that deter him. Plus Cole doesn't act all corny on twitter acting like he's gonna drop some heat unlike Joe Booty.


So who cares about Diggy in the grand scheme of things, he will never put out a product like Born Sinner.

Listen to Cole man and you get it all.

But with Budden...

What can you say? 
Diggy went in on Cole too. 

See that's the thing I can admit when a dude gets served in a battle, but the difference in the Cole situation is he followed up with a great body of work. He wasn't gonna let that deter him. Plus Cole doesn't act all corny on twitter acting like he's gonna drop some heat unlike Joe Booty.


So who cares about Diggy in the grand scheme of things, he will never put out a product like Born Sinner.

Listen to Cole man and you get it all.

But with Budden...

What can you say? 

See this make sense! Cole don't gotta respond, however... Joe booty? What's his excuse? Why should he not respond? He should be responding to everything, slaughterhouse saved his life.
Dead serious with it new new. 

Who you got with a better album? 

We're excluding MCHG but I agree with you. That album is real. Cole is never gonna get anywhere though unless he stop with all that friendly nonsense. Him and Drake shouldn't be texting each other and going to the mall together. The dude Milonakis has a good point, it was a soft move from Kendrick but dudes need to stop acting like they like each other. Where's the competition in hip-hop? Rappers don't compete anymore, this shi* too friendly for me.
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