bill burrs longtime girlfiiend NIA .....vol. not what your expecting

Nov 26, 2012


Actually, I'm not too surprised. I remember him talking about some drunk white woman at his show coming up to him afterwards and expressing her disdain for "n words". He said he just looked at her and said something to the effect of gtf away from me or something like that.

Good to see none the less. They look happy.
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Actually, I'm not too surprised. I remember him talking about some drunk white woman at his show coming up to him afterwards and expressing her disdain for "n words". He said he just looked at her and said something to the effect of gtf away from me or something like that.

Good to see none the less. They look happy.
its crazy though , ive seen so many BAD comedian chicks get thirsty around him whenever he's mid rant 

but your right , they do look happy
Not surprised. Comedians always have mates that can stimulate them intellectually.  Usually comedians aren't married to "hot" women.  It makes sense
you just start listening to the MM Podcast?  You been posting a lot about Bill Burr lately...
i got into it around last summer , i dont think ive missed a week since.....although i usually cut it off halfway thru when he starts answering

the listeners question and giving advice 

the one with michael rapapaort was my favorite from last year 

but yo....he needs a more official set up like my dude joe rogan
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Good for dude. I always like to see interracial couples. Makes me think how far we've come so far as a nation.
Maybe I'm just too use to normal people that I don't see how this is surprising or thread worthy.
Not surprised.

Comedians are the dudes who end up matched up with all kinds of chicks. They usually find girls they love though. I dunno why but out of all different type of entertainers they have a unique group of groupies.
I started listening to the MM podcast about 2 weeks ago.

I go to sleep to the old ones now. no mo

Bill Burr is probably my favorite comedian right now, and the fact that he grew up with and was best friends with patrice o'neal :smokin

I was trying to find pics of Nia last week but I couldn't.


When he was talking about the lady gaga concert 2 weeks ago I was crying.

His tours are great too, I could listen to him all damn day.
I thought this was common knowledge...

Bill has talked before about him daring black women...

"I don't want to be ashy"
Bill "what's ashy?"


She does sound like a white girl doe
He has a hilarious bit about visiting his GF who lives in Harlem, and how he went to see her and gets more scared as the street #'s go up :lol: :lol:
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