Bill Maher calls himself a House N during an interview.....

Hookah is a middle eastern thing that became popular over the past years and if ya think the black community has been brainwashed into soaking up Hookah and enriching middle eastern business that sell it, ya must never been around Dominicans :lol:
I feel you. But can you really place all blame on these outside communities if we as black people allow them to do so? That's why I stopped giving my business to those middle eastern and asian stores. 

That's when you look at this great government that incentivizes the financial pillaging of our neighborhoods to these disrespectful foreigners while denying us equal access to the same incentives
Calling an entire group of people leeches?

The entire group don't poverty do they???

Quit reaching and not comprehending .
Dudes hypocrisy is clouding his judgement
Nice try at deflection but you are still in the frying pan on here getting schooled by Meth on your own flawed logic.

You funny as hell 
The entire group don't poverty do they???
Quit reaching and not comprehending .

Nice try at deflection but you are still in the frying pan on here getting schooled by Meth on your own flawed logic.
You funny as hell 

Schooled? :lol:
I feel you. But can you really place all blame on these outside communities if we as black people allow them to do so? That's why I stopped giving my business to those middle eastern and asian stores. 

Oh no sir Black people have to wake up and invest in our own and if these folks do come set up shop demand they contribute to and respect the community they profit off of.
The entire group don't poverty do they???
Quit reaching and not comprehending .

Nice try at deflection but you are still in the frying pan on here getting schooled by Meth on your own flawed logic.
You funny as hell 

Ohhh so only the store owners are "paki" leaches?

That's when you look at this great government that incentivizes the financial pillaging of our neighborhoods to these disrespectful foreigners while denying us equal access to the same incentives
Your eyes have to be open first!

Unfortunately alot of folks aren't.

So I guess it would look as if I'm being the ultimate most racist toward middle eastern/asian business in the ghetto.

Glad you see it too homie
Your eyes have to be open first!
Unfortunately alot of folks aren't.
So I guess it would look as if I'm being the ultimate most racist toward middle eastern/asian business in the ghetto.

Glad you see it too homie

No its cuz you refer to them as "paki". You still dont get it do you? You still dont know why i even responded to your op.
Wait didn't even catch that ****.

Son literally is out here criticizing those who defend their own ignorance against PC culture and SJW's, and now is on the verge of crying the same thing against you calling him out on his ignorance.
You can get it too....I got 0 picks out here I call what I see before my own eyes
Don't cry when its time to be blunt and pull the whole curtain open about ALL and not just white cancer

So there's white cancer, and Arabs/Pakistani folks are also cancers?

People can only sell what they themselves are consumers of? Or only sell things that are safe?

You must either be straight-edge and for prohibition then. If not then your issue is just who the unsafe goods come from, so your problem is that they get it legally from the corner store as opposed to from a dealer. Or that if they themselves were consumers of the products you mentioned, it would somehow be ok?

Here's news, there is no institutional oppressive network of bodegas. They literally just sell what's hot and are also ignorant of things themselves. They come here and wing life working their ***** off. And you're going to hold them to some moral standard when they're just uneducated shop owners, as if we're talking about folks who are supposed to esteemed pillars of society.

They put their own selves through danger, many times with 24 hour stores which gives people access to buying whatever they want in places that wal-mart and CVS don't want to touch. Acting like dudes are peeling off after a 9-5 in a lambo. Those dudes don't have much themselves and you want them to assume some leadership role without money, education, and cultural ties to the community and give something back? Like what?

I hope you can channel all this energy you have hating, which is clearly a lot, into doing something big and positive for the communities you care about instead of waiting on a bodega owner to give back and do something more.

And who knows maybe they'll raise sons and daughters, with cultural understandings, who work with black people and do better and support black folks in their struggles against the oppressive systems and practices that actually keep black folks down.
If he was a conservative he would be fired by now and many of our people would be outraged.
No its cuz you refer to them as "paki". You still dont get it do you? You still dont know why i even responded to your op.
Yet you ignore everything else I've written because you know damn well its true.

Yet you scared to confront the facts, but yea go ahead keep focusing on the latter as an argument.

That's all you have....because you hate the fact I called out the BS I see and it brought you out of hiding on here hoping we would only touch on Bill Maher and 

the F-fery of whites. I don't know what to tell you man....I'm not blinded and nor am I passive about what's going on.

I'm not one bit surprised at such behavior....this is what people like you hate because you want us to stay friendly and passive to the BS that is pulled on us.

Wrong one playa
^^ I can tell you never been to the hood. These clowns park 750's, S550's etc in front of their stores daily.
There's nothing noble about these store owners AT ALL.
So there's white cancer, and Arabs/Pakistani folks are also cancers?

People can only sell what they themselves are consumers of? Or only sell things that are safe?

You must either be straight-edge and for prohibition then. If not then your issue is just who the unsafe goods come from, so your problem is that they get it legally from the corner store as opposed to from a dealer. Or that if they themselves were consumers of the products you mentioned, it would somehow be ok?

Here's news, there is no institutional oppressive network of bodegas. They literally just sell what's hot and are also ignorant of things themselves. They come here and wing life working their ***** off. And you're going to hold them to some moral standard when they're just uneducated shop owners, as if we're talking about folks who are supposed to esteemed pillars of society.

They put their own selves through danger, many times with 24 hour stores which gives people access to buying whatever they want in places that wal-mart and CVS don't want to touch. Acting like dudes are peeling off after a 9-5 in a lambo. Those dudes don't have much themselves and you want them to assume some leadership role without money, education, and cultural ties to the community and give something back? Like what?

I hope you can channel all this energy you have hating, which is clearly a lot, into doing something big and positive for the communities you care about instead of waiting on a bodega owner to give back and do something more.

And who knows maybe they'll raise sons and daughters, with cultural understandings, who work with black people and do better and support black folks in their struggles against the oppressive systems and practices that actually keep black folks down.


Now here is where the term is far more appropriate.

Dudes coming for Bodega owners necks as if Bodegas are not a good staple and something that's kept the hood fed for decades now, at times and in places no other businesses would even dare be open....ya something else b.
So there's white cancer, and Arabs/Pakistani folks are also cancers?

Well duh yes!!!

There are ones that poverty leech off communities.

Does that apply to an entire race of any of the above??

Well of course not....lets not be silly
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^^ I can tell you never been to the hood. These clowns park 750's, S550's etc in front of their stores daily.
There's nothing noble about these store owners AT ALL.

Lmaooooo next time snap a pic of these 1%er bodega owners please :rofl:
Dudes getting rich off of selling hookah flavors and lays chips 24hrs daily....such cultural leeches they are :lol:
Yet you ignore everything else I've written because you know damn well its true.
Yet you scared to confront the facts, but yea go ahead keep focusing on the latter as an argument.

That's all you have....because you hate the fact I called out the BS I see and it brought you out of hiding on here hoping we would only touch on Bill Maher and 
the F-fery of whites. I don't know what to tell you man....I'm not blinded and nor am I passive about what's going on.
I'm not one bit surprised at such behavior....this is what people like you hate because you want us to stay friendly and passive to the BS that is pulled on us.
Wrong one playa

You all the way wildin.

What facts? You only looking at it from your view. You dont see theae families that come here with next to nothing, dunno the culture and often times dunno the language and just tryna make a living for.themselves and their family. They dunno whats "hot" they just see a lot of people buying a certain product and ita popular so they buy more. Wouldn't you if you were a businesa owner?

My fam came here as refugees. Didnt speak the language, didnt know anyone here, didnr know the culture and barely had $50 in their pocket. So we leaches cuz we tried to make a living for ourselves?
Come to the hood I can show you a spot where one of these fenced up a lot used by the community for decades just to park his s550 on. We all aware you're not too bright steezy id fall back from any kind of intellectual commentary like we always tell you.
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Are y'all really out here "rattling jaws" when y'all see someone sing along at a concert? I always see people say this but I have yet to see this in person and it happens all the time :lol:
Come to the hood I can show you a spot where one of these fenced up a lot used by the community for decades just to park his s550 on. We all aware you're no that bright steely id fall back from any kind of intellectual commentary like we always tell you.
You're arguing with a Dominican and a Pakistani......

They gonna defend thier racially biased logic till the end just as white folks do.

Why even try and reason with that?

We don't see eye to eye.
Im not pakistani :lol:

But i see you fixed up
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Come to the hood I can show you a spot where one of these fenced up a lot used by the community for decades just to park his s550 on. We all aware you're not too bright steezy id fall back from any kind of intellectual commentary like we always tell you.

So this is 1 bodega owner you know personally out of hundreds all over NYC and this is where you draw your narrative from? Talk about generalization....truth is most bodega owners ain't working 24 hours a day to invest in an Aston Martin b....majority of these cats bust they *** to re-invest back home where they came from with hopes to one day retire the mean time they stack and live on poverty here just like the rest of the people they "leeching" on....
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