Bill Maher calls himself a House N during an interview.....

You know PC culture is bad when Bill Maher is apologizing for jokes. He's famously against comedians apologizing for jokes.

So "PC culture" has gone too far when people are allowed to have negative opinions about the use of a racial slur? 

I agree but at the same time if you want to use the word as a black comedian than you are allowing the word to be used freely and heard by millions of people. And this allowing the word to be further used by those listening. I'm more for the idea to have it just being stopped from being used.

Black comedians use white racial slurs and no one says a peep. Hell Chris Rock specials are my favorite and he does it all the time. I don't hold anything against him. Was Bill Mahrs remark in poor taste, yes it was. But should people be losing their ****. No they shouldn't especially when he didn't do it in any sort of malcontent sort of way.

Have black people used white racial slurs while keeping them in slavery for hundreds of years raping and killing, then during hanging them from trees?
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I agree but at the same time if you want to use the word as a black comedian than you are allowing the word to be used freely and heard by millions of people. And this allowing the word to be further used by those listening.

Nah. White people should know better.

White folks aren't finding out about the word ***** from comedians and rappers. They know the word, they know the history. That's why they start coppin pleas when they get caught up.

They get comfortable and then "bu bu but you guys say it all the time". You could see in Bill's face he knew he ****** up as soon as he finished the word :lol:
I agree but at the same time if you want to use the word as a black comedian than you are allowing the word to be used freely and heard by millions of people. And this allowing the word to be further used by those listening. I'm more for the idea to have it just being stopped from being used.

Black comedians use white racial slurs and no one says a peep. Hell Chris Rock specials are my favorite and he does it all the time. I don't hold anything against him. Was Bill Mahrs remark in poor taste, yes it was. But should people be losing their ****. No they shouldn't especially when he didn't do it in any sort of malcontent sort of way.

:x :x
So, if you get up on stage at any comedy club in the world, you have the power to give everyone else on the planet permission to use a racial slur?   "Comedian" means "duly elected representative of all Black people" now? 

That's like saying OJ Simpson gave you permission to stab somebody.  

There are plenty of examples of comedians who've come to regret their jokes or their language.  They're responsible for their use of language.  You are responsible for yours.
Black comedians use white racial slurs and no one says a peep. Hell Chris Rock specials are my favorite and he does it all the time. I don't hold anything against him. 
Intent does matter, but let's not pretend that all racial slurs are the same.  Recklessly swinging around a plastic wiffle ball bat isn't the same as swinging an aluminum bat. 

The differences in etymology and usage of those two words could hardly be more dramatic.  It's a false equivalence.

If Carrie Fisher and her family thought it was funny to have her ashes placed in a large porcelain Prozac pill, that's great - but it doesn't give you the right to play catch with my grandfather's skull.

Maher failed to demonstrate the proper deference and respect for a vicious racial slur he has no business using.
The black delegation has elected Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson to punch Bill Maher in the nose.
Then hold them all equally accountable. People love to harper onto something while turning a blind eye to others. I'm not justifying what he's saying is right but then hold other comedians accountable to the same degree black or white for that matter. Stop finding a way to justify using the word just because you're black so its then okay. I seriously don't think people understand it. Again there is nothing malicious in the way he said it. I never said it was right I'm just saying stop blowing up about it. The word should be stopped being used period.
You know PC culture is bad when Bill Maher is apologizing for jokes. He's famously against comedians apologizing for jokes.

It wasn't a joke, he didn't say it for comic relief. He wanted to push it and prove he could say it and get away with it. The joke would have been better without it, he knew exactly what he was doing. That's why he should get fired. I love offensive comedy but that **** was just sick. He smirks and everything. He knew what he was doing. Son should get fired for that.
You know PC culture is bad when Bill Maher is apologizing for jokes. He's famously against comedians apologizing for jokes.

So "PC culture" has gone too far when people are allowed to have negative opinions about the use of a racial slur? 

pretty sure homie was observing how PC even got to Bill :lol:

anyone know that white comedian from back in da day that fought to use da N word?
Then hold them all equally accountable. People love to harper onto something while turning a blind eye to others. I'm not justifying what he's saying is right but then hold other comedians accountable to the same degree black or white for that matter. Stop finding a way to justify using the word just because you're black so its then okay. I seriously don't think people understand it. Again there is nothing malicious in the way he said it. I never said it was right I'm just saying stop blowing up about it. The word should be stopped being used period.

People understand, they just vehemently disagree with your point of view.

Just because he didn't say it towards a black person of a maliciously way doesn't mean he should get a free pass for saying a word he says no business saying. Also, Bill Maher was not on stage misfiring on a joke, he was political pundit conducting and interview at the time. This idea that if someone happens to have told jokes for living at one time, or still does, some how shield them from criticism or backlash is an extremely weak argument.

I guess if Jerry Seinfeld goes on stage joking about lynching black people, I should take that in stride too.

Sorry but to demand people to get mad at black comedians for all racial slurs if they want to get mad Bill Maher for using the n-word is a bad standard. You seem to be tying yourself in knots to make the argument that anyone that criticizes Maher is a de facto hypocrite. Black people are not police of the comedy world. Anyone that takes offense to anything a comedic says, especially racial has the right to do so. If you ask me "Should Chris Rock use racial slurs against white people" the answer would be nope, but I don't have to match my anger about that just to be upset at Maher's actions. And like Meth said, you are making a false equivalency

And your comment towards me regarding laughing at Django was asinine btw, I didn't say it at first, but I should have.
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I tried to watch the show last night but missed chunks of it, including that interview after the monolovue.

Bill really is feeling himself and it really didn't land as a joke despite the unintentional set up for it. Like he really felt okay in letting that flow naturally.

Not for the ignorant defending of this especially by black folk but plenty of them are lost anyway. I simply see this as a failed joke from a white guy that shouldn't be saying the n word. Bill's only real defense is that he's a comedian and there's been quite thebrashbif comedians apologizing for intended jokes that get backlash.
couple of things,

-he's a liberal so its amazing to see how quick his own people coming for him.

-being a comedian in a PC culture is practically suicidal.
Its funny cuz basically at this point Bill considers himself a specific kind of liberal since he comes for liberal for being sensitive botched almost as much as he comes for conservatives and republicans.

So those types will definitely come for him since they both don't consider each other vtheir own people".
I agree but at the same time if you want to use the word as a black comedian than you are allowing the word to be used freely and heard by millions of people. And this allowing the word to be further used by those listening. I'm more for the idea to have it just being stopped from being used.

Black comedians use white racial slurs and no one says a peep. Hell Chris Rock specials are my favorite and he does it all the time. I don't hold anything against him. Was Bill Mahrs remark in poor taste, yes it was. But should people be losing their ****. No they shouldn't especially when he didn't do it in any sort of malcontent sort of way.

:x :x
So Bill Maher thinks he's a n***a? [emoji]129300[/emoji] well what does that make my ancestors, slave owners?
If he gave a well thought out apology, something more than a generic sorry, where he truly felt he was wrong, why is his use of it still being defended? It seems deeper than "pc culture" to me at that point if it's still being pushed.
He could have made an Irish indentured servant joke but went with that
Or he could have just said "I'm not touching that one with a 10 foot pole" and flipped the script on Sasse.

Either way, Bill dun goofed.
It happened the way it should've happened. Line stepped, checked, apologized. I'm not with this notion of just let him do his thing, it's not his place to use that word and he knew it, that's why he apologized. It's a part of better understanding each other, this social media era confuses that at times with being PC (until they're insulted directly then that PC talk is out the window). On the other hand you have the extreme sjw types that want him to lose his job for it, that's unnecessary. Especially as an opposing voice in an admin that wants to control the media.
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The joke was tasteless and offensive. I'm glad he apologized and I hope he can move on from it. I like Bill Maher's material usually. This was a terrible look.

On a person note, this whole movement of fire someone the second they say something offensive is ********. Especially when you consider who the president of this country is.

Comedians constantly push the line and sometimes that's going to mean going over it. In no way do I condone what Bill said, or what Kathy did, or even what Stephen said last month... but going after people's jobs and livelihood is weak to me.
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Nowadays if someone misspeaks or offends someone then people have the need to go on social media and demand someone gets fired.
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does this guy make holocaust jokes ? Just curious..

Its not cool to make jokes about ancestral pain (specially when they not yours).
Being a house ***** wasn't a free will decision or career achievement.
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