Bill Maher calls himself a House N during an interview.....

Its not an entirely true. I know more non-black kids that grew up in the hood that got checked for using the n word than I do non-black kids who got the hood pass to use it.

Sure now, I hear a lot of kids use it who are not black saying it to each other in public transportation but that point doesn't even address what I was talking about. Nor does it support a stance for why you should use the word.

I don't know what hood you speak of, but growing up in the BX, NEVER was I pressed or any of my non-black friends for using the word and we used it religiously as part of our vocabulary till about the age of 22
Come to Glenwood projects or hell walk up Flatbush and say what up my ****** and see how you are welcomed.

Pretending like you won't get checked anywhere in NYC for saying the n word is stupid and naive as ****.

You and your boys were just lucky about where and when you said it. Its easy to say this based off your own experiences about growing up in the BX. You basically describing a bubble.

If you want to pretend ny hoods are giving n word hood passes like that (especially in the 90s) you dumb.
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Just a minute ago, you were criticizing Bill Maher.  Now it sounds like your only problem with what he said is that it didn't have a beat behind it.

Not using that word is one of the most trivial sacrifices you can make in your life to show some basic respect.  It costs you nothing other than the vigilance to recognize and appreciate its gravity.   If you can't even make that tiniest of sacrifices because it's more important to you to have "fun" or seem "down", that speaks volumes. 
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Not his first incident. Definitely not a smart joke on his behalf specially being part of a gigantic corp like HBO !

But the homie referred to himself in that joke, however tasteltess it maybe. It ain't that bad :lol: imo

He is as liberal as they come. The right is trying to crucify him at the moment lol. The hypotcryciy from the republicans :lol: is astounding.
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As said earlier, luckily for you guys and myself we will never have awkward moments where you'll be paranoid you'll have to check me for singing along to some hiphop or me be self conscious my skin isn't dark enough to get the pass to recite some lyrics....carry on bros

While you drown in a sea of arrogance and entitlement, are you even aware there are tons of black people that universally object to that word.

And in turn, there are plenty of black people that refrain from, or outright stop, using the word, out of respect to other people that share a community and experiences with.

But all the claims of having a shared experience wit black people has apparently don't made you feel the need to extended the most basic of respect to them, instead you think it makes you entitled to utter a racial slur.

That Ben Roethlisberger dude that got banned for race trolling used to make the same ridiculous arguments. Matter of fact, I remember him making the exact same one. That's the kind of company you are keeping right now
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"I want to recite racial slurs in the theater while watching Get Out because I paid $14 for a ticket and I've been watching movies all my life." 

Sound ridiculous yet? 

#NTExtremes by the one and only that's a sight :rofl:

No, the extreme is saying you have a right to use racial slurs because you don't think they're a big deal.  Privilege.

wait, what privilege does a former resident of da cocaine war soaked 3rd world country​ of Colombia/80's-90's ravaged borough of BX have? :lol:

Its not an entirely true. I know more non-black kids that grew up in the hood that got checked for using the n word than I do non-black kids who got the hood pass to use it.

Sure now, I hear a lot of kids use it who are not black saying it to each other in public transportation but that point doesn't even address what I was talking about. Nor does it support a stance for why you should use the word.

I don't know what hood you speak of, but growing up in the BX, NEVER was I pressed or any of my non-black friends for using the word and we used it religiously as part of our vocabulary till about the age of 22
Come to Glenwood projects or hell walk up Flatbush and say what up my ****** and see how you are welcomed.

Pretending like you won't get checked anywhere in NYC for saying the n word is stupid and naive as ****.

You and your boys were just lucky about where and when you said it. Its easy to say this based off your own experiences about growing up in the BX. You basically describing a bubble.

only NT can "living in a Bubble" and da Bronx can be found in da same sentence.

da N word in NYC is used as a stand in for guys & girls along with da B word, may not translate in other parts of America, it is what it is though in da 5 boroughs.

see DMX "what these B's want from a N"

anyways, this "pressing cats bout da N word" in NYC, wake me up when it happens to Fat Joe.

comparing Bill Maher to ricans, or our resident Colombian is a losing proposition anyways :lol: :smh:
So ninja you want to pretend like in the same 5 boroughs a non-black person won't get checked for saying the n word?

You're lying if you're trying to say nycers give each other a hood pass on using the n word even if they don't know them cuz the word is a stand in for guys.

You can't be that foolish.

:rofl: @ comparing yourself to Fat Joe. I can see some non-black white Latino with their jaw in their hand leaking trying to say but nobody checks Fat Joe when he says it.
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I would never let a dude with the hate ninja has for black people say that **** around me and I'm quite positive if blacks dudes in his area knew the **** he was on they wouldn't either.
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this has nothing to do with comedy

certain types of rich white people use the n word on some mortal kombat test your might type s**t

they use it as a gauge to see how much they can get away with and how much power they actually have

this type can't help themselves, they just have to test it

I guess michael richard was practicing his comedic license too?
So ninja you want to pretend like in the same 5 boroughs a non-black person won't get checked for saying the n word?

You're lying if you're trying to say nycers give each other a hood pass on using the n word


you u mean da same New Yorkers who won't break a nail to help a girl getting jumped on da train will throw themselves in harms way to check a wild puerto Rican about using da N word? :lol: i'd love to visit to mythical NYC you're describing about.
in a song? Many songs have the b word in them, my wife sings along to it, I sing along to it, ITS A learn the lyrics and sing along to it...doesn't mean you have maliscious intent behind just singing along b....ya overthinking it.

I wasn't talking about singing along to a song. I meant saying the word in conversation around your mother or wife with no regard for how they feel about it. Is that ok with you? Also, is someone is using the slur for Hispanic people around you conversationally ok?
Naw don't go crying now.....

You NYC brothas stay giving Ricans and Dominicans a pass with that
" Naw man they one of us"
"Naw man they pretty much black"
"Naw man we all grew up in the same demographic"

Yea I bet they don't want your Black American *** marrying thier children and sitting at thier dinner table ...
Hell yall even say the same about Arab/Paki French cats in the Bodegas.....

The very poverty leeches that put nothing back into the ghettos

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I mean NYricans and the like been using the N word since time immemorial... it's not so much a matter of passes as it is a matter of reality

As far as "permissions" are concerned it's highly contextual and subject to the circumstances of that person's upbringing and immediate circle.

I can't imagine too many people are on that Ninjahood edge of the political spectrum yet defend their claim to the N word.

Also to say that their families don't want us at their dinner tables is a gross generalization and stereotype. I've dated plenty of latin women whose families were just fine with me or the idea of their daughter with a black man.
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I mean NYricans and the like been using the N word since time immemorial... it's not so much a matter of passes as it is a matter of reality

As far as "permissions" are concerned it's highly contextual and subject to the circumstances of that person's upbringing and immediate circle.

I can't imagine too many people are on that Ninjahood edge of the political spectrum yet defend their claim to the N word.

Also to say that their families don't want us at their dinner tables is a gross generalization and stereotype. I've dated plenty of latin women whose families were just fine with me or the idea of their daughter with a black man.
So you yourself don't have a problem with it correct????
real world ≠ NT

i already brought up da fact that no one here is gonna press a NY thoro bred Bronx puerto rican bout da N word,


and im pretty sure when NWA was hot in these streets (or even contemporary acts) no one was out here was patrolling rap concerts clothes lining for N word reciting by non blacks.

Just like you wouldn't come down to Texas and debate a real thorough bred hood black dude from Hiram Clarke about why it's aight for you to say it.

Especially when he finds out you're not black.

Real world =\= NT, my g.

I laughed the entire time.

Thank you for this.

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I wasn't talking about singing along to a song. I meant saying the word in conversation around your mother or wife with no regard for how they feel about it. Is that ok with you? Also, is someone is using the slur for Hispanic people around you conversationally ok?

No I don't casually walk around calling women the B word either, nor do I think is appropiate to use it casually in a conversation....same with the N word.
He shouldn't have gone for that joke , he shouldn't ever say that word

It was a joke attempt tho, so I understand the context

Also always funny/annoying to see ppl say "PC culture" , that's just ppl mad at not being able to get away with dumb and disrespectful **** as much anymore :lol: ...n that's how it should be
I mean NYricans and the like been using the N word since time immemorial... it's not so much a matter of passes as it is a matter of reality

As far as "permissions" are concerned it's highly contextual and subject to the circumstances of that person's upbringing and immediate circle.

I can't imagine too many people are on that Ninjahood edge of the political spectrum yet defend their claim to the N word.

Also to say that their families don't want us at their dinner tables is a gross generalization and stereotype. I've dated plenty of latin women whose families were just fine with me or the idea of their daughter with a black man.

Not really sure what's so hard to understand....I'll bring up big Pun again, dudes entire albums had the N word all over it, which if you was outraged? How many black people wanted his head? Did he ask for a pass? Did he need permission? Oh wait, was he a racist? Mindblown.
Just a minute ago, you were criticizing Bill Maher.  Now it sounds like your only problem with what he said is that it didn't have a beat behind it.

Not using that word is one of the most trivial sacrifices you can make in your life to show some basic respect.  It costs you nothing other than the vigilance to recognize and appreciate its gravity.   If you can't even make that tiniest of sacrifices because it's more important to you to have "fun" or seem "down", that speaks volumes. 

AND I DONOT USE THE WORD In every day life! I've said this countless times, even though I grew up using it because of my upbringing, after a certain age I realized it wasn't appropriate to casually drop N bombs, my only exception and NEVER have I been or seen anyone not black get checked for dropping while singing along to some hip hop...once again this has been in NY....other states I'm sure is different, but here in NYC ain't nobody checking dudes for singing along to lyrics....and yes Bill was wrong for many reasons, for one the context in which he used it for sure had a racial undertones to it.
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He shouldn't have gone for that joke , he shouldn't ever say that word

It was a joke attempt tho, so I understand the context

Also always funny/annoying to see ppl say "PC culture" , that's just ppl mad at not being able to get away with dumb and disrespectful **** as much anymore
...n that's how it should be
Its a dead give away when someone says 'PC culture" or 'SJW"

Fools be telling on themselves and real ones see who you are behind that keyboard.
I think there is a clear distinction between saying the word while singing along to a song (especially if it's a word that was casually used amongst friends growing up). I think you all know the difference as well.

Now hats not to say that I approve of anyone saying as long as there's a melody to it, but I'm just not sure how y'all managed to conflate the Maher thing with steezy. I think we all understand the difference, and at the end of the day it's a matter of personal choice if you choose to use it. All the crusading to get someone to skip the n word feels like a waste of energy. Doesn't even seem like y'all are arguing the same points.

For the record, I'm 3/4 PR 1/4 Black and I've been usuing it all my life. Stopped for a time as I matured, and sometimes still skip the word in the music I listen to, but you all can't expect someone else who has completely different life experiences to even understand your perspective. We all come to these things at our own pace, or not at all.
I mean NYricans and the like been using the N word since time immemorial... it's not so much a matter of passes as it is a matter of reality

As far as "permissions" are concerned it's highly contextual and subject to the circumstances of that person's upbringing and immediate circle.

I can't imagine too many people are on that Ninjahood edge of the political spectrum yet defend their claim to the N word.

Also to say that their families don't want us at their dinner tables is a gross generalization and stereotype. I've dated plenty of latin women whose families were just fine with me or the idea of their daughter with a black man.

Not really sure what's so hard to understand....I'll bring up big Pun again, dudes entire albums had the N word all over it, which if you was outraged? How many black people wanted his head? Did he ask for a pass? Did he need permission? Oh wait, was he a racist? Mindblown.

fat joe walks da streets of NY no security b, having pap & remy callin him their *****.
I think there is a clear distinction between saying the word while singing along to a song (especially if it's a word that was casually used amongst friends growing up). I think you all know the difference as well.

Now hats not to say that I approve of anyone saying as long as there's a melody to it, but I'm just not sure how y'all managed to conflate the Maher thing with steezy. I think we all understand the difference, and at the end of the day it's a matter of personal choice if you choose to use it. All the crusading to get someone to skip the n word feels like a waste of energy. Doesn't even seem like y'all are arguing the same points.

For the record, I'm 3/4 PR 1/4 Black and I've been usuing it all my life. Stopped for a time as I matured, and sometimes still skip the word in the music I listen to, but you all can't expect someone else who has completely different life experiences to even understand your perspective. We all come to these things at our own pace, or not at all.


Anyone with common sense and street awareness can tell the difference between singing along to some hiphop, SPECIALLY if it's part of your upbringing and the way Bill casually dropped the N bomb for no apparent reason whatsoever during a tv interview.
As I have said before, I think some white people's obsession with wanting to use that word generally comes from the fact that black folks can use it and "they can't." And that makes these white people feel some type of way about that.

Admittedly I'm not gonna skip the word when I'm home alone and one of my favorite hiphop songs is playing. It would be rather pointless to skip it in that setting imo. But other than that I see zero rational reason to ever use the word outside of that specific setting of being home alone. It's not hard to just not use it. If you're singing along in public just skip the word, it's very simple. And there are countless alternatives for the n-word's use as a form of endearment amongst black people.
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You really want to be condescending and dictate to a group of people you don't belong to how they should feel about the word?

I'll let ya know when I've offended a black person in real life while singing along to some DMX...because that's yet to happen to me...only on NT have I experience such outrage and awareness to this word while in the context of hiphop lyrics....I'm seriously curious as to what the difference would be between a Peter gunz, Big Pun, Fat joe whom have written lyrics using the N word and the black hiphop community has embraced and supported in the past and a nonblack NYer who grew up listening to hiphop reciting those same lyrics....ya outrage with me, but when was the last time ya went for these artists necks? :lol:

Feel how ya want to feel, at least be consistent.....and before you come to NY adjust your sensitivity, because step into any hood and you'll find yourselves in a ****storm trying to check every non-black hood dude that casually drops the N word as part of their everyday vocabulary.
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