Bill O'Reilly...tell me you can do better than this... you can't be this stupid...

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Also, Mo Matik, what is your proof of God. Not personal proof, as that is subjective, but what is your proof that can be proclaimed publicly as widely accepted or persuasive evidence?
The evidence I stand by is the Qur'an in it's entirety, and the Sahih collections of Hadith (Bukhari, and Muslim).

Scholarship on Islam is a minefield.  If you'd like a recommendation on where to start, I can do that.

Prove to me your god exists.
The burden of proof is on you. I want evidence. I want to be shown that there is evidence that your god is real and exists. 

Plus, if you have faith, you need a reason for that faith ultimately. Very few people blindly believe in the slightest thing without THINKING there is a reason for that faith. Please show me your faith and why you have it. In this thread and others I have provided TONS of resources and suggestions. I ask that you do the same. No I can't spend time reading entire books. Succinctly, please elaborate on this. 
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Also, Mo Matik, what is your proof of God. Not personal proof, as that is subjective, but what is your proof that can be proclaimed publicly as widely accepted or persuasive evidence?
The evidence I stand by is the Qur'an in it's entirety, and the Sahih collections of Hadith (Bukhari, and Muslim).

Scholarship on Islam is a minefield.  If you'd like a recommendation on where to start, I can do that.

Prove to me your god exists.
The burden of proof is on you. I want evidence. I want to be shown that there is evidence that your god is real and exists. 

Plus, if you have faith, you need a reason for that faith ultimately. Very few people blindly believe in the slightest thing without THINKING there is a reason for that faith. Please show me your faith and why you have it. In this thread and others I have provided TONS of resources and suggestions. I ask that you do the same. No I can't spend time reading entire books. Succinctly, please elaborate on this. 
1st guy talking in the 2nd vid brings up some good questions. Refusing to say "I don't know." and to another point what does knowing the answer to that question even matter especially in the here and now.

1st vid speaks on a lot of real shh too.
1st guy talking in the 2nd vid brings up some good questions. Refusing to say "I don't know." and to another point what does knowing the answer to that question even matter especially in the here and now.

1st vid speaks on a lot of real shh too.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

1st guy talking in the 2nd vid brings up some good questions. Refusing to say "I don't know." and to another point what does knowing the answer to that question even matter especially in the here and now.

1st vid speaks on a lot of real shh too.

[h1]Richard Feynman[/h1]
The guy in the first video.

He has a lecture series explaning physics I wanna get. Dude is a legend. 
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

1st guy talking in the 2nd vid brings up some good questions. Refusing to say "I don't know." and to another point what does knowing the answer to that question even matter especially in the here and now.

1st vid speaks on a lot of real shh too.

[h1]Richard Feynman[/h1]
The guy in the first video.

He has a lecture series explaning physics I wanna get. Dude is a legend. 
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

The burden of proof is on religious people. When people make such claims outside the realm of religion they are deemed delusional even by religious people themselves.
Most religious people understand that there is an element of faith involved.  It has to be.  It's kind of required for the whole thing to work.

The burden of proof is not on the atheist that was my point. That's how it works for everything else in life, including Gods religious people themselves don't believe in. Religious people themselves find other ridiculous claims without evidence to be delusional except when it comes to their own religion.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

The burden of proof is on religious people. When people make such claims outside the realm of religion they are deemed delusional even by religious people themselves.
Most religious people understand that there is an element of faith involved.  It has to be.  It's kind of required for the whole thing to work.

The burden of proof is not on the atheist that was my point. That's how it works for everything else in life, including Gods religious people themselves don't believe in. Religious people themselves find other ridiculous claims without evidence to be delusional except when it comes to their own religion.
Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

1st guy talking in the 2nd vid brings up some good questions. Refusing to say "I don't know." and to another point what does knowing the answer to that question even matter especially in the here and now.

1st vid speaks on a lot of real shh too.

[h1]Richard Feynman[/h1]
The guy in the first video.

He has a lecture series explaning physics I wanna get. Dude is a legend. 
peep the vid below.. him and his buddies drop jewels like they're slave mining in africa.
Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

1st guy talking in the 2nd vid brings up some good questions. Refusing to say "I don't know." and to another point what does knowing the answer to that question even matter especially in the here and now.

1st vid speaks on a lot of real shh too.

[h1]Richard Feynman[/h1]
The guy in the first video.

He has a lecture series explaning physics I wanna get. Dude is a legend. 
peep the vid below.. him and his buddies drop jewels like they're slave mining in africa.

[deGrasse Tyson]
We are all connected;
To each other, biologically
To the earth, chemically
To the rest of the universe atomically

I think nature's imagination
Is so much greater than man's
She's never going to let us relax

We live in an in-between universe
Where things change all right
But according to patterns, rules,
Or as we call them, laws of nature

I'm this guy standing on a planet
Really I'm just a speck
Compared with a star, the planet is just another speck
To think about all of this
To think about the vast emptiness of space
There's billions and billions of stars
Billions and billions of specks

The beauty of a living thing is not the atoms that go into it
But the way those atoms are put together
The cosmos is also within us
We're made of star stuff
We are a way for the cosmos to know itself

Across the sea of space
The stars are other suns
We have traveled this way before
And there is much to be learned

I find it elevating and exhilarating
To discover that we live in a universe
Which permits the evolution of molecular machines
As intricate and subtle as we

[deGrasse Tyson]
I know that the molecules in my body are traceable
To phenomena in the cosmos
That makes me want to grab people in the street
And say, have you heard this??

(Richard Feynman on hand drums and chanting)

There's this tremendous mess
Of waves all over in space
Which is the light bouncing around the room
And going from one thing to the other

And it's all really there
But you gotta stop and think about it
About the complexity to really get the pleasure
And it's all really there
The inconceivable nature of nature

[deGrasse Tyson]
We are all connected;
To each other, biologically
To the earth, chemically
To the rest of the universe atomically

I think nature's imagination
Is so much greater than man's
She's never going to let us relax

We live in an in-between universe
Where things change all right
But according to patterns, rules,
Or as we call them, laws of nature

I'm this guy standing on a planet
Really I'm just a speck
Compared with a star, the planet is just another speck
To think about all of this
To think about the vast emptiness of space
There's billions and billions of stars
Billions and billions of specks

The beauty of a living thing is not the atoms that go into it
But the way those atoms are put together
The cosmos is also within us
We're made of star stuff
We are a way for the cosmos to know itself

Across the sea of space
The stars are other suns
We have traveled this way before
And there is much to be learned

I find it elevating and exhilarating
To discover that we live in a universe
Which permits the evolution of molecular machines
As intricate and subtle as we

[deGrasse Tyson]
I know that the molecules in my body are traceable
To phenomena in the cosmos
That makes me want to grab people in the street
And say, have you heard this??

(Richard Feynman on hand drums and chanting)

There's this tremendous mess
Of waves all over in space
Which is the light bouncing around the room
And going from one thing to the other

And it's all really there
But you gotta stop and think about it
About the complexity to really get the pleasure
And it's all really there
The inconceivable nature of nature
Not that this is being debated in this topic; however, I think the underlying issue is societies inability to believe that Science and Religion and co-exist.  If you believe in the big-bang theory you're a moron and if you're believe in any form of religion you're irrational.  It's a lose-lose situation. 

If you're non-religious, why is it necessary for a religious individual to explain to you why they have faith? (and vice-versa).  Has anyone ever researched the definition of faith? See below

Definition of Faith from Webster's Dictionary:

B (1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof
   (2) : complete trust
In other words, he/she does not have to see, smell, or hear a higher power to believe that it's there.  As soon as we (the collective we) stop trying to force our beliefs (religious/non-religious) down each others throat the better. You'd think that in a world as diverse as this, people would be able to believe what they want w/o ridicule.  People tend to speak about how far we've come as a society but the reality is, we have much further to go.
Not that this is being debated in this topic; however, I think the underlying issue is societies inability to believe that Science and Religion and co-exist.  If you believe in the big-bang theory you're a moron and if you're believe in any form of religion you're irrational.  It's a lose-lose situation. 

If you're non-religious, why is it necessary for a religious individual to explain to you why they have faith? (and vice-versa).  Has anyone ever researched the definition of faith? See below

Definition of Faith from Webster's Dictionary:

B (1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof
   (2) : complete trust
In other words, he/she does not have to see, smell, or hear a higher power to believe that it's there.  As soon as we (the collective we) stop trying to force our beliefs (religious/non-religious) down each others throat the better. You'd think that in a world as diverse as this, people would be able to believe what they want w/o ridicule.  People tend to speak about how far we've come as a society but the reality is, we have much further to go.
Originally Posted by ToAnotherLevel

Not that this is being debated in this topic; however, I think the underlying issue is societies inability to believe that Science and Religion and co-exist.  If you believe in the big-bang theory you're a moron and if you're believe in any form of religion you're irrational.  It's a lose-lose situation. 

If you're non-religious, why is it necessary for a religious individual to explain to you why they have faith? (and vice-versa).  Has anyone ever researched the definition of faith? See below

Definition of Faith from Webster's Dictionary:

B (1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof
   (2) : complete trust
In other words, he/she does not have to see, smell, or hear a higher power to believe that it's there.  As soon as we (the collective we) stop trying to force our beliefs (religious/non-religious) down each others throat the better. You'd think that in a world as diverse as this, people would be able to believe what they want w/o ridicule.  People tend to speak about how far we've come as a society but the reality is, we have much further to go.

I don't believe in God. 
Thats it. Its not NECESSARY for someone to agree with me. It think it IS however beneficial to them to at least see that 90-95%+ of their views are faulty, irrational, impossible, and illogical. Anyone who holds on to such doctrines deserves to defend them. If those beliefs don't stand up to the test of criticism, only fools continue to support them. Its that simple. Thats why old theories die off and new ones persist. 

This is literally a warning to those that believe. If you want to argue, thats cool but you'll mess around and lose your faith trying to. If thats the risk you want to take, I welcome the challenge. 

I'm tired of accepting Christian/Islamic/Jewish/Crap/Bigoted dogma in this country. Atheism IS growing in this country with good reason. Atheism is NOT the answer to all problems in society though. There will always be struggles but this is the cause that I champion. I respect the right of others to practice their own religions but its time that if you're going to push that on me, I'm going to push back and in the process i'm going to expose the bull %+%% you believe in and show how it hinders you to think for yourself. I'm freeing minds. So yes, science as it stands and religion can't co-exist and frankly, I hope they never do. As long as there is vehicle that reinforces inequality and hinders the progression of marginalized and minority groups and that which propagates false understandings of reality I will do my part to correct them. Science allows for previous thoughts to be changed and accepted to come to better understandings. Beliefs get created ONCE and live forever. You tell me the dangerous part about that. 

I'm all for peace and would never condone anything such a persecution of religious beliefs but its time for people to come to better ideological understandings. Adults in America need to grow up.
Originally Posted by ToAnotherLevel

Not that this is being debated in this topic; however, I think the underlying issue is societies inability to believe that Science and Religion and co-exist.  If you believe in the big-bang theory you're a moron and if you're believe in any form of religion you're irrational.  It's a lose-lose situation. 

If you're non-religious, why is it necessary for a religious individual to explain to you why they have faith? (and vice-versa).  Has anyone ever researched the definition of faith? See below

Definition of Faith from Webster's Dictionary:

B (1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof
   (2) : complete trust
In other words, he/she does not have to see, smell, or hear a higher power to believe that it's there.  As soon as we (the collective we) stop trying to force our beliefs (religious/non-religious) down each others throat the better. You'd think that in a world as diverse as this, people would be able to believe what they want w/o ridicule.  People tend to speak about how far we've come as a society but the reality is, we have much further to go.

I don't believe in God. 
Thats it. Its not NECESSARY for someone to agree with me. It think it IS however beneficial to them to at least see that 90-95%+ of their views are faulty, irrational, impossible, and illogical. Anyone who holds on to such doctrines deserves to defend them. If those beliefs don't stand up to the test of criticism, only fools continue to support them. Its that simple. Thats why old theories die off and new ones persist. 

This is literally a warning to those that believe. If you want to argue, thats cool but you'll mess around and lose your faith trying to. If thats the risk you want to take, I welcome the challenge. 

I'm tired of accepting Christian/Islamic/Jewish/Crap/Bigoted dogma in this country. Atheism IS growing in this country with good reason. Atheism is NOT the answer to all problems in society though. There will always be struggles but this is the cause that I champion. I respect the right of others to practice their own religions but its time that if you're going to push that on me, I'm going to push back and in the process i'm going to expose the bull %+%% you believe in and show how it hinders you to think for yourself. I'm freeing minds. So yes, science as it stands and religion can't co-exist and frankly, I hope they never do. As long as there is vehicle that reinforces inequality and hinders the progression of marginalized and minority groups and that which propagates false understandings of reality I will do my part to correct them. Science allows for previous thoughts to be changed and accepted to come to better understandings. Beliefs get created ONCE and live forever. You tell me the dangerous part about that. 

I'm all for peace and would never condone anything such a persecution of religious beliefs but its time for people to come to better ideological understandings. Adults in America need to grow up.


Originally Posted by copped



I made money sitting at work educating fools like you. Miss me with that. Funny how you've managed to say that. Only someone checking for my posts would come to that conclusion. 
Originally Posted by copped



I made money sitting at work educating fools like you. Miss me with that. Funny how you've managed to say that. Only someone checking for my posts would come to that conclusion. 
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