Bill O'Reilly...tell me you can do better than this... you can't be this stupid...

HighMan wrote:
He makes valid points here , imo bill has said some dumb things… this isnt an example of that….

You again... 
I'm convinced you're a troll as per the last thread you made as a christian trying to answer a series of questions.

You really don't care to know how our moon and every other planetary moon was created do you? I guess the *+@! we're witnessing in other galaxies means nothing to you. God doing it is enough for you isn't it? 

Bill said he doesn't know how the tides work and we can't explain it... and he always said stephen hawking couldn't explain some of his basic questions that most of the modern world has answers to.

And you think these are LEGIT answers? Dude you're slipping. You're really slipping. 


Im no troll i answered as many questions as I could  , Im a human being… for the record out of all the crazy stuff bill has said this is just isn’t even the tip of the iceberg

so he said athiesm require as much faith as believing in god that is his opinion…

don’t try to belittle everyone that see’s things different… after all you may come to find out one day that god is real…

upon reading your posts it is clear that you must have some sort of very sad life… it seems you get joys and giggles at the possibility of proving someone wrong...
Originally Posted by HighMan

He makes valid points here , imo bill has said some dumb things… this isnt an example of that….

no what he said was really dumb. Anybody who has gone to school can answer every question that he brought up.

exactly, that is my point. there has to be life someone where else. life is not only carbon/oxygen based. there is so much we do not know. i just hope that i'm alive when that discovery is made. CHEERS !

For the reocrd… non carbon creatures have been found on earth...

exactly, that is my point. there has to be life someone where else. life is not only carbon/oxygen based. there is so much we do not know. i just hope that i'm alive when that discovery is made. CHEERS !

For the reocrd… non carbon creatures have been found on earth...
Originally Posted by megachamploo

Originally Posted by HighMan

He makes valid points here , imo bill has said some dumb things… this isnt an example of that….

no what he said was really dumb. Anybody who has gone to school can answer every question that he brought up.

Magnets, how do they work

O'Reilly: "Magic man did it".
Originally Posted by megachamploo

Originally Posted by HighMan

He makes valid points here , imo bill has said some dumb things… this isnt an example of that….

no what he said was really dumb. Anybody who has gone to school can answer every question that he brought up.

Magnets, how do they work

O'Reilly: "Magic man did it".
Originally Posted by megachamploo

Originally Posted by HighMan

He makes valid points here , imo bill has said some dumb things… this isnt an example of that….

no what he said was really dumb. Anybody who has gone to school can answer every question that he brought up.
Um this is not true...
Originally Posted by megachamploo

Originally Posted by HighMan

He makes valid points here , imo bill has said some dumb things… this isnt an example of that….

no what he said was really dumb. Anybody who has gone to school can answer every question that he brought up.
Um this is not true...
Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by megachamploo

Originally Posted by HighMan

He makes valid points here , imo bill has said some dumb things… this isnt an example of that….

no what he said was really dumb. Anybody who has gone to school can answer every question that he brought up.
Um this is not true...

Let me clarify, anybody who has gone to school and paid attention can answer every question that he brought up.
Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by megachamploo

Originally Posted by HighMan

He makes valid points here , imo bill has said some dumb things… this isnt an example of that….

no what he said was really dumb. Anybody who has gone to school can answer every question that he brought up.
Um this is not true...

Let me clarify, anybody who has gone to school and paid attention can answer every question that he brought up.
Originally Posted by Ryda421

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by Ryda421

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by Ryda421

i read the whole thread. what i find interesting, is that the bible (christian) speaks of 'the mark of the beast.' and now government is pushing people to get chipped aka mark of the beast.

i understand that may not make sense but it is quite interesting, perhaps it's the same powers. attempting to control you.

 to fully dedicate yourself to a cause/have your mind made up aka religion aka science before hearing an arguing. is some what dumb. it's like politicians or voters saying I"M A REPUBLICAN and i ONLY think REPUBLICAN. how can you have your mind made up if you have not even heard the issue at hand.

it just baffles me that us humans put so much effort into saying I:M RIGHT and YOURE WRONG. why can't we just come to common grounds and move forwards. you think animals waste time like this ?! NO. they just live. it seems like every single human is living a lie, and the ones who are not are

before watching zeitgeist, i would study other religions, and i found it funny how most were the same. all copy cats of Egyptian mythology. if i were to choose a religion, it would be Buddhism because it teaches peace and understanding. not arguing  who is right or wrong but putting that information together and finding a middle path. NOT TOO HIGH, NOT TO LOW.
I'm not trying to say I'm right or wrong. I'm saying that the beliefs that many subscribe to are INCONSISTENT and OUTDATED. They are on faulty grounds and the support for them when investigated fails to exists.
I've shown myself to be as open-minded as anyone on this board time and time again. I listen and address every argument I can. However when it contradicts itself and that issue can't be resolved, that idea is therefore impossible. Its null and voided. Why waste your time with something that doesn't make sense and never will. Thats what I'm addressing here. Reason and objectivity. Religion doesn't provide that. 

Buddhism is actually pretty awesome in my eyes since it allows people to kinda slide past each other with as little friction as possible...except the God part. I'm just not going to ever going to be given enough proof of that. 

ok. thanks for clearing that up. i was getting the 'im right and youre right wrong' vibe. the same vibe that religion gives off.

i do not doubt that is inconsistent and outdated. but science has some flaws as well. I say that because it seems like at times science is manipulated at times. the thing i like is that science corrects itself constantly. the only difference is that science is not egotistic and actually corrects itself which is something i credit.

i see what you are saying. but IMO there has be a creator or more. this whole cycle is too much for it to just be spontaneous. there has to be reason behind all this. but if there is no reason, then i will be content with that. but until i discover it i will believe that there is some kind of creator. and another reason why i believe in a 'creator' is because of ALIENS/UFOS. there are amazonian tribes which describe UFO/ALIENS landing on earth and leaving creatures. i do not know about you but i would rather believe in amazonian tribes rather than European cultures who have used religion to manipulate civilizations.
Thanks for acknowledging that science DOES correct itself. It isnt an egotistic field. Scientists CAN have egos to want to be right but the pressure of criticism and replicable results will always win out. Integrity of knowledge always wins. Plus, give me an example where science has flaws? Science isn't manipulated. Understandings of our surroundings can be manipulated. The underlying science will always be evident. 
Sorry but how can you think there is automatically a creator? Like where does that just come from? You need a reason to believe it. You want there to be a purpose...the purpose is no more different than that of bacteria. You are an oversized piece of bacteria. You eat. You respirate. You reproduce. What you do in-between that time is up to you. Thats it. To just continue executing a complex set of biological interactions. Its tough for your to come to grips with because you want to feel special. Everything else you do has purpose so you want there to be some divine understanding. There isn't. There just is not. Once you come to terms with this the sooner you'll be able to live this life to the fullest and not submit to what someone else says as the "divine plan" and instead cherish this day even more knowing that it will never return. Each breath is your last. 
Uh...these uncontacted amazonian tribes see us and think its 1492 again. These people have been COMPLETELY isolated. We need better explanations for what they describe as UFOs. Plus, why do UFOs only contact the most remote and isolated populations in the world? Like always happens. Never more than a few people can bear claim to their existence. Details are always super vague. If you had seen these, why are there more accounts? Why not more detail if its such a traumatic event? Most people that experience trauma can recall each and every detail of that event with severe accuracy.  I'm not so sure you're on the right track here. It could very well be a misunderstanding. 

However...I think there are aliens, because life spontaneously has been shown to occur and in different formats i.e. creatures found in arsenic environments with phosphorous-Ar replacements in their DNA. Crazy #%%$ starts happening with life forms ya'll... Its not as cut and dry as we think. Its silly to think that in the vast expanse of the world that we are the only forms of life. Even microbial. 

We need PROOF.
some science is manipulated/misleading @ times. read this link.;

also, i remember when so called atlantis was found in the carribean, chile and some part in japan. NATGEO bought all the rights and only showed a little of the truth. which is was sad. also, NASA (scientists) is/are becoming a misleading tail of science. but one thing i do enjoy is that truth always comes out and that i can agree with you.

i believe there is a creator because the randomness of being here and how 'weird/coincidental' things just happen. it kind of leads me to a past life theory but it has not been proven.
i don't want to feel special, i know i'm not special. therefore i do not believe in being special. i live for the moment and i believe that tomorrow is a whole new world so you are mistaken on that part.

i'm not just speaking of amazonian tribes. some south american countries (chile,peru,columbia) original 'religion/faith' before 1492 tell stores of their origins and they speak of UFO's coming from the sky and drop creatures off. i wish i could find the video but it was on a public channel i believe the show was called globe trekker. i will look for it.

exactly, that is my point. there has to be life someone where else. life is not only carbon/oxygen based. there is so much we do not know. i just hope that i'm alive when that discovery is made. CHEERS !

First of all stop saying "science" as if its one monolithic thing. One person's false claims do not represent the entire academic community just like one suicide bomber does not represent all muslims. I'm smarter than that and you should know this too. I know science gets it wrong, but it tries. Religion doesn't care if it gets it wrong, it just keeps getting it wrong and doesn't care to change, nor will it admit when its wrong. The Pope JUST OK'd condoms. And they finally forgave galileo like only in 1993 dude. Religious leaders know their power and hate to be proven wrong. Scientific pursuit doesn't have this ego, or nowhere to that extent. 

You still think this was created? There is so much wrong with the design of things. Plus, since you think its would you CREATE it differently? You only know what was "created" in the realm of what you've how can you say things are perfectly designed? Things work well because they work in the realm the work in. You've got this delusion that since it works well that it was made to work well...that simply isn't true. Just because it works it satisifies what YOU want it to do. What if the point of fire isn't for warmth but for us to just look at? Its like saying...hey look at how tall those trees are...they must be that tall because they just work so well...Or maybe they're just TALL. Thats it. Stop looking for a reason for everything and instead look at HOW they work, not just the fact that they work. Your concept of "random" is defined in only what you witness. If i told you to improve the design of the body you'd basically come up with some stuff that just doesn't exist. The ability to fly, laser eyes, super strong bones, mind-reading. You ever wonder why we can't do that? Why didn't we get that design? What about our fingers? How do we know that we're supposed to have 5 and that rather we just have 5 fingers. We could just as easily have 6 or 4. It doesn't matter. You say its designed but this design has tons of flaws. Cancer? Autosomal disease? Block arteries? broken bones? wisdom teeth? Ectopic pregnancy? We have to ingest vitamin C from our environment and its not produced internally. Wings on flight-less birds like ostriches. Congential disease? The pharynx that controls breathing and swallowing as a choking hazard. Why not two channels? The vestigal tail in humans? Introns in our DNA? Look into things like arguments from a poor design. There are tons more. 

There already are stories of pre-columbian visits to the new world. I've heard them. Both outer worldly and human. Some say the chinese visited way before. Who cares? That doesn't relate to a God or any divine principle. It just means our historical time-table could be off by a bit. 

The existence of life on another planet worries me because those that believe in god would say "well look god made other creatures too" instead of saying "holy crap, we're not that unique...maybe god doesn't exist"
Originally Posted by Ryda421

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by Ryda421

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by Ryda421

i read the whole thread. what i find interesting, is that the bible (christian) speaks of 'the mark of the beast.' and now government is pushing people to get chipped aka mark of the beast.

i understand that may not make sense but it is quite interesting, perhaps it's the same powers. attempting to control you.

 to fully dedicate yourself to a cause/have your mind made up aka religion aka science before hearing an arguing. is some what dumb. it's like politicians or voters saying I"M A REPUBLICAN and i ONLY think REPUBLICAN. how can you have your mind made up if you have not even heard the issue at hand.

it just baffles me that us humans put so much effort into saying I:M RIGHT and YOURE WRONG. why can't we just come to common grounds and move forwards. you think animals waste time like this ?! NO. they just live. it seems like every single human is living a lie, and the ones who are not are

before watching zeitgeist, i would study other religions, and i found it funny how most were the same. all copy cats of Egyptian mythology. if i were to choose a religion, it would be Buddhism because it teaches peace and understanding. not arguing  who is right or wrong but putting that information together and finding a middle path. NOT TOO HIGH, NOT TO LOW.
I'm not trying to say I'm right or wrong. I'm saying that the beliefs that many subscribe to are INCONSISTENT and OUTDATED. They are on faulty grounds and the support for them when investigated fails to exists.
I've shown myself to be as open-minded as anyone on this board time and time again. I listen and address every argument I can. However when it contradicts itself and that issue can't be resolved, that idea is therefore impossible. Its null and voided. Why waste your time with something that doesn't make sense and never will. Thats what I'm addressing here. Reason and objectivity. Religion doesn't provide that. 

Buddhism is actually pretty awesome in my eyes since it allows people to kinda slide past each other with as little friction as possible...except the God part. I'm just not going to ever going to be given enough proof of that. 

ok. thanks for clearing that up. i was getting the 'im right and youre right wrong' vibe. the same vibe that religion gives off.

i do not doubt that is inconsistent and outdated. but science has some flaws as well. I say that because it seems like at times science is manipulated at times. the thing i like is that science corrects itself constantly. the only difference is that science is not egotistic and actually corrects itself which is something i credit.

i see what you are saying. but IMO there has be a creator or more. this whole cycle is too much for it to just be spontaneous. there has to be reason behind all this. but if there is no reason, then i will be content with that. but until i discover it i will believe that there is some kind of creator. and another reason why i believe in a 'creator' is because of ALIENS/UFOS. there are amazonian tribes which describe UFO/ALIENS landing on earth and leaving creatures. i do not know about you but i would rather believe in amazonian tribes rather than European cultures who have used religion to manipulate civilizations.
Thanks for acknowledging that science DOES correct itself. It isnt an egotistic field. Scientists CAN have egos to want to be right but the pressure of criticism and replicable results will always win out. Integrity of knowledge always wins. Plus, give me an example where science has flaws? Science isn't manipulated. Understandings of our surroundings can be manipulated. The underlying science will always be evident. 
Sorry but how can you think there is automatically a creator? Like where does that just come from? You need a reason to believe it. You want there to be a purpose...the purpose is no more different than that of bacteria. You are an oversized piece of bacteria. You eat. You respirate. You reproduce. What you do in-between that time is up to you. Thats it. To just continue executing a complex set of biological interactions. Its tough for your to come to grips with because you want to feel special. Everything else you do has purpose so you want there to be some divine understanding. There isn't. There just is not. Once you come to terms with this the sooner you'll be able to live this life to the fullest and not submit to what someone else says as the "divine plan" and instead cherish this day even more knowing that it will never return. Each breath is your last. 
Uh...these uncontacted amazonian tribes see us and think its 1492 again. These people have been COMPLETELY isolated. We need better explanations for what they describe as UFOs. Plus, why do UFOs only contact the most remote and isolated populations in the world? Like always happens. Never more than a few people can bear claim to their existence. Details are always super vague. If you had seen these, why are there more accounts? Why not more detail if its such a traumatic event? Most people that experience trauma can recall each and every detail of that event with severe accuracy.  I'm not so sure you're on the right track here. It could very well be a misunderstanding. 

However...I think there are aliens, because life spontaneously has been shown to occur and in different formats i.e. creatures found in arsenic environments with phosphorous-Ar replacements in their DNA. Crazy #%%$ starts happening with life forms ya'll... Its not as cut and dry as we think. Its silly to think that in the vast expanse of the world that we are the only forms of life. Even microbial. 

We need PROOF.
some science is manipulated/misleading @ times. read this link.;

also, i remember when so called atlantis was found in the carribean, chile and some part in japan. NATGEO bought all the rights and only showed a little of the truth. which is was sad. also, NASA (scientists) is/are becoming a misleading tail of science. but one thing i do enjoy is that truth always comes out and that i can agree with you.

i believe there is a creator because the randomness of being here and how 'weird/coincidental' things just happen. it kind of leads me to a past life theory but it has not been proven.
i don't want to feel special, i know i'm not special. therefore i do not believe in being special. i live for the moment and i believe that tomorrow is a whole new world so you are mistaken on that part.

i'm not just speaking of amazonian tribes. some south american countries (chile,peru,columbia) original 'religion/faith' before 1492 tell stores of their origins and they speak of UFO's coming from the sky and drop creatures off. i wish i could find the video but it was on a public channel i believe the show was called globe trekker. i will look for it.

exactly, that is my point. there has to be life someone where else. life is not only carbon/oxygen based. there is so much we do not know. i just hope that i'm alive when that discovery is made. CHEERS !

First of all stop saying "science" as if its one monolithic thing. One person's false claims do not represent the entire academic community just like one suicide bomber does not represent all muslims. I'm smarter than that and you should know this too. I know science gets it wrong, but it tries. Religion doesn't care if it gets it wrong, it just keeps getting it wrong and doesn't care to change, nor will it admit when its wrong. The Pope JUST OK'd condoms. And they finally forgave galileo like only in 1993 dude. Religious leaders know their power and hate to be proven wrong. Scientific pursuit doesn't have this ego, or nowhere to that extent. 

You still think this was created? There is so much wrong with the design of things. Plus, since you think its would you CREATE it differently? You only know what was "created" in the realm of what you've how can you say things are perfectly designed? Things work well because they work in the realm the work in. You've got this delusion that since it works well that it was made to work well...that simply isn't true. Just because it works it satisifies what YOU want it to do. What if the point of fire isn't for warmth but for us to just look at? Its like saying...hey look at how tall those trees are...they must be that tall because they just work so well...Or maybe they're just TALL. Thats it. Stop looking for a reason for everything and instead look at HOW they work, not just the fact that they work. Your concept of "random" is defined in only what you witness. If i told you to improve the design of the body you'd basically come up with some stuff that just doesn't exist. The ability to fly, laser eyes, super strong bones, mind-reading. You ever wonder why we can't do that? Why didn't we get that design? What about our fingers? How do we know that we're supposed to have 5 and that rather we just have 5 fingers. We could just as easily have 6 or 4. It doesn't matter. You say its designed but this design has tons of flaws. Cancer? Autosomal disease? Block arteries? broken bones? wisdom teeth? Ectopic pregnancy? We have to ingest vitamin C from our environment and its not produced internally. Wings on flight-less birds like ostriches. Congential disease? The pharynx that controls breathing and swallowing as a choking hazard. Why not two channels? The vestigal tail in humans? Introns in our DNA? Look into things like arguments from a poor design. There are tons more. 

There already are stories of pre-columbian visits to the new world. I've heard them. Both outer worldly and human. Some say the chinese visited way before. Who cares? That doesn't relate to a God or any divine principle. It just means our historical time-table could be off by a bit. 

The existence of life on another planet worries me because those that believe in god would say "well look god made other creatures too" instead of saying "holy crap, we're not that unique...maybe god doesn't exist"
Originally Posted by megachamploo

Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by megachamploo

Originally Posted by HighMan

He makes valid points here , imo bill has said some dumb things… this isnt an example of that….

no what he said was really dumb. Anybody who has gone to school can answer every question that he brought up.
Um this is not true...

Let me clarify, anybody who has gone to school and paid attention can answer every question that he brought up.
That is not true either… the fact of the matter is both science and religion have questions that cant be answered and both require some sort of faith… at the days end little things like how do magnets work can be explained but other things cant be proven…
a theory is not a fact...
Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by megachamploo

Originally Posted by HighMan

He makes valid points here , imo bill has said some dumb things… this isnt an example of that….

no what he said was really dumb. Anybody who has gone to school can answer every question that he brought up.
Um this is not true...
Anybody who has gone to school and has actually paid attention and learned can answer every question. Of course I'd think megachamploo is referring to schools that teach english, science/chemistry, math, etc. not stuff like abstinence, creationism and other baseless things you want to believe are true.
a theory is not a fact...
Good thing we're NOT talking about regular old theories but scientific theories and facts.

And if you really cared you'd ask a scientist to explain it to you. Moreover, just because science does not have an answer to a question does not mean a wizard did it. That is an argument from and for ignorance.
Originally Posted by megachamploo

Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by megachamploo

Originally Posted by HighMan

He makes valid points here , imo bill has said some dumb things… this isnt an example of that….

no what he said was really dumb. Anybody who has gone to school can answer every question that he brought up.
Um this is not true...

Let me clarify, anybody who has gone to school and paid attention can answer every question that he brought up.
That is not true either… the fact of the matter is both science and religion have questions that cant be answered and both require some sort of faith… at the days end little things like how do magnets work can be explained but other things cant be proven…
a theory is not a fact...
Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by megachamploo

Originally Posted by HighMan

He makes valid points here , imo bill has said some dumb things… this isnt an example of that….

no what he said was really dumb. Anybody who has gone to school can answer every question that he brought up.
Um this is not true...
Anybody who has gone to school and has actually paid attention and learned can answer every question. Of course I'd think megachamploo is referring to schools that teach english, science/chemistry, math, etc. not stuff like abstinence, creationism and other baseless things you want to believe are true.
a theory is not a fact...
Good thing we're NOT talking about regular old theories but scientific theories and facts.

And if you really cared you'd ask a scientist to explain it to you. Moreover, just because science does not have an answer to a question does not mean a wizard did it. That is an argument from and for ignorance.
Originally Posted by megachamploo

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by megachamploo

I see,

so... science right now says that God shouldn't exist, but science also once proposed that the world was flat. I know that you know that there's always a possibility that science is completely wrong and we could find that out later. What is atheism then, but a faith that God doesn't exist?
The great thing about science? New information changes old thoughts. Its just empirical knowledge. New things come along and debunk yesterdays mysteries. BTW, science once didn't know how to start a fire either. Or to make bronze tools...or alloy metals. But we do now. So whats your point?
Atheism is not a faith. I don't think there is a god. Not stamp collecting is not a hobby nor is not-skiing a sport. 
Thats it. 

I think you misunderstood what I meant by faith.

sorry my point is that suppose science one day could prove that there is a God and that science was previously wrong. I don't think it's impossible.
I'm saying like... in all of what we know with science, it's possible that it has mislead us. It's happened before. With that said, some portion of your atheism should be based on belief right? You mentioned before that no one really knows, doesn't that mean that what we strongly hold on to is partly faith? 

I don't think theres a god to the point that I can say theres no God.... but I can't say there is no god. Do you get that? I'm being as technical with the term as I can be. 
Science doesn't reject god inherently. It just tends to make the realm where God once was thought to exist smaller and smaller. If you charted the existence of god vs. the breadth of scientific discovery you'd see a similar correlation. 

I'm tired of telling you. I don't "believe" in atheism. There is no atheist doctrine. You can be an atheist and a conservative, gay-bashing, xenophobic, racist. None of that relates to the other. I just don't think theres a god. You are conflicted by your BELIEF that I must have an equal and opposite belief. This is false. You and others that believe in a god are playing a football game. I'm in the stands watching the game and am indifferent to the score. Get it? 
Originally Posted by megachamploo

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by megachamploo

I see,

so... science right now says that God shouldn't exist, but science also once proposed that the world was flat. I know that you know that there's always a possibility that science is completely wrong and we could find that out later. What is atheism then, but a faith that God doesn't exist?
The great thing about science? New information changes old thoughts. Its just empirical knowledge. New things come along and debunk yesterdays mysteries. BTW, science once didn't know how to start a fire either. Or to make bronze tools...or alloy metals. But we do now. So whats your point?
Atheism is not a faith. I don't think there is a god. Not stamp collecting is not a hobby nor is not-skiing a sport. 
Thats it. 

I think you misunderstood what I meant by faith.

sorry my point is that suppose science one day could prove that there is a God and that science was previously wrong. I don't think it's impossible.
I'm saying like... in all of what we know with science, it's possible that it has mislead us. It's happened before. With that said, some portion of your atheism should be based on belief right? You mentioned before that no one really knows, doesn't that mean that what we strongly hold on to is partly faith? 

I don't think theres a god to the point that I can say theres no God.... but I can't say there is no god. Do you get that? I'm being as technical with the term as I can be. 
Science doesn't reject god inherently. It just tends to make the realm where God once was thought to exist smaller and smaller. If you charted the existence of god vs. the breadth of scientific discovery you'd see a similar correlation. 

I'm tired of telling you. I don't "believe" in atheism. There is no atheist doctrine. You can be an atheist and a conservative, gay-bashing, xenophobic, racist. None of that relates to the other. I just don't think theres a god. You are conflicted by your BELIEF that I must have an equal and opposite belief. This is false. You and others that believe in a god are playing a football game. I'm in the stands watching the game and am indifferent to the score. Get it? 
Originally Posted by HighMan

HighMan wrote:
He makes valid points here , imo bill has said some dumb things… this isnt an example of that….
I'm convinced you're a troll as per the last thread you made as a christian trying to answer a series of questions.

You really don't care to know how our moon and every other planetary moon was created do you? I guess the *+@! we're witnessing in other galaxies means nothing to you. God doing it is enough for you isn't it? 

Bill said he doesn't know how the tides work and we can't explain it... and he always said stephen hawking couldn't explain some of his basic questions that most of the modern world has answers to.

And you think these are LEGIT answers? Dude you're slipping. You're really slipping. 


Im no troll i answered as many questions as I could  , Im a human being… for the record out of all the crazy stuff bill has said this is just isn’t even the tip of the iceberg

so he said athiesm require as much faith as believing in god that is his opinion…

don’t try to belittle everyone that see’s things different… after all you may come to find out one day that god is real…

upon reading your posts it is clear that you must have some sort of very sad life… it seems you get joys and giggles at the possibility of proving someone wrong...

Nope. I'm actually kinda spoiled. My parents insist on doing so. I'm pretty well off and I don't like to brag but we won't go there. Life is great. I just hate seeing people waste their time on crap that ultimately doesn't serve them in anyway that they couldn't do themselves. I wonder where you got this argument. I'm not some fat dude at a computer playing WoW reading up mythology. I'm kind of a young dude who likes smashing random skeezos and living life to the fullest. I'm sure I could teach you a few things. 
Originally Posted by HighMan

HighMan wrote:
He makes valid points here , imo bill has said some dumb things… this isnt an example of that….
I'm convinced you're a troll as per the last thread you made as a christian trying to answer a series of questions.

You really don't care to know how our moon and every other planetary moon was created do you? I guess the *+@! we're witnessing in other galaxies means nothing to you. God doing it is enough for you isn't it? 

Bill said he doesn't know how the tides work and we can't explain it... and he always said stephen hawking couldn't explain some of his basic questions that most of the modern world has answers to.

And you think these are LEGIT answers? Dude you're slipping. You're really slipping. 


Im no troll i answered as many questions as I could  , Im a human being… for the record out of all the crazy stuff bill has said this is just isn’t even the tip of the iceberg

so he said athiesm require as much faith as believing in god that is his opinion…

don’t try to belittle everyone that see’s things different… after all you may come to find out one day that god is real…

upon reading your posts it is clear that you must have some sort of very sad life… it seems you get joys and giggles at the possibility of proving someone wrong...

Nope. I'm actually kinda spoiled. My parents insist on doing so. I'm pretty well off and I don't like to brag but we won't go there. Life is great. I just hate seeing people waste their time on crap that ultimately doesn't serve them in anyway that they couldn't do themselves. I wonder where you got this argument. I'm not some fat dude at a computer playing WoW reading up mythology. I'm kind of a young dude who likes smashing random skeezos and living life to the fullest. I'm sure I could teach you a few things. 
Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by Ryda421

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by Ryda421

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by Ryda421

i read the whole thread. what i find interesting, is that the bible (christian) speaks of 'the mark of the beast.' and now government is pushing people to get chipped aka mark of the beast.

i understand that may not make sense but it is quite interesting, perhaps it's the same powers. attempting to control you.

 to fully dedicate yourself to a cause/have your mind made up aka religion aka science before hearing an arguing. is some what dumb. it's like politicians or voters saying I"M A REPUBLICAN and i ONLY think REPUBLICAN. how can you have your mind made up if you have not even heard the issue at hand.

it just baffles me that us humans put so much effort into saying I:M RIGHT and YOURE WRONG. why can't we just come to common grounds and move forwards. you think animals waste time like this ?! NO. they just live. it seems like every single human is living a lie, and the ones who are not are

before watching zeitgeist, i would study other religions, and i found it funny how most were the same. all copy cats of Egyptian mythology. if i were to choose a religion, it would be Buddhism because it teaches peace and understanding. not arguing  who is right or wrong but putting that information together and finding a middle path. NOT TOO HIGH, NOT TO LOW.
I'm not trying to say I'm right or wrong. I'm saying that the beliefs that many subscribe to are INCONSISTENT and OUTDATED. They are on faulty grounds and the support for them when investigated fails to exists.
I've shown myself to be as open-minded as anyone on this board time and time again. I listen and address every argument I can. However when it contradicts itself and that issue can't be resolved, that idea is therefore impossible. Its null and voided. Why waste your time with something that doesn't make sense and never will. Thats what I'm addressing here. Reason and objectivity. Religion doesn't provide that. 

Buddhism is actually pretty awesome in my eyes since it allows people to kinda slide past each other with as little friction as possible...except the God part. I'm just not going to ever going to be given enough proof of that. 

ok. thanks for clearing that up. i was getting the 'im right and youre right wrong' vibe. the same vibe that religion gives off.

i do not doubt that is inconsistent and outdated. but science has some flaws as well. I say that because it seems like at times science is manipulated at times. the thing i like is that science corrects itself constantly. the only difference is that science is not egotistic and actually corrects itself which is something i credit.

i see what you are saying. but IMO there has be a creator or more. this whole cycle is too much for it to just be spontaneous. there has to be reason behind all this. but if there is no reason, then i will be content with that. but until i discover it i will believe that there is some kind of creator. and another reason why i believe in a 'creator' is because of ALIENS/UFOS. there are amazonian tribes which describe UFO/ALIENS landing on earth and leaving creatures. i do not know about you but i would rather believe in amazonian tribes rather than European cultures who have used religion to manipulate civilizations.
Thanks for acknowledging that science DOES correct itself. It isnt an egotistic field. Scientists CAN have egos to want to be right but the pressure of criticism and replicable results will always win out. Integrity of knowledge always wins. Plus, give me an example where science has flaws? Science isn't manipulated. Understandings of our surroundings can be manipulated. The underlying science will always be evident. 
Sorry but how can you think there is automatically a creator? Like where does that just come from? You need a reason to believe it. You want there to be a purpose...the purpose is no more different than that of bacteria. You are an oversized piece of bacteria. You eat. You respirate. You reproduce. What you do in-between that time is up to you. Thats it. To just continue executing a complex set of biological interactions. Its tough for your to come to grips with because you want to feel special. Everything else you do has purpose so you want there to be some divine understanding. There isn't. There just is not. Once you come to terms with this the sooner you'll be able to live this life to the fullest and not submit to what someone else says as the "divine plan" and instead cherish this day even more knowing that it will never return. Each breath is your last. 
Uh...these uncontacted amazonian tribes see us and think its 1492 again. These people have been COMPLETELY isolated. We need better explanations for what they describe as UFOs. Plus, why do UFOs only contact the most remote and isolated populations in the world? Like always happens. Never more than a few people can bear claim to their existence. Details are always super vague. If you had seen these, why are there more accounts? Why not more detail if its such a traumatic event? Most people that experience trauma can recall each and every detail of that event with severe accuracy.  I'm not so sure you're on the right track here. It could very well be a misunderstanding. 

However...I think there are aliens, because life spontaneously has been shown to occur and in different formats i.e. creatures found in arsenic environments with phosphorous-Ar replacements in their DNA. Crazy #%%$ starts happening with life forms ya'll... Its not as cut and dry as we think. Its silly to think that in the vast expanse of the world that we are the only forms of life. Even microbial. 

We need PROOF.
some science is manipulated/misleading @ times. read this link.;

also, i remember when so called atlantis was found in the carribean, chile and some part in japan. NATGEO bought all the rights and only showed a little of the truth. which is was sad. also, NASA (scientists) is/are becoming a misleading tail of science. but one thing i do enjoy is that truth always comes out and that i can agree with you.

i believe there is a creator because the randomness of being here and how 'weird/coincidental' things just happen. it kind of leads me to a past life theory but it has not been proven.
i don't want to feel special, i know i'm not special. therefore i do not believe in being special. i live for the moment and i believe that tomorrow is a whole new world so you are mistaken on that part.

i'm not just speaking of amazonian tribes. some south american countries (chile,peru,columbia) original 'religion/faith' before 1492 tell stores of their origins and they speak of UFO's coming from the sky and drop creatures off. i wish i could find the video but it was on a public channel i believe the show was called globe trekker. i will look for it.

exactly, that is my point. there has to be life someone where else. life is not only carbon/oxygen based. there is so much we do not know. i just hope that i'm alive when that discovery is made. CHEERS !

First of all stop saying "science" as if its one monolithic thing. One person's false claims do not represent the entire academic community just like one suicide bomber does not represent all muslims. I'm smarter than that and you should know this too. I know science gets it wrong, but it tries. Religion doesn't care if it gets it wrong, it just keeps getting it wrong and doesn't care to change, nor will it admit when its wrong. The Pope JUST OK'd condoms. And they finally forgave galileo like only in 1993 dude. Religious leaders know their power and hate to be proven wrong. Scientific pursuit doesn't have this ego, or nowhere to that extent. 

You still think this was created? There is so much wrong with the design of things. Plus, since you think its would you CREATE it differently? You only know what was "created" in the realm of what you've how can you say things are perfectly designed? Things work well because they work in the realm the work in. You've got this delusion that since it works well that it was made to work well...that simply isn't true. Just because it works it satisifies what YOU want it to do. What if the point of fire isn't for warmth but for us to just look at? Its like saying...hey look at how tall those trees are...they must be that tall because they just work so well...Or maybe they're just TALL. Thats it. Stop looking for a reason for everything and instead look at HOW they work, not just the fact that they work. Your concept of "random" is defined in only what you witness. If i told you to improve the design of the body you'd basically come up with some stuff that just doesn't exist. The ability to fly, laser eyes, super strong bones, mind-reading. You ever wonder why we can't do that? Why didn't we get that design? What about our fingers? How do we know that we're supposed to have 5 and that rather we just have 5 fingers. We could just as easily have 6 or 4. It doesn't matter. You say its designed but this design has tons of flaws. Cancer? Autosomal disease? Block arteries? broken bones? wisdom teeth? Ectopic pregnancy? We have to ingest vitamin C from our environment and its not produced internally. Wings on flight-less birds like ostriches. Congential disease? The pharynx that controls breathing and swallowing as a choking hazard. Why not two channels? The vestigal tail in humans? Introns in our DNA? Look into things like arguments from a poor design. There are tons more. 

There already are stories of pre-columbian visits to the new world. I've heard them. Both outer worldly and human. Some say the chinese visited way before. Who cares? That doesn't relate to a God or any divine principle. It just means our historical time-table could be off by a bit. 

The existence of life on another planet worries me because those that believe in god would say "well look god made other creatures too" instead of saying "holy crap, we're not that unique...maybe god doesn't exist"
i know. i messed up with that one. i meant to say some branches of science mislead us. but it is our duty to investigate and make our own conclusion NOT what a book or publisher states. that was my point. religion hates being corrected, that is why i oppose most, if not all religions.

actually, i do believe in mind reading/communicating aka telekinesis. you ever wonder why sometimes you can predict the future or predict someones thoughts. because we all have it. but we are so out of touch with our true senses that it is impossible for us to unlock that part of our brain. Humans have a lot of potential but we are so tied into this 'reality' that we lost touch with our spiritual side. and that is what i believe this world was intended for. how is that animals have these internal compasses in their head we do not. because they are in tune with the natural side of life. that is why ZERO animals died during that tsunami in 2004.

most diseases that you speak of are man made. imagine this. before europeans landed in the americas there was literally no disease. and that is how a lot of indigenous americas died. because they had zero immunity to those diseases. why ? because most diseases brought here were carried by humans who were infected through animals aka poultry,red meat. so in other words, you can say indigenous americans were more healthy than europeans before they 'first' made contact. i understand what you are saying, but nothing is created to perfection. even the things we make. the universe is not perfect so therefore how can we be ?

as i was writing this, imagine if SCIENCE is the new religion. not that it's a good thing or a bad thing, but what if ? i mean in the beginning (from what we know) humans believed in magic, then religion, and now science, what if this is the phase ?

true. i really believe that vikings visited the americas before. that is why the aztecs and mayans thought the prophecy was fulfilled when the Spaniards landed and began to give away gold

yup that is true. i really like how hawking stated that alien contact would forever alter our existence. can not wait until that happens
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