Bin Laden not buried at sea, body moved on CIA plane to US

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Dude is chillin right now in Bush's ranch in Texas drinking some cold coronas. Blee dat

That's how we do it in Texas B. blee dat.

I'm actually not surprised by this, But wait did we even "kill" him to begin with?
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by Rocky437

Originally Posted by Jabawokee

Who says he's even dead or he's been dead for awhile now.

al quaeda CIAada confirmed it 

Dude...are you implying that Al Qaeda is a CIA asset who was created to look like a radial opposition group when they are actually furthing the agenda?
What is next? are you going to tell me that the Government/CIA trained Bin Laden?


/sarc off
I'd like a journalist to ask the President about this, they would probably end up like Breitbart.
Originally Posted by j1mmych0o

the government is hiding something.

There was no proof at all that he was killed and buried at sea. Pictures show of the attacked and people killed. but none of them was of Bin Laden
osama bin laden hated America..

if he was still alive do you think he would chill and stay quiet while seeing The USA parade his death?
Originally Posted by Demps

osama bin laden hated America..

if he was still alive do you think he would chill and stay quiet while seeing The USA parade his death?

Ya, man, what are y'all thinking? He would hit up the Navy seals or whoever was keeping him captive and be like "Yo, can I borrow your iPhone?", then go on Twitter and Troll right?

ya'll act like the government telling the truth to the general population would be a good thing

and is this source even credible?
and does it matter wear the %!%!* is as long as the dude is dead?
I refuse to beliebe it. Our government is always right! They would never make mistakes or lie to us!
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