Birth of a Nation sounds INSANE. vol. Nat Turner Slave Rebellion Movie (Teaser Trailer - p. 5)

Part of my wants to watch obviously but I just don't think I can. My mom showed me roots and rosewood when I was about 6 and it was just too much

I haven't wat he'd anything similar since then, I can read no problem (which h I have) but the movies is something else

My friend told me what they did with his body after he died. Wow!
I mean this with all due respect, but what is yours and/or little bro's ethnicity? I only ask because if he's black, he's going to have an entire lifetime to deal with the racism and bs that's out there especially in such a homogeneous area. Maybe let him just be a kid as long as possible without so much heavy content.

If he's white, maybe it's not a bad idea to help him learn a sense of empathy towards other races in this country but it might still be a little soon. 12 is such an impressionable age. I'd recommend seeing it yourself first if you haven't already and then deciding from there.

[emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji] This **** got me screaming right now
12 Years a Slave was trash to me.

That was slave porn imo.
If you want a good movie about the subject or at least similar subject, watch John Singleton's (director of Boyz 'N The Hood) little known Rosewood from 1997, starring Ving Rhames (Pulp Fiction's Marsellus Wallace). It's set in the 1923, so it's not set during the slavery. But it's a very good movie and actually has pretty good ratings on RottenTomatoes and IMDB as well. Not sure that many on this forum know about this hidden gem.
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So is this movie appropriate for a first date :lol:? Or is it too gruesome? The girl is black and socially conscious for the record, and I've already explained to her the Nat Turner story and how ****** up it is, but I just don't want the vibe of the movie ******* with the vibe of the outing
Why would you take a girl to a movie about Slavery on a first date?
So is this movie appropriate for a first date :lol:? Or is it too gruesome? The girl is black and socially conscious for the record, and I've already explained to her the Nat Turner story and how ****** up it is, but I just don't want the vibe of the movie ******* with the vibe of the outing
Why would you take a girl to a movie about Slavery on a first date?
Why not it's just a movie
As far as a first date movie it depends on how well you know her. Slavery is a pretty heavy topic to discuss on a first date, but if you guys know each other well and she'd be cool with that, then I don't think it would be a problem.
Put it like this, I went without my wife because I knew I wouldn't want to talk about it right after. I wanted time to think about what I just took in.
this movie for 1st date?...nah fam

just go get some drinks like normal people
No girl wants a guy to take her to a movie about some depressing **** on a first date. Go do something fun, something where you two can socialize. What kind of tone do you want to set on a first date?

I mean if you're really set on taking her to watch this movie, you might as well look to see if there's some kind of Auschwitz traveling exhibit in town, then really reel her in with a good discussion about the Native American genocide.
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Def do not take a first date to see this movie. I just came back from it and it's something you need to process. It'll make you angry, sad, frustrated.
Went with my gf earlier. I really enoyed it. I think Nate Parker was wise with how he spun the religious angle in his interviews. In actuality, this movie seems to put religion and its control of black folks on blast in a major way.

After hearing his Breakfast Club interview I was worried that I was gonna have to stomach some praise the lord bs for 2 hours, but I recognize his game now. I'm sure it put some ***** in some theater seats though.
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Went with my gf earlier. I really enoyed it. I think Nate Parker was wise with how he spun the religious angle in his interviews. In actuality, this movie seems to put religion and its control of black folks on blast in a major way.

After hearing his Breakfast Club interview I was worried that I was gonna have to stomach some praise the lord bs for 2 hours, but I recognize his game now. I'm sure it put some ***** in some theater seats though.

Yes. I think a lot of people will see this movie and completely miss this point.
If you want a good movie about the subject or at least similar subject, watch John Singleton's (director of Boyz 'N The Hood) little known Rosewood from 1997, starring Ving Rhames (Pulp Fiction's Marsellus Wallace). It's set in the 1923, so it's not set during the slavery. But it's a very good movie and actually has pretty good ratings on RottenTomatoes and IMDB as well. Not sure that many on this forum know about this hidden gem.
i thought every black person ever saw rosewood 

im shocked to hear it called a little known gem
Went with my gf earlier. I really enoyed it. I think Nate Parker was wise with how he spun the religious angle in his interviews. In actuality, this movie seems to put religion and its control of black folks on blast in a major way.

After hearing his Breakfast Club interview I was worried that I was gonna have to stomach some praise the lord bs for 2 hours, but I recognize his game now. I'm sure it put some ***** in some theater seats though.

Actually it makes you wonder why we're Christian.

Because it's obvious why we weren't allowed to read, but allowed to worship their God
My girl is extra religious. I am extra not.

Is this movie going to make her MORE or LESS religious?
My girl is extra religious. I am extra not.

Is this movie going to make her MORE or LESS religious?

Thats a pretty moronic question. Albeit, I'm assuming since you know nothing of religion, you have no clue how dumb that question really is.
My girl is extra religious. I am extra not.

Is this movie going to make her MORE or LESS religious?

What are you going on about? :lol:

Why would any movie make her more or less religious? Your girl isn't as stupid as you think she is man
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