Birth of a Nation sounds INSANE. vol. Nat Turner Slave Rebellion Movie (Teaser Trailer - p. 5)

Thats a pretty moronic question. Albeit, I'm assuming since you know nothing of religion, you have no clue how dumb that question really is.

What are you going on about? :lol:

Why would any movie make her more or less religious? Your girl isn't as stupid as you think she is man

Y'all I swear :rolleyes :lol:

I can tell who's religious.


Don't let her watch it

And who's not.

A small question CLEARLY filled with jest is rustling jimmies.

Gracias :smh:
DC's jimmies get rustled anytime somebody mentions anything religious. One day I hope we matures enough to respect people's beliefs.
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Crazy how no one really knows the story.

Guess they really don't want the truth out about Nat, starting from back then :lol:
I can tell who's religious.
And who's not.

A small question CLEARLY filled with jest is rustling jimmies.

Gracias :smh:

I think people will take from the movie what they want. I can see how it might strengthen views on either side.
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Blame Nate Parker?!? ‘Birth Of A Nation’ Flops Opening Weekend After Only Making $7 Million At The Box Office

6 hours ago - By Bossip Staff
Categories: Did You Know, For Discussion, For Your Information
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Nate Parker’s Birth Of A Nation Flops At The Box Office

Nate Parker’s film about slave rebel Nat Turner disappointed at the box office this weekend. Nate’s movie was pushed to the side after news of past rape allegations with co-writer Jean Celestin surfaced earlier this summer.

According to Marketwatch, the sexual assault rumors did nothing to help the film.

Ten months later, it opened to an estimated $7.1 million in sixth place with its awards prospects severely hampered, even though it opened in more than 2,100 locations, an unusually wide rollout for a low-budget film.

The box-office performance of “The Birth of a Nation” caps a monthslong problem for its studio, Fox Searchlight, the specialty label of Twentieth Century Fox.

Birth Of A Nation Nate Parker

Do you think Nate Parker’s past rape allegations prevented the movie from doing well this weekend or was the flick just a flop from the beginning?
I can see a rise of people on social media calling out extreme black feminists on their mob mentality...

Chicks out here happy this film flopped... but will pack the house out for Precious...

And then complain about black representation in the media.

:x :x

I noticed the same too. Pretty sad
Shame, thought this would/should do numbers. It might not be the best film as a package, but it's an important one.
I'm going to see it once I get back from thanksgiving breakt, but Nate Parker handled the aftermath of this so bad. :lol:

I thought he was headed in the right direction with that op ed, but since then... :lol:

Too bad for the film. :smh:
I've cut back listening to Tariq a lot, but I will give that video a listen when i get a chance.

In the end though, I think this movie was given a fair chance to succeed, saw tons of commercials for it, even on ESPN, it got a nationwide release. I still haven't gotten a chance to see it but all my friends, and all the reviews I have read seemed to have a common theme; It is a powerful movie because of its subject matter, but it has its problems structurally.

Like putting everything else aside, everyone told me the movie was kinda "meh"
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I can see a rise of people on social media calling out extreme black feminists on their mob mentality...

Chicks out here happy this film flopped... but will pack the house out for Precious...

And then complain about black representation in the media.

:x :x


I'm so pissed that the movie flopped. What a shame that his ACQUITTED rape case was promoted just as much, if not MORE than the actual film. >:
Like putting everything else aside, everyone told me the movie was kinda "meh"
This..I will see it this week but none of my peoples came out the movie and hit me like, "yo you gotta go see this movie!"

I didn't get that from anyone. No one was really excited about it. 

everyone was just like... "it's solid." 
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Went and saw the movie today.

Can't say that I was impressed...felt a lot like every other slave movie I have seen. Kind of lacked direction too. Disappointed smh.
So other slave movies showed how religion was used to placate us and showed us not be so accepting of slavery and fighting back?

Much less not have some sort of white savior and showing white people as not being that bad?

If you thought this was every other slave movie, you didn't look at this movie deep enough.
Yeah I didn't really love this...It was ok but I expected a lot more. Still respect the idea, just could have been executed better
So other slave movies showed how religion was used to placate us and showed us not be so accepting of slavery and fighting back?

Much less not have some sort of white savior and showing white people as not being that bad?

If you thought this was every other slave movie, you didn't look at this movie deep enough.


I avoid slave movies like the plague because there's always some white person acting as a savior. I feel that for the most part, the viewing audience didn't get or agree with the point of this film. No white savior... No GOD in the sky is coming to help you. As a matter of fact those two things are what's keeping you stuck. Wolves in sheeps clothing.

I'm not surprised that people aren't seeing this for what it is and I'm not sure what they expected... an action movie with an hour long battle?

The focus on the image of white Jesus in one scene in this movie was like Nate Parker pausing the film, underlining the message in red ink and looking at you in the eyes, waiting for you to make the connection. *weebay gif

I can't imagine his disappointment after pouring his soul into trying to open minds for 8 years and getting "accused rapist", "white wife" and "not that good, just another slave movie" in return.
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I got the religion angle of the movie. IMO it just felt dry overall. From the previews I was expecting to see much more of the revolt. It spanned 48 hours right? We got like 20 minutes, if that. Like someone else said the concept had potential but I felt that it was executed poorly in this movie.
he has a white wife?
Yep, Twitter women have been upset by it ---

I wonder why? 
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