Birthday present ideas for boy turning 7

Originally Posted by Fanatic15

You should probably ask her what he likes or wants that is within your budget.

Shes going to tell me not to get him anything. Not trying to get him anything big. Probably in the 50-60 dollar range.
^ I agree, ask him what he'd like, or notice in his room the types of things he likes. If he has a game system you can always get him a game of some sort.Something age appropriate of course
. My little cousin likes Spiderman for example so I'd go with something like that, it really depends on the kid.
Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

Nintendo DS Lite

He has a DS Lite and his mother took it away from him until his next report card. I was going to get him a DS game but I dont think there is a point causehe wont play it until the summer.
take him out. fav restaurant and a batting cage or chuck e cheese or something.
lol^^, to that and your avy....
get him a remote control car and a normal car...
normal car for him to ride with his hands...and the remote control car,well to use with the car....
that is what i got my cousin he was 8 now 9.
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

take him out. fav restaurant and a batting cage or chuck e cheese or something.
The Biological father is gonna beat sons $#! if he does that
.....Thats too "father" like

....get shorty a Toys R Us gift card and call-it-a-day
remote control car
some nintendo DS games maybe...

not all of course, but any of those will make a 7 yr old happy. especially DS games.
Get him a glove and a baseball, then teach him how to play catch!
Not only will you probably score major points with him, but the mom too!

And when youre banging the eff out of his mom tonight and hes banging on the door because he had a bad nightmare, say I'll take care of it honey.
And then go outside the door and take him back to his bed and tuck him in, and say: IF YOU EVER INTERRUPT ME WHILE IM EFFING YOUR MOM AGAIN, I'll take thatBASEBALL and shove it down your effing throat!!
"Sweet Dreams!"
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