Black Folk, Where are we at when it comes to allowing others to use N word with the A

%#*% doesn't even bother me anymore......i'll know if someone is using it in a negative light or just sayin it trying to be "in"
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Regardless of what think, blacks own the word just like other races own other derogatory words about their ethnicity. However, any word, used as a weapon will hurt.

I don't see nothing wrong w/ Paltrow saying 'ninjas in paris'.  Black people will forever use their history as a justification to utilize and own this word.  It's silly but its no different than people using vulgar language as well.

Maybe down the road, ni*** will be the same as f**#.  Both are shameful and a direct reflection of the person using it.  Low class is what low class is.
Originally Posted by 100PROOF

I have no problem w/ my non black friends using it in the context of song titles and movie lines and whatnot. As for refering to other people as racial slurs misspelled or not that #$%^ doesn't fly w/ me.
Originally Posted by 100PROOF

I have no problem w/ my non black friends using it in the context of song titles and movie lines and whatnot. As for refering to other people as racial slurs misspelled or not that #$%^ doesn't fly w/ me.

my non white friends (guys, never hear girls say it) say this sometimes. it feels awkward a bit because i guess im not used to it. but as was pointed out above, so long as its not used as a weapon, im generally w.e towards it. i don't care if white people say it reciting a song. honestly, i agree. majority of the hiphop and rap nowadays use the word standard. can't be upset at them saying it when singing. its really become a word that's comparable to the word 'dude'.

it takes a turn for the worst when the a is dropped for ER by a non black.

personally, i generally keep the use of the word reserved for ignorant black people. im black if it matters, and ive seen my fair share of foolery (philadelphia/wshh/etc) where terms like 'irrational' just doesn't hold the gravity as N to describe how far back i've been set.

a close friend of mine is white, and our fav song to recite was Gimme The Loot. She and I would recite it word for word. no dambs really given...
Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by ricky409

I say it...

I get miffed if a white person says it.

I don't get miffed when a Mexican says it. But I tell them to chill.

I don't call whites or Mexicans the word...

But I use it. Alot.

there are other latinos besides Mexicans out there, believe it or not

Dude lives in Texas.
But there are other Hispanic/Latinos besides just Mexicans in Texas...
Originally Posted by CashBanks

I'm black I say it

If your not black and you use it around me we have an issue

I dont use it at work because I work with mostly white people and I'm not givin em an excuse I'd hate to have to slap one of em

better questions is why do non-black people wanna say %%+*$! sooo bad? 
I've been wondering this for some time.
Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

there are other latinos besides Mexicans out there, believe it or not

there are very very very small numbers of Non-Mexican Latinos in Texas, homeboy... believe it or not.


Spoiler [+]
now play me in 21
Originally Posted by 100PROOF

Originally Posted by AlBooBoo5

If I am not mistaken didn't she say it before on Inside the Actor's studio or some interview where they asked her to recite some of her favorite rap songs?
Y'all getting upset at her tweeting a song title or saying the lyrics of a song.  Fighting the wrong fight here.
Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Originally Posted by Enchanted1

I'm black and I don't say it... I don't like how black people or anyone else uses it either.
What do you mean you dont say it? More background about you..Do you listen to rap/hip hop? Are you around the urban environment? 
I think this is pretty funny, cause although I don't know anything about Enchanted1, I'm in the same boat as him as far as that. Even though I have
always had friends who constantly say it, I guess I never do just cause I really wasn't raised to. Just never made it apart of my vocab, and it just seems

silly to suddenly start using it at 24 after years of not being it. And I figure if Chamillionaire can make multiple albums and mixtapes w/o using it, than

it's not necessary.

As far as the question, I pretty much echo the same sentiments of Deuce King, DoubleJs and a couple others. It really irks me when used loudly in public

places (by both black and non-blacks), cause you just don't know how somebody will react. With white people, they may take it as "Well, if they're

saying it a lot, I guess I can too", and on the flipside, that same white person would feel a mix of embarrassment and be offended himself. A bit hard

to explain.

And for the "up here everybody says it" crowd, that's not really something to brag about. 
Heres the thing 
White people arent used to anyone saying they cant do something so I see a lot of arrogance in "If they can say it why cant I" 
Nobody is saying you "cant" use the word theres no Jim Crow laws against you using a word

But dont be surprised when you get a roundhouse kick to your jaw for saying it.

Do what you feel and Im going to do what I feel in retaliation ......K?
Originally Posted by Pepper

Originally Posted by CashBanks

I'm black I say it

If your not black and you use it around me we have an issue

I dont use it at work because I work with mostly white people and I'm not givin em an excuse I'd hate to have to slap one of em

better questions is why do non-black people wanna say %%+*$! sooo bad? 
I've been wondering this for some time.

This thread again...
I'll save you guys a couple pages....

-Blacks should only say it.

-What about Latinos? They get a pass

- What about me I'm white and my friends let me

-Nobody should say the word

- Its in rap music and its not that serious bro. Everybody should be able to say it

- Why do whites wanna say it so bad?

- *crickets* no logical response for last question

Its the song that never ends....
I drink a lot of people say it non-black not just because they want to use it, but they grew up around here it a lot.
I mean when I hung out with my black friends that word was being thrown out constantly.
It's easy an easy word to say around friends
I personally don't say it
I personally dont say it. My black friends say it all the time, but I dont think Id be ok with anybody else really using it around me.

Whats funny is when Indian and asian people call each other n's. Like, ok if you want it you can have it
White people say it for the same reason they tan.

I dont understand their obsession with wanting to say the word my damn self.
Originally Posted by MonStar1

This thread again...
I'll save you guys a couple pages....

-Blacks should only say it.

-What about Latinos? They get a pass

- What about me I'm white and my friends let me

-Nobody should say the word

- Its in rap music and its not that serious bro. Everybody should be able to say it

- Why do whites wanna say it so bad?

- *crickets* no logical response for last question

Its the song that never ends....

This guy saved a lot of people 10 minutes of their lives (mine included)
Originally Posted by CashBanks

I'm black I say it

If your not black and you use it around me we have an issue

I dont use it at work because I work with mostly white people and I'm not givin em an excuse I'd hate to have to slap one of em

better questions is why do non-black people wanna say %%+*$! sooo bad? 

In alot of cases it's white privilege, alot of them simply aren't use to being told they CAN'T do something.  They feel like they should be able to do whatever they want to. 
Ruxxx wrote:
Originally Posted by Pepper

CashBanks wrote:
I'm black I say it

If your not black and you use it around me we have an issue

I dont use it at work because I work with mostly white people and I'm not givin em an excuse I'd hate to have to slap one of em

better questions is why do non-black people wanna say %%+*$! sooo bad? 
I've been wondering this for some time.


No I wonder why black people should say it? I am black and I hate the word. Even in music. I dont think the word should be used in any form in today's society. We had great grandparents and ancestors who died so that we could be viewed as equals in society and not be degraded with the "N" word that was used against to bring us down for so many years. But now we glorify the word and think its ok to use it amongst ourselves. I for one think that is pure disrespect for those that shed blood for our equality. Just my 2 cents 
I say it a lot around my brothas. I dont say it around white people to avoid any awkardness. I dont have a problem with them saying it if its in a song or something. I mean as much as we say it in music and movies we cant expect them not to say it if its in a song. A lot of 'em copy everything else we do. I think its funny when some white people make it seem like being able to say it gives you some kinda advantage in life.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Originally Posted by Enchanted1

I'm black and I don't say it... I don't like how black people or anyone else uses it either.
What do you mean you dont say it? More background about you..Do you listen to rap/hip hop? Are you around the urban environment? 
I think this is pretty funny, cause although I don't know anything about Enchanted1, I'm in the same boat as him as far as that. Even though I have

always had friends who constantly say it, I guess I never do just cause I really wasn't raised to. Just never made it apart of my vocab, and it just seems

silly to suddenly start using it at 24 after years of not being it. And I figure if Chamillionaire can make multiple albums and mixtapes w/o using it, than

it's not necessary.

As far as the question, I pretty much echo the same sentiments of Deuce King, DoubleJs and a couple others. It really irks me when used loudly in public

places (by both black and non-blacks), cause you just don't know how somebody will react. With white people, they may take it as "Well, if they're

saying it a lot, I guess I can too", and on the flipside, that same white person would feel a mix of embarrassment and be offended himself. A bit hard

to explain.

And for the "up here everybody says it" crowd, that's not really something to brag about. 
I agree with all of this, especially the bold, except I'm not as old.
I don't say it and I'm half black. In fact, I don't even cuss very often other than saying damn every now and then.
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