Black guy hair cuts

I dont know if I would do that either but I do think it is an interesting approach

You are showing your kid how their actions have embarrassed you as a parent. i think it only takes one time if the kid has some type of smarts about him.

It will automatically click for the kid: "If I get in trouble I am embarrassing my parents, in turn I end up embarrassing myself." Kid would want no parts of troublemaking but you are exposing him to all types of bullying...which is a whole nother story.
My dad would cut me and my bros hair and **** up it up every couple weeks. It wasn't a punishment or anything he just sucked at it :lol:

Super Cat was that dude back in the day. It looks like SC went Ghetto Red Hot (Remix) and showed Ronaldo that part fade...

Just wanted to say God bless Dominicans man. You can be anywhere in the world and si hay población Domincianos es bueno, you'll be lookin fresh.
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That's so ****** up. Why not discipline your child normally?

People really don't understand that the Internet is forever and this kid has been sentenced to ridicule for like a good decade
man shutup, if my kid was acting a fool im gonna give him clippers and tell him to cut his own hair. he wanna act a fool he gonna look foolish
I ain't gonna tell you how to raise your kid, just seems ****** up to me. Snapping photos of it and putting it on the internet too? There are better ways to discipline a child
Care to share them?

I actually follow the barber responsible on IG. Very smart businessman and appears to be quite the loving father (usually just post his clients cuts but I've seen him post pics of his kids and share his thoughts on parenting a few times). 

By the way he only put that picture on IG because Good Morning America was doing a story on it week.  This is what he wrote about the cut.
"This cut was used as a form of punishment as he was "acting grown" at home and at shcool. He wore the cut for 2 days before it was corrected. He told the barber that he would never act up again and he that he has been on his best behavior  since. 

Since you can't "spank" your children anymore without repercussions, and "timeout" stops working at 6 years old... this method seemed very effective. I want to hear your thoughts, though. What do you think about this mothers method of punishment?"
Walking around like that for a few days aint even that humiliating for a young kid. Sure it's embarrassing at school but I bet that kid will see humor in it one day if he doesn't already. Who knows the path that kid is on but growing up into yet another young man with no discipline and/or respect for others is more humiliating in the long run. 
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Not a good form of parenting IMO. This leads to resentment both present and future. Some of these parents shouldn't be parents in the first place then get mad when their absentee a** has a kid that's acting up because they don't know any better
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I don't see the good that will come from the person a kid should be able to trust the most humiliating them.

Shaming? I'm not even a huge fan of spanking kids, but at least that's in the privacy of your own home.

That little dude had to deal with the barber shop laughing at him and now the world. We're men now, but think back to when you were a kid and how easily your parents could hurt your feelings and how long that would stick with you.

Not a fan of **** like this, but to each their own.

The good thing is, as long as his dad is a barber that kid will never act up again or get bad grades
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Not a good form of parenting IMO. This leads to resentment both present and future. Some of these parents shouldn't be parents in the first place then get mad when their absentee a** has a kid that's acting up because they don't know any better

I know you werent necessarily saying thats the parental situation at hand here but to do so would be unfair. The mother could be the bedrock of a happy marriage and in possession of a M.S. in child psychology for all we know.

I don't know if that kid is feeling humiliation or resentment but I do know that if the above had happened to me or my brother growing up it wouldve been 100% comedy after the hurt wore off, which would have been a couple of hours, and we'd still be laughing about it to this day.

The barber is right, you really can't physically discipline your kids the way many of us were disciplined growing up without risking certain consequences.

After a decade of working with youth I also know for a FACT that the vast majority of conventional and ordinary methods of disciplining kids at home particularly in our community is ineffective as **** for a variety of reasons. I'm all for parents taking inniative and searching for their own solutions.
That's so ****** up. Why not discipline your child normally?

People really don't understand that the Internet is forever and this kid has been sentenced to ridicule for like a good decade

I'm not mad at it, especially since parents can't spank their kids anymore. Granted, I don't agree with parents posting everything they do online whether it is a spanking or shaming like this guy did.

At the end of the day, parents have to parent. If the child isn't listening, and you can't beat anymore what other options do you have? We weren't angels, if we could get away with someting we definitely tried. Imagine if our parents knew everything we did in and out of school growing up? The only time we got in trouble was when we got caught. Whether we were disruptive in class, being somewher we shouldn't, doing things we shouldn't and failing in school.

I don't see the good that will come from the person a kid should be able to trust the most humiliating them.

Shaming? I'm not even a huge fan of spanking kids, but at least that's in the privacy of your own home.

That little dude had to deal with the barber shop laughing at him and now the world. We're men now, but think back to when you were a kid and how easily your parents could hurt your feelings and how long that would stick with you.

Not a fan of **** like this, but to each their own.

Shaming is harder on kids now than it was before obviously due to the internet. I think some parents have their back against the wall and need to do something different. I don't think I would grow up hating my father or mother for embarassing me if I did someting wrong. That is the point that needs to be made. If they don't want to be embarrassed, then they need to behave and stop acting like clowns in school.

If you didn't want your mother or father coming up to school and embarassing you in front of your friends you wouldn't act up. At the very least due your best to not get in trouble.

Those of you who got beatings growing up, do you now or back then hate your parents for it? I can recount majority of by spankings and everyone of them I deserved. I didn't hate my parents for doing it. I sure as hell wasn't happy about it, but I wasn't mad at them.

My dad would cut me and my bros hair and **** up it up every couple weeks. It wasn't a punishment or anything he just sucked at it :lol:

:rofl: Same for my cousin, when he came over from Trinidad his pops wasn't trying to pay a barber to cut his hair. He got that bowl haircut all through Jr High. He got teased like crazy, but by 9th grade he started saving money and using that to go to the barber. The difference here is you and my cuz didn't have a choice lol this kid does, and according to the father he got back on track.

Exactly. All this talk of resentment and humiliation has me confused acting like a 8 year old has a reputation to uphold.

You know what was humiliating? Getting my draws yanked down and a leather belt to my *** in front of my entire mitey-mite squad.

Did I resent my parents for it? Never but I also never questioned my pops about what I was going to do with MY afternoon every again.
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Where's the "IT AIN'T THAT SERIOUS" GIF when you need one? 

Everybody thinks they know how to discipline a Child with that SOFT BS, but most likely theirs will be the ones to Wild Out & Shame the Family.

It ain't that serious... he's an 8 Yr Old Kid and it's just a Hair Cut that will grow back or that he can cut off. Who knows... maybe his parents did cut it off before he went to school... either way, kids will be kids and flame him up at school, but it won't last forever. Some of yall act like it's gonna damage the child for life. Get a Grip!

*PLUS: If he does happen to see this on the Web when he's older... SO WHAT? Most likely he'll laugh at it, if he's a Normal Human Being. It's just a Haircut with a pretty dope Reverse Fade. Lol
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^It's not his kid, he's not even the barber responsible but it's his shop and a local ATL news station was doing a story on that particular method of parenting. Obviously the mother gave him permission.

It's still a stupid punishment regardless...

Lol is that you in the chair? How can you say that when it works. Not only did it work with this kid, apparently its WORKED with so many other kids that the cut is known amongst parents in the area as the "Benjamin Button special." I mean it's literally working so well for parents that the local news station decided to do a major TV news story on it. :lol:

But let me guess the mom should opt for taking the little ****** Xbox away instead right?
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South of Florida lived a long and fruitful life and deservedly so. You should have referenced whether or not do waves wash out in the shower. :lol:

Where's the "IT AIN'T THAT SERIOUS" GIF when you need one? :smh:

Everybody thinks they know how to discipline a Child with that SOFT BS, but most likely theirs will be the ones to Wild Out & Shame the Family.

It ain't that serious... he's an 8 Yr Old Kid and it's just a Hair Cut that will grow back or that he can cut off. Who knows... maybe his parents did cut it off before he went to school... either way, kids will be kids and flame him up at school, but it won't last forever. Some of yall act like it's gonna damage the child for life. Get a Grip!

*PLUS: If he does happen to see this on the Web when he's older... SO WHAT? Most likely he'll laugh at it, if he's a Normal Human Being. It's just a Haircut with a pretty dope Reverse Fade. Lol
This.I know a lot of kids whose parents went that "I want to by my kids friend" route and their kids are currently young adults wilding out in the streets and blaming the parents for everything that's wrong with their life right now.
Tapers for life :pimp:

with the occasional fade

Cant even rock all evens :x
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Tapers for life

with the occasional fade

Cant even rock all evens
WORD! I think I've had ONE All Even my Entire Life.

Guess it works for some, but All Even's make me feel like a SQUARE.

Whether I've had long or short hair, it's been Fades All My Life, occassional Tapers.
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