Black Men and Fat White Women

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

cuz the white girls or any other girl don't sleep with the athletes and frat boys right?
Notice how I said white women are a whole 'nother mess of problems. Everything I've stated regarding the various groups of sistah's that i've met also applies to white women. I just chose not to break them down because it would be redundant and i was sure "they are a whole 'nother mess of problems" effectively conveyed this...



imo that just invalidates everything you said know it applies to all races so why does that only leave bunnies who also come with more problems?

Because I don't see myself with a bunny when it comes to my "my adult life". I see myself with a greater or equally educated black woman. In this respect, i dont see fit to concern myself or fixate on the "groups" and types of white women that roam about campus. However, because I'm interested in a black woman, it's in my best interest to know and concern myself with the black women on campus...

So yeah, though the "faults" and characteristics that I pointed out may apply to the general female population in college, I'm not interested in the entire population. My interest is limited to very small subset of that population (black women) so that is the sample group that I'm going to scrutinize...

i still don't understand how that leaves white females and whatever they come with...
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

cuz the white girls or any other girl don't sleep with the athletes and frat boys right?
Notice how I said white women are a whole 'nother mess of problems. Everything I've stated regarding the various groups of sistah's that i've met also applies to white women. I just chose not to break them down because it would be redundant and i was sure "they are a whole 'nother mess of problems" effectively conveyed this...



imo that just invalidates everything you said know it applies to all races so why does that only leave bunnies who also come with more problems?

Because I don't see myself with a bunny when it comes to my "my adult life". I see myself with a greater or equally educated black woman. In this respect, i dont see fit to concern myself or fixate on the "groups" and types of white women that roam about campus. However, because I'm interested in a black woman, it's in my best interest to know and concern myself with the black women on campus...

So yeah, though the "faults" and characteristics that I pointed out may apply to the general female population in college, I'm not interested in the entire population. My interest is limited to very small subset of that population (black women) so that is the sample group that I'm going to scrutinize...

i still don't understand how that leaves white females and whatever they come with...

Keep'll get it sooner or later...

Or, I think you may be under the impression that I PREFER bunnies over black woman--which is false.

Taking this into consideration, I'm hoping that you will understand what I've been saying thus far...

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

White men think they are fat
Black men tell them they are thick
In turn, said lady will let the aforementioned black man, stay rent free, with no job, and let him drive her Honda Accord


I am a black man and I approve of this statement.

edit btw***
I will say that maybe it is just black men choosing a girl because she ISN'T black. That may sound racist but stop being such a baby. I personally used towant to have nothing to do with black women as far as a relationship because a great deal of the black girls I saw whether slim or fat had a horrible attitude.I just shuffled on over to the other side of the color spectrum and went after white women, with more success I might add.
I don't discriminate now however, I like all races
Its simple. Because some fat white women be acting like all black guys are cross between Michael Jordan/50 Cent and Mandingo. They can be Black crazy
We all know these chicks, one Black dude must've put it on her andshe's after any Black dude she can get.

And forgot for the dudes..Fat girls{[]} is outstanding! And thats from personal experience but its just hard to be seen with one in public
How about this :

These black men that you see with large white women, they can get attractive women, of any race, culture, income bracket, and educational level, they justprefer rotund, fair-skinned women. Why is that so hard to believe ?

Maybe they got to know these women and clicked. You know, personality wise, but then society scrutinizes them for deviating from what are considered normalperceptions of beauty so they hide behind answers that seem rational to those they want acceptance from, albeit backhanded.
Originally Posted by cucumbercool

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

White men think they are fat
Black men tell them they are thick
In turn, said lady will let the aforementioned black man, stay rent free, with no job, and let him drive her Honda Accord


I am a black man and I approve of this statement.

edit btw***
I will say that maybe it is just black men choosing a girl because she ISN'T black. That may sound racist but stop being such a baby. I personally used to want to have nothing to do with black women as far as a relationship because a great deal of the black girls I saw whether slim or fat had a horrible attitude. I just shuffled on over to the other side of the color spectrum and went after white women, with more success I might add.
I don't discriminate now however, I like all races

no one is being a baby...
I also think it has to do with them wanting a chick who isn't black. I notice alot of "brothas" aren't that shallow they just want a womenthat treats them right. Not saying a black women can't, but it seems like it's easier for a hood dude to get with a white women that is on the righttrack in her life, and will still treat him right then finding a succesful black women.
This is something I can't understand regardless if she treats you right and lets you drive her car. Fat is Fat and you can't tell me there isn't athick or in shape woman out there with those same qualities.

I just couldn't be with someone that outweighs me by 100+ lbs.
Originally Posted by dunkaruu

HYou know, personality wise, but then society scrutinizes them for deviating from what are considered normal perceptions of beauty so they hide behind answers that seem rational to those they want acceptance from, albeit backhanded.

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by cucumbercool

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

White men think they are fat
Black men tell them they are thick
In turn, said lady will let the aforementioned black man, stay rent free, with no job, and let him drive her Honda Accord


I am a black man and I approve of this statement.

edit btw***
I will say that maybe it is just black men choosing a girl because she ISN'T black. That may sound racist but stop being such a baby. I personally used to want to have nothing to do with black women as far as a relationship because a great deal of the black girls I saw whether slim or fat had a horrible attitude. I just shuffled on over to the other side of the color spectrum and went after white women, with more success I might add.
I don't discriminate now however, I like all races

no one is being a baby...

I was saying in general.
all of our skewed views ftl!

most of the black men i see who are dating fat white women arent attractive anyway, so its good that these women take them off the market. ...... and manyof the strong, handsome, intelligent black men out there will eventually (patience is key) find their black female counterparts. dont get it twisted people.the views on niketalk represent 0.001% of the real world population.
Originally Posted by MissKickBack

all of our skewed views ftl!

most of the black men i see who are dating fat white women arent attractive anyway, so its good that these women take them off the market. ...... and many of the strong, handsome, intelligent black men will eventually (patience is key) find their black female counterparts. dont get it twisted people. the views on niketalk represent 0.001% of the real world population.

Just find someone you love. Who cares what race they are? Enough with these (not just referring to you) close-minded statements.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by MissKickBack

all of our skewed views ftl!

most of the black men i see who are dating fat white women arent attractive anyway, so its good that these women take them off the market. ...... and many of the strong, handsome, intelligent black men will eventually (patience is key) find their black female counterparts. dont get it twisted people. the views on niketalk represent 0.001% of the real world population.

Just find someone you love. Who cares what race they are? Enough with these (not just referring to you) close-minded statements.
agree with both of these statements in bold.
Originally Posted by MissKickBack

all of our skewed views ftl!

most of the black men i see who are dating fat white women arent attractive anyway, so its good that these women take them off the market. ...... and many of the strong, handsome, intelligent black men out there will eventually (patience is key) find their black female counterparts. dont get it twisted people. the views on niketalk represent 0.001% of the real world population.
Or white female counterparts
, people and their limitations. SMH.

Anyhow I agree with you, most of these dudes with fat white women are simply not doing it in every aspect of life.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by MissKickBack

all of our skewed views ftl!

most of the black men i see who are dating fat white women arent attractive anyway, so its good that these women take them off the market. ...... and many of the strong, handsome, intelligent black men out there will eventually (patience is key) find their black female counterparts. dont get it twisted people. the views on niketalk represent 0.001% of the real world population.
Or white female counterparts
, people and their limitations. SMH.

Anyhow I agree with you, most of these dudes with fat white women are simply not doing it in every aspect of life.

yeah, whomever you choose. it really doesnt matter.
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by dreaface

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by dreaface

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by dreaface

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by AmberElise04

Okay so what is considered "Fat" and what is considered "Thick"?

OKKKKK Amber...I see what you're doing...trying wrangle you a "brotha" aint you...go on girl...



ol girl trying to get in that thick box...i see you girl...ain't nothin like a black man huh?

trust me a good black man >>>>>>>>>> any other man lol

"Damn right..."


Ayooo Amber, holla at and you could make some pretty, curly haired, caramel skinned chillun...



hey hey hey .... GOOD BLACK MEN WHO LOVE THICK BLACK WOMEN >>>>> none of this pretty curly hair b.s. lol appreciate the nappy haired kids....

Ohhh no doubt about that...but "good thick black women" like yourself (I'm assuming), seem to be always taken--by the hood ninjas with rap sheets longer than than the beautiful nubian locks on your head...

So what's a good, college educated brother (BS, BA, BFA, and a minor in English...
) like myself left with in a primarily white New England institution...

Herree weee go...


But am I lying though...

I know a lot of black women that are quick to chastise a brotha for dating a white chick, when the reality is, this could all be avoided if you actually gave the NICE, GOOD, CHURCH-GOING brotha a chance instead of being a surrogate mother to the POMPOUS, SWAGGALICIOUS bafoon who merely see's you as an object to gratify his sexual urges and evidence his masculinity--



Man what kind of black gurls do you surround yourself with...we all like " POMPOUS, SWAGGALICIOUS bafoon's" news to me...

That's the thing, i don't surround myself or associate with those kind of females.

This is often the scenario, shorty is a good girl. Comes to college and decides to "live a little". And by "live a little", I mean party with the athletes or the frat dudes (those are the pompous, swaggalicious bafoons I made reference to...) or just a reg. "pack" of ninjas. Point is she does her thing and soon realizes that she aint down with that kind of stuff anymore so she reverts to being a "good girl". Which is absolutely fine.

The thing with me is, I'm a genuinely (no bull shnitz) good dude. So even reformed females are kina
to me. I'm a former athlete so I KNOW what goes down in that social circle. And though I've never been in frat, I have a few friends who do that stuff and they've told me some stories. Needless to say, I'm not into any female that's associated with the aforementioned groups.

There is a second class od good girl. This is the class that is already cuffed up by the time they get to arrive to college--often times by a dead beat *** ninja 'cause he KNOWS he needs to hold on to her if he wants a decent life. These good girls are clearly not even in the equation.

The third class of good girl is often the most challenging simply because they are emotionally stoic and incapable of heartfelt communication. This good girl is a tad bit "innocent" and border line naive--she is the type you often refer to as your "sister" because she really does remind you of your sister and some other female kin. Needless to say, though she is a beautiful girl, the sparkling attraction is often obscure and nonexistant.

At this point, all a dude is left with are the snow bunnies--that white women are a whole 'nother mess of problems so in the end, a dude has no choice but to maintain his status as lone wolf...



Man I have been stating that it is the black woman's fault for black men dating white women, and not vice versa.
This thread took off.

Honestly, I don't know why black men are attracted to the call of the fat--"thick" for the PC--white women. As mentioned earlier, white women doappreciate a black man more and don't have stank attitudes. It could also be the BBC. White women love the big black **#%, since most white men arelacking.

Aside from these reasons, it is most likely the confidence the black man exudes that keeps her on the prowl. He in turn is first attracted to her sex game, andas he begins to know her more becomes attracted to the person she really is. But since the relationship was built on sex, both will wave it in the other'sface. A kid may come into the picture, or he may get tired of her and leave.

This trend will continue.

So here you have two people that are basically pressured by the environment to be together. In the black man's case: the black female has way too muchattitude, and in the fat, thick, rotund, porky, etc., white women's case: all the white men don't want their sloppy !#*.

It was bound to happen.

So black women, get off your high horse. It is not always about you.

But is that enough? It's going to take more than an attitude change to reclaim your "brothas".
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