Black men....we need to talk.

and telling me "no wonder you're unemployed" isn't affecting me...nor are all the sideline .gifs

i was laid off.......




(i also have turned down 4 job
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by brandonb2005

SuperAntigen wrote:
Originally Posted by brandonb2005

SuperAntigen wrote:

brandonb2005 wrote:
mytmouse76 wrote:
Try to hard to do what?
should have said "not all" but they try to hard for male attention and play way too many games...from what I see and have experienced.

Regardless of what you've seen and experienced, you have the audacity to relegate "[trying] to hard for male attention and [playing] way too many games" to black women alone...

Let me tell you something you may or may not have known--"ALL WOMEN crave some level of attention, and play games--regardless of race". Hell, some MEN are the same way. WISEN UP fam.

With your mentality, I wouldn't be surprised of you were simp'in over some white chick as she's getting traded amongst the football and basketball players. The best part is, you wouldn't even realize it because somehow, you've convinced yourself that only a certain, non-white, race of women crave attention and like to play games.

You can rant and rave all you the end of the day to "me"... white/latina/brazilians/mix girls etc. > black girls
wink.gif's a "rant and rave" because you're incapable of having a mature conversation/discussion/debate, and you clearly have no evidence to validate that silly misconstrued hypothesis of yours--"white/latina/brazilians/mix girls etc. > black girls"...
...Ok pal...


It's nothing to talk about/conversate about/ have a mature discussion/debate about...

My preferences should not affect you in any aspects of your life, I came in comment about "my preference" you got mad, came at me and expected a argument.

I dont argue my man, I say what I have to say and keep it probably one of them salty black people that when they see another black person out with another race feel the need to roll your eyes and look at them side ways

When I see people lookign at me funny because I date outside my race I just give them the
and keep it moving...


Have a great day SuperAntigen

Your preferences are completely fine with me. But I'm also smart enough to know that the "preference" argument, is the ONLY defense most of you have for justifying your prejudice.

What's funny though-- is the fact that the "preference" defense is actually a very weak one when it comes to THIS PARTICULAR TOPIC. Something only a few people seem to have caught, and have come to understand.

The question being asked in this thread is: ALL THINGS BEING EQUAL, with the EXCEPTION OF RACE, why do some black men select a white woman over a black woman--ALL THINGS BEING EQUAL.

Now though I would admit such a question is a tad bit unfair, as it objectifies and relegates our subjective preferences to obscurity--preferences which play a big role in who we selective court and WHY we ultimately find them attractive, preferences which (for example) take into consideration qualities such as personality and beauty-- amongst other things-- the fact and point is, the OG question forces you to reflect and muse over whether our conceptions of beauty are "innocent" or free of extrinsic influences, or whether we are prey to societal perceptions.

In other words, as a black man living in a euro-centric society, where (as previously stated in my 2nd post in this thread) the ideal that is beauty is shaped by WHITE perception(s), do you factor in race--and does it matter-- when it comes to finding your perfect (or not) mate.

Now this is where it gets interesting--

While many of you are communicating--"NO, the race of an individual doesn't matter to me--i'll poke any chick...blah...blah...blah..."--the fact is, what you're communication, and what you unknowinly implying are two contrary things. That's where the topic of this thread comes in--

Remember, this thread is objectifying everything (attributes that are subject to your so-called "preferences) to obscurity and making a woman's RACE the only point of difference and the only attribute available for consideration--hence, ALL THINGS BEING EQUAL BUT RACE.

So then what we are left with in this "equation" becomes a simple matter "RACE PREFERENCE", as all other things are equal. And what has been made very clear by a few brothas is that, ultimately, a WHITE woman is implicitely superior to a BLACK woman. Simply stated--WHITE > BLACK.

Now as I stated before, the question is a tad bit unfair but it does evoke something interesting to muse about. And what many of you have subconciously shown and proven, is the fact that you believe, everything being fair, WHITE > BLACK--which firmly corroborates what I stated in my earlier post about some level of "indoctrination" and "inculcation" of white ideals, in a eurocentric society.

I mean, don't get mad at me because you aren't aware of what's going on around you--word to social psychology. Furthermore, this is not merely an issue in black community pertaining to black men. This is an issue for every "racial" group, living in America, with the exception of the standard and epitomized racial group--"white".

I'm of for the day-- C U 2night (if this is still here, that is)...


Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Originally Posted by DEpast

My fiance is white and she is getting extensions for the wedding because she hates her short hair.
that's interesting.....but a black girl who hates her short hair is a chickenhead and a hoodrat. Hmmmm

She got it cut a few weeks ago thinking she would like it.

She hates it and wants her long hair back.

Nothing hood about that.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by Nati P

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Yall can leave all the beautiful black women for me... I'll deal with the hair, what yall call fat legs and fat girls that are just thick... I'll deal with the "attitude" too... I love me some black women word to the black and latina women appreciation thread....
Black girls > ____ IMO (bolded italicized and colored red for emphasis.)

I agree with this 100% and I'm Italian...

I'm sorry but from the pics I've seen you post and the things you post you seem like one of them Riff Raff type dudes. Young B-Rad you just as bad a black dude beastin on white girls talking about
snowbunnies. It's nothing wrong with dating outside your race but it sounds like you do it for the wrong reasons.

u right....

edit: because you would know what type of person I am by looking at a picture.

I said the combo of picture and WHAT you the first post quoted on here

Yall can leave all the beautiful black women for me... I'll deal with the hair, what yall call fat legs and fat girls that are just thick... I'll deal with the "attitude" too... I love me some black women word to the black and latina women appreciation thread....
C'mon fam....I'm sorry but a white dude with cornrows typing that gives me the wrong vibe. I've know dudes that look/talk like you and they are making a mockery of my culture. Sorry.

Its not a mockery of your culture... I said that because those are the reasons most NT's
(in a bad way) Black women... All my friends are black...The soon to be mother ofmy child is black.... Why would I make a mockery of something that my Daughter is a part of bruh?? Or something that the people I grew up with are??? you tookit the wrong way... Its cool tho... I been judged all my life the same way u judged the situation and judged me...
You know what's funny, my name is Brad too.

Why are all white Brad's labeled as W-iggers?
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by Nati P

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Yall can leave all the beautiful black women for me... I'll deal with the hair, what yall call fat legs and fat girls that are just thick... I'll deal with the "attitude" too... I love me some black women word to the black and latina women appreciation thread....
Black girls > ____ IMO (bolded italicized and colored red for emphasis.)

I agree with this 100% and I'm Italian...

I'm sorry but from the pics I've seen you post and the things you post you seem like one of them Riff Raff type dudes. Young B-Rad you just as bad a black dude beastin on white girls talking about
snowbunnies. It's nothing wrong with dating outside your race but it sounds like you do it for the wrong reasons.

u right....

, he hit my man with an offensive attack and he said "u right"

br3d is one of my favorite NTers at this point...

i aint take him as a riff raff type dude....he seems like cool peoples.

All I'm saying is alot of the stuff goin on in this thread is people judging people because of whatever reasons... Because I'm Italian which is white... I have long hair which in the picture he saw was prolly braided and I appreciate black women I'm a "young b-rad" or a Riff Raff type dude... whoever that is... Dude knows nothing about me... its cool tho... Like I said I love me some black women...

yeah, which is why i said i never took you as a riff raff cat...

you don't seem as forced, or as "trying" to be something you aren't...

you's a cool dude...i remember the thread you first posted your pic.....took that %+@$ like a g...

Dude you aint sayin nothin... That stuff goes on around my way all day every day.... I've been hit with every joke in the book... LOL
Originally Posted by finnns2003

i think you're the only person on these boards that 'recalls' me coming to quote you in posts.
guess i need to start keeping a log for you, huh?

out of the past 5 posts i remember you posting in, 4 were telling me you don't like me.....

one was prolly concerning videogames...

i'm not really gonna respond back after this, cause, for all the trolling and immaturity and stupidity you say i am capable of...

this is yet another post you aren't contributing to, just riding my meat...

i only even remember you screen name cause you constantly addressing me....
Originally Posted by DEpast

Black doesnt equal darker man.
......but daker does equal less white.

point blank, you prefer a darker skin color than her natural caucasian skin.....

so which natural skin color do you prefer? maybe not BLACK

mixed chicks?

light skinned black girls?

hispanic girls?

certainly not natural caucasians.....

just the "darker complexion" caucasians...who artificially darken their skin, right?
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by DEpast

Wait, did I read this right?

White girls TAN cause they want to be black?

That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever read on NT.
if not to look less white/more mixed, then why do they tan?

please tell me its for a reason other than their natural pale white skin disgusts them...

i've seen white girl a look at white girl b like "EW, YOURE SO PALE, EW"

And I've seen black men AND women jump on other blacks for being, well, too black. So what point are you really trying to make?

Let's put it this way: No race on this earth is completely content with who they really are, at least in developed countries.

And a white girl with a tan still looks white. When the ###% have you ever confused a tan white girl for a black girl

Do you consider sicilian/mediterranean girls black because of their natural tans or are they still white in your eyes?

actually, see, as a man who actually looks at girls, yes, you can easily confuse an overly tanned white girl for a mixed chick from a distance....

and yes, sicilians are white.

stop dodgining my "so you agree with your girl, her white, natually pale skin is gross and turns you off, right?"
Fam, we're not talking about mixed chicks, we're talking about BLACK WOMAN!

How you try to change the variables up like it's nothin?!

And you clearly don't know your women too well if you're confusing white women with black women, or hell, even mixed women.

And you agree that Sicilians are white yet naturally tan, exactly the sort of skin tone aim for when they tan. Well then by your logic you could make a casethat white women tan because they want to look mediterranean/sicilian/southern Italian then. If that's the case, then that whole "tanning to beblack" talk can go right out the window.

And my girl is white and I don't have a problem with her tanning but I also don't have a problem with her un-tanned skin tone (italian broad FTW!). And why she tans, who knows, but then why do black women get perms and straighten their hair? Why are white women doin' more lunges and wearing jeanswithout back pockets to plump up their rump? Why do _'s prefer a light skinned chick over a darker brand? Why are Asians so enamored with hip-hopculture? Like I said before, most of us, regardless of race are not comfortable in our own skin and take from each other on a daily basis. What is so wrongwith this and why do we even care though?
Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by Nati P

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Yall can leave all the beautiful black women for me... I'll deal with the hair, what yall call fat legs and fat girls that are just thick... I'll deal with the "attitude" too... I love me some black women word to the black and latina women appreciation thread....
Black girls > ____ IMO (bolded italicized and colored red for emphasis.)

I agree with this 100% and I'm Italian...

I'm sorry but from the pics I've seen you post and the things you post you seem like one of them Riff Raff type dudes. Young B-Rad you just as bad a black dude beastin on white girls talking about
snowbunnies. It's nothing wrong with dating outside your race but it sounds like you do it for the wrong reasons.

u right....

, he hit my man with an offensive attack and he said "u right"

br3d is one of my favorite NTers at this point...

i aint take him as a riff raff type dude....he seems like cool peoples.

All I'm saying is alot of the stuff goin on in this thread is people judging people because of whatever reasons... Because I'm Italian which is white... I have long hair which in the picture he saw was prolly braided and I appreciate black women I'm a "young b-rad" or a Riff Raff type dude... whoever that is... Dude knows nothing about me... its cool tho... Like I said I love me some black women...

yeah, which is why i said i never took you as a riff raff cat...

you don't seem as forced, or as "trying" to be something you aren't...

you's a cool dude...i remember the thread you first posted your pic.....took that %+@$ like a g...

Dude you aint sayin nothin... That stuff goes on around my way all day every day.... I've been hit with every joke in the book... LOL

you prolly got it worse than me, cause i mean, although i don't look it, i'm mixed....and i definitely don't have
damn ... 20 pgs a heated discussion ... can't we all just get along .... (oh yeah, i love me some black, latina, white n asian...
hell &^%$ itI'll take em all .. just all long as they're cute, got great personally and easy to get along with...)
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by DEpast

Black doesnt equal darker man.
......but daker does equal less white.

point blank, you prefer a darker skin color than her natural caucasian skin.....

so which natural skin color do you prefer? maybe not BLACK

mixed chicks?

light skinned black girls?

hispanic girls?

certainly not natural caucasians.....

just the "darker complexion" caucasians...who artificially darken their skin, right?

I prefer Brunettes with dark skin. Dark meaning tan.

If that answers your question.
Originally Posted by boxer

you're italian br3ad? i thought you were appalachian.

Yeah I'm Italian and Washington District of Colombian... So i dont know where you would have got that idea
Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by Nati P

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Yall can leave all the beautiful black women for me... I'll deal with the hair, what yall call fat legs and fat girls that are just thick... I'll deal with the "attitude" too... I love me some black women word to the black and latina women appreciation thread....
Black girls > ____ IMO (bolded italicized and colored red for emphasis.)

I agree with this 100% and I'm Italian...

I'm sorry but from the pics I've seen you post and the things you post you seem like one of them Riff Raff type dudes. Young B-Rad you just as bad a black dude beastin on white girls talking about
snowbunnies. It's nothing wrong with dating outside your race but it sounds like you do it for the wrong reasons.

u right....

edit: because you would know what type of person I am by looking at a picture.

I said the combo of picture and WHAT you the first post quoted on here

Yall can leave all the beautiful black women for me... I'll deal with the hair, what yall call fat legs and fat girls that are just thick... I'll deal with the "attitude" too... I love me some black women word to the black and latina women appreciation thread....
C'mon fam....I'm sorry but a white dude with cornrows typing that gives me the wrong vibe. I've know dudes that look/talk like you and they are making a mockery of my culture. Sorry.

Its not a mockery of your culture... I said that because those are the reasons most NT's
(in a bad way) Black women... All my friends are black...The soon to be mother of my child is black.... Why would I make a mockery of something that my Daughter is a part of bruh?? Or something that the people I grew up with are??? you took it the wrong way... Its cool tho... I been judged all my life the same way u judged the situation and judged me...

Can't judge a book by its cover....keep doing your thing man.
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

And my girl is white and I don't have a problem with her tanning but I also don't have a problem with her un-tanned skin tone (italian broad FTW!). And why she tans, who knows, but then why do black women get perms and straighten their hair? Why are white women doin' more lunges and wearing jeans without back pockets to plump up their rump? Why do _'s prefer a light skinned chick over a darker brand? Why are Asians so enamored with hip-hop culture? Like I said before, most of us, regardless of race are not comfortable in our own skin and take from each other on a daily basis. What is so wrong with this and why do we even care though?

basically, so why are black chicks the first and most called out on it? why is it "their hair
" or whatever?

i'm confused by mistaking a white chick for a light skinned black chick at times?

please, some of these white chicks out here sit under the lamp so long, they're darker than i am...

mixed chicks/light skinned chicks ARE black dude....don't know where YOU been a pale white girl tanning 5 to 6 skin shades darker, CONSTANTLY,imo, is out of an attempt to have the same kind of skin tone as hispanic/light skinned black girls...say what you want about italians and sicillians, evenOLIVE COMPLECTED WHITE PEOPLE TAN! lol....they not trynna get 2 tones darker, its 4, 5, 6 tones darker....homie, white girls be tanning in 64 degree weatherout here! lol

and it's not that i care that there are instances of people of every race not being comfortable in their own skin, it's just, don't make blanketstatements like "black girls get perms and change their eye color" and don't expect me to bring up white women tanning and injecting their lipswith botox....

in fact, i'll even take it a step further and say straighening hair, and wearing weaves and contacts is something that ALL women do...

where as the lip injections and excessive tanning is moreso something white women do....

(i mena, i guess madd pale hispanic/brazilian chicks be on it to.....but it's all the same...they all wanna be darker....basically, it's saying thatnatural pale, caucasain skin isn't attractive/as attractive as a darker complexion.....)

and so what if someone gets clowned for being real black? are they constantly at the skin lightening salon? naw...they just get clowned....

white women stay in their tanning beds because their pale, natural skin isn't as attractive as their daker, more naturally tanned counterparts....(and p.s.the counterparts i speak of arent italian, greek, or sicillian....BESIDES didn't the moors insert some color into your "naturally tanned" whiteraces? i think half greek, btw. it's only natural that you'd prefer the look of a race of people who were historically darkened by interracialinteraction....and compare your naturally pale girlfriends tanning to "sicillians" rather than black people, when, in reality, sicillians are only"tanned" because their ancestors were raped by the moors)
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

ironic you quoted paul mooney...

my dude thomas was my roomate throughout my years at tOSU, and EVERYTIME we saw super tanned up white girl, he'd say that... "everybody wanna be a____, but nobody wants to be a _____"


real talk.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

And my girl is white and I don't have a problem with her tanning but I also don't have a problem with her un-tanned skin tone (italian broad FTW!). And why she tans, who knows, but then why do black women get perms and straighten their hair? Why are white women doin' more lunges and wearing jeans without back pockets to plump up their rump? Why do _'s prefer a light skinned chick over a darker brand? Why are Asians so enamored with hip-hop culture? Like I said before, most of us, regardless of race are not comfortable in our own skin and take from each other on a daily basis. What is so wrong with this and why do we even care though?

basically, so why are black chicks the first and most called out on it? why is it "their hair
" or whatever?

i'm confused by mistaking a white chick for a light skinned black chick at times?

please, some of these white chicks out here sit under the lamp so long, they're darker than i am...

mixed chicks/light skinned chicks ARE black dude....don't know where YOU been a pale white girl tanning 5 to 6 skin shades darker, CONSTANTLY, imo, is out of an attempt to have the same kind of skin tone as hispanic/light skinned black girls...say what you want about italians and sicillians, even OLIVE COMPLECTED WHITE PEOPLE TAN! lol....they not trynna get 2 tones darker, its 4, 5, 6 tones darker....homie, white girls be tanning in 64 degree weather out here! lol

and it's not that i care that there are instances of people of every race not being comfortable in their own skin, it's just, don't make blanket statements like "black girls get perms and change their eye color" and don't expect me to bring up white women tanning and injecting their lips with botox....

in fact, i'll even take it a step further and say straighening hair, and wearing weaves and contacts is something that ALL women do...

where as the lip injections and excessive tanning is moreso something white women do....

(i mena, i guess madd pale hispanic/brazilian chicks be on it to.....but it's all the same...they all wanna be darker....basically, it's saying that natural pale, caucasain skin isn't attractive/as attractive as a darker complexion.....)

and so what if someone gets clowned for being real black? are they constantly at the skin lightening salon? naw...they just get clowned....

white women stay in their tanning beds because their pale, natural skin isn't as attractive as their daker, more naturally tanned counterparts....(and p.s. the counterparts i speak of arent italian, greek, or sicillian....BESIDES didn't the moors insert some color into your "naturally tanned" white races? i think half greek, btw. it's only natural that you'd prefer the look of a race of people who were historically darkened by interracial interaction....and compare your naturally pale girlfriends tanning to "sicillians" rather than black people, when, in reality, sicillians are only "tanned" because their ancestors were raped by the moors)
Going through your entire post and shredding it up would take too damn long but in general, it sounds like you're in disgust with your whiteside.

A mixed dude speaking on topics discussing FULL BLACK folk is of another discussion but something that irks me to no end.
most white women's own natural skin color disgusts
You're clearly a deluded individual who tries to deal with self-esteem issues by overcompensating with outrageous & ludicrous statementslike the one above.
Every time I these post...I wonder how us black men are viewed as the "opposite sex"?

Ladies........spin-off thread?

Does race or color really matter? Just find a female that you love and they love you back and keep it going. It's !*$%$ 2009! Things are changing. Ifblack dudes want to be with a white girl because they feel like black girls have more problems, let them do them. None of you can change someone else'spreference of a female. We got a lot of people in here are salty towards caucasian females.

always wanted to do that. lol
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

my bad fam, you know how i do though...if i smell BS, imma argue whatever the point is...

im sick of everyone saying black women are constantly trying to be something they arent, when the reality is 98 percent of$ white girls over the age of 8 tans about 60 percent of the time shes awake....not to mention the masses of women with botox in their lips and implants in their *$@$*....

if not to look less white/more ethnic, then why?
How come skin bleaching gets criticized but then tanning yourself to look like a dark roasted turkey is seen as it being done for aestheticreasons?

There is such a double standard to it. So, if darker skinned people bleach or want their skin to be lighter, it is self hate in trying to fit into the mold ofmore of a euro-centric look. But then, you have people who tan shades darker or even to the point of their skin looking like leather, no one cries that it isself hatred, but that it is done for aestithic reasons to look "healthier" with a bronze tint or even help them "look" thinner.
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