Black men....we need to talk.

Broadly speaking--what you described is merely the manifestation of the "black-slave-desire", stemming from thevestigial remains of the "black-slave-mentality".

Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

I'm sorry I forgot where I was....this is NT. SMH at myself for trying to discuss a common double standard. I forgot this is the place where people need cliffnotes for 2 paragraphs, the place where dudes have more experience with ebay than the opposite sex. My bad ya'll. For the 1-2 replies that made sense thanks. And all the other virgins keep posting.
Honestly, what the **+$ were you really looking for when you made this post?! Did you expect Jesus himself to sign on and bless you with the answer you were looking for?

To each his own, fam. Who are you to tell other _'s to look in the mirror as if they're the ones having this particular problem?

I was expecting the mature members of this site to actually discuss this. We all know it's true. Some of us do it, some of us got friends that do it. Itdoesn't make sense at all to judge women of different colors on a different scale. So why not talk about why this happens....and maybe somebody wouldbenefit from this post. I'm not expecting a definite answer because many factors go in to this but why not talk about it.

See I could've made the title "White woman look better" for shock value and had 20 plus pages of chaos but naw.......I guess that fact that dudesdon't wanna speak on it says volumes.
Dude was trying to convert dudes like a Muslim minister. hahaha! I love every skin tone equally, some people have past situations that have altered their lookon life be it girls cars friends money etc...... What im saying is everyone is going to be different, the only thing you can ask of someone is to stay truth tothem self. If they cant see clear and are living a lie it's on them.
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Broadly speaking--what you described is merely the manifestation of the "black-slave-desire", stemming from the vestigial remains of the "black-slave-mentality".

In laymen's terms...

Wanting to *+++ what has "$$!$!#" us for a few hundred years.
Originally Posted by LLC Money

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

I'm sorry I forgot where I was....this is NT. SMH at myself for trying to discuss a common double standard. I forgot this is the place where people need cliffnotes for 2 paragraphs, the place where dudes have more experience with ebay than the opposite sex. My bad ya'll. For the 1-2 replies that made sense thanks. And all the other virgins keep posting.
See this cracks me up. Dude makes a post, doesn't get the result he's looking for, then calls everyone virgins?
You're more concerned with other dudes chasing white women in 2009 but we're virgins?
Straight men we need to talk...exclude yourself from the convo

What is this middle school? Now I'm gay?
ok buddy. I never saidwhite women were wrong but some of ya'll are still reading on the 5th grade level. The whole time I been comparing white women and black women of the samecaliber and saying why not judge them equal instead of giving the white girl the nod. Can you grasp that concept? Lamont Sanford type _'s in here.
Originally Posted by LLC Money

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by LLC Money

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

I'm sorry I forgot where I was....this is NT. SMH at myself for trying to discuss a common double standard. I forgot this is the place where people need cliffnotes for 2 paragraphs, the place where dudes have more experience with ebay than the opposite sex. My bad ya'll. For the 1-2 replies that made sense thanks. And all the other virgins keep posting.
See this cracks me up. Dude makes a post, doesn't get the result he's looking for, then calls everyone virgins?
You're more concerned with other dudes chasing white women in 2009 but we're virgins?
Straight men we need to talk...exclude yourself from the convo

What is this middle school? Now I'm gay?
ok buddy. I never said white women were wrong but some of ya'll are still reading on the 5th grade level. The whole time I been comparing white women and black women of the same caliber and saying why not judge them equal instead of giving the white girl the nod. Can you grasp that concept? Lamont Sanford type _'s in here.
Right...but you're in here talking about "good teeth, nice skin" on some modern day slave trading +%%$ right?

Those are the things that make a females face attractive for the most part tho. I was basically using the description of a chick that's like a 6. Notugly, not special. Just average you know. Things like jacked up teeth and acne are deal breakers for some. And I said "good teeth, nice skin" whentalking about white and black I don't know how you got that vibe.
Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Broadly speaking--what you described is merely the manifestation of the "black-slave-desire", stemming from the vestigial remains of the "black-slave-mentality".

In laymen's terms...

Wanting to *+++ what has "$$!$!#" us for a few hundred years.
Could be that...OR it could just be, they want to #*%% white women.

Some people do that @+@# for the WRONG reasons but at the end of the day, doesn't matter what someone else is doing with their life. I personally hate whenpeople try to rationalize interracial attraction with some slave/master @+@# in 2009 but...I guess that does hold true in some places with some people. Butdefinititely, not ALL.
Brother, I cant relate to $%## you're saying in that entire first post. I'm attracted to all women, but I never smashed anything but black women.It's not because I'm prejudice or anything like that, but that's just how $%## is for me. Didn't say "I did not have sexual relations withthose women"
, but not intercourse. Maybe one day though. She'll have to be SUPER BAD for that to happen. Average white girls just don't doit for me. Nothing personal. I'm not a racist by any means.
This topic is unnecessary. You act as if there is an epidemic of blackwomen not being able to find husbands and reproduce. Let people make their own choices on who they want to smash; honestly, what matters most to me is thatthat person is happy. If anything, interracial relationships are a great thing, it is what is tearing down the walls of racism in this country.

See: our President.
It's never been about race with me, but about experiences I've had with certain races. If a girl is ugly, she ugly no matter what skin color she is.For me personally (black guy), I've had better experiences with white women than black women when in relationships. At the end of the day however any girlcan get it if she looked good and we connect. I'm always opened minded, but I have noticed over the past 2-3 years, that I've been talking to morewhite females than black.
Give me one of them mid 30's Jon/Kate +8 type brauds.. She will get slayed regardless..

I love white chicks tho man.. My first crush in 1st was a redhead. my first gf when i was six was a white chick that lived across the street from my aunt.. Weuse to dry hump, she taught me how to french kiss etc..

Where im from HAS to be the capitol of "mixed couple/mixed babies".. Just something I've lived around my whole life.

My moms use to threaten me all my childhood, and teenage hood w/ "You better not bring a white girl up in my house" My sisters always said they wouldbeat them up if I brought them around.. Terrible shht like that..

Plus i don't "thug" enough for most black chicks..

And for the dudes that's always saying "Oh y'all type of dudes just can't handle a black chicks attitude" F outta here w/ that bs..i'd tell a black chick or any chick for the matter to shut the f up quick fast. I love attitude that's one of things that most white chicks are missingthat i've encountered if you tell them to s t f u they'll start balling their eyes out most latinas and black would throw a hot skillet of grease onyour asss..

I'm really trying to go multicultural before im out of college tho.. European, middle eastern, african, carribean etc.. So once im ready to settle down iknow what's up.
In all honest I was raised around all black people/black community, most of my friends are black, I am black...etc.

I have dealt with black girls, Filipino girls, Latina's, and snow bunnys...My personal preferences is a white girl or a Latina its just what I like.

If I could have it my way (which I will) I would marry a mixed girl preferably white + Puerto Rican or Brazilian.

I just love the exotic look, to me black girls try to hard

Originally Posted by I DONT PASS

mixed girls >>>>>>>*

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