-Black People, We have to do better- Vol: JESUS CHRIST!...smh (Pic)

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Do we all live on the same Earth?.. Because I don't care what ya'll say, There's still a Double standard barrier between Blacks and Whites in America. Anything bad or "out of the ordinary" a black person does is blown out of proportion 10x greater than if a white person did it... And it has a negative impact on the whole Black community...not just the person who committed the act.

For instance, I drive 2 luxury cars at the age of 23... and I always get asked if I "sell drugs" .... now if I was white, Do you think the same question would be asked?...NO. You know why? Because Young blacks with Nice cars JUST HAVE TO BE selling drugs and Young whites with nice cars "usually" have good jobs or their parents bought the car for them...

Another example, Whites with tattoo sleeves and a bunch of tattoos (not those white supremacy folks) ...its looked at as a "form of expression/art".... When I black man is covered in Tats, He's a "Thug" or a "gang banger"...I'm not saying this is EVERYONES perception... but that's how a lot of people think.

So YES, when a black man Tattoos Gucci monogram all over his face... I take that as a L for the whole black community... because he's not just a guy with Gucci monogram all over his face...he's "The BLACK guy with Gucci monogram all over his face"

So please, miss me with all that..."why does it have to be 'we'" BS...
Of course there is a double standard. Think about it when have you ever seen the white media act favorably towards black? Never. If you go back far enough white media used to think all black men wanted to do was rape their white women (look up "Birth Of A Nation"). There will always be a double standard towards blacks because those at the "top" do not want us at the "bottom" to better ourselves. Black people have done remarkable things throughout the decades and of course none of this is remembered by White Media. All we got was a MLK holiday and a "month" where Valentines Day gets more respect.

Black people, we do not have to do better; White people, yall need to do better.
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Do we all live on the same Earth?.. Because I don't care what ya'll say, There's still a Double standard barrier between Blacks and Whites in America. Anything bad or "out of the ordinary" a black person does is blown out of proportion 10x greater than if a white person did it... And it has a negative impact on the whole Black community...not just the person who committed the act.

For instance, I drive 2 luxury cars at the age of 23... and I always get asked if I "sell drugs" .... now if I was white, Do you think the same question would be asked?...NO. You know why? Because Young blacks with Nice cars JUST HAVE TO BE selling drugs and Young whites with nice cars "usually" have good jobs or their parents bought the car for them...

Another example, Whites with tattoo sleeves and a bunch of tattoos (not those white supremacy folks) ...its looked at as a "form of expression/art".... When I black man is covered in Tats, He's a "Thug" or a "gang banger"...I'm not saying this is EVERYONES perception... but that's how a lot of people think.

So YES, when a black man Tattoos Gucci monogram all over his face... I take that as a L for the whole black community... because he's not just a guy with Gucci monogram all over his face...he's "The BLACK guy with Gucci monogram all over his face"

So please, miss me with all that..."why does it have to be 'we'" BS...
Of course there is a double standard. Think about it when have you ever seen the white media act favorably towards black? Never. If you go back far enough white media used to think all black men wanted to do was rape their white women (look up "Birth Of A Nation"). There will always be a double standard towards blacks because those at the "top" do not want us at the "bottom" to better ourselves. Black people have done remarkable things throughout the decades and of course none of this is remembered by White Media. All we got was a MLK holiday and a "month" where Valentines Day gets more respect.

Black people, we do not have to do better; White people, yall need to do better.
You'd be ******ed to live your life to impress someone that will never be impressed. Even if that person is impressed, is that the sort of smug "the animal can do tricks" cookie that you want? where's your sense of self? where's your own $#*@+## pride? stop clumping people on both sides into one entity.
You'd be ******ed to live your life to impress someone that will never be impressed. Even if that person is impressed, is that the sort of smug "the animal can do tricks" cookie that you want? where's your sense of self? where's your own $#*@+## pride? stop clumping people on both sides into one entity.
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

You'd be ******ed to live your life to impress someone that will never be impressed. Even if that person is impressed, is that the sort of smug "the animal can do tricks" cookie that you want? where's your sense of self? where's your own $#*@+## pride? stop clumping people on both sides into one entity.

Who's trying to impress anyone?...I'm just saying WE need to stop doing stupid *!!+ like getting Gucci Monogram tatted all over our faces. I'm respectful to everyone and I'm very conscious about my actions because I know I'm not only representing myself...but also my race...

You think I don't have tats on my face because i'm trying to impress someone?...NO, I dont have tats on my face because its "not my thing" and thats not how I want to represent myself or my race.

...Like I said, one black persons actions...whether its good or bad, affects the entire black community....Like it or not

Where did all this "impress" people talk come from anyway?
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

You'd be ******ed to live your life to impress someone that will never be impressed. Even if that person is impressed, is that the sort of smug "the animal can do tricks" cookie that you want? where's your sense of self? where's your own $#*@+## pride? stop clumping people on both sides into one entity.

Who's trying to impress anyone?...I'm just saying WE need to stop doing stupid *!!+ like getting Gucci Monogram tatted all over our faces. I'm respectful to everyone and I'm very conscious about my actions because I know I'm not only representing myself...but also my race...

You think I don't have tats on my face because i'm trying to impress someone?...NO, I dont have tats on my face because its "not my thing" and thats not how I want to represent myself or my race.

...Like I said, one black persons actions...whether its good or bad, affects the entire black community....Like it or not

Where did all this "impress" people talk come from anyway?
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

You'd be ******ed to live your life to impress someone that will never be impressed. Even if that person is impressed, is that the sort of smug "the animal can do tricks" cookie that you want? where's your sense of self? where's your own $#*@+## pride? stop clumping people on both sides into one entity.
Who's trying to impress anyone?...I'm just saying WE need to stop doing stupid *!!+ like getting Gucci Monogram tatted all over our faces. I'm respectful to everyone and I'm very conscious about my actions because I know I'm not only representing myself...but also my race...

You think I don't have tats on my face because i'm trying to impress someone?...NO, I dont have tats on my face because its "not my thing" and thats not how I want to represent myself or my race.

...Like I said, one black persons actions...whether its good or bad, affects the entire black community....Like it or not

Where did all this "impress" people talk come from anyway?

like i said earlier homie doesn't represent a whole race if (the white man) thinks that way he is just ignorant and nothing you say or do will change that so we dont need to do better he need to do better if anybody takes one action or a few actions of a certain group and generalize them in a negative light is just ignorant that all there is to it you need to do better and whoever thinks like that need to do better
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

You'd be ******ed to live your life to impress someone that will never be impressed. Even if that person is impressed, is that the sort of smug "the animal can do tricks" cookie that you want? where's your sense of self? where's your own $#*@+## pride? stop clumping people on both sides into one entity.
Who's trying to impress anyone?...I'm just saying WE need to stop doing stupid *!!+ like getting Gucci Monogram tatted all over our faces. I'm respectful to everyone and I'm very conscious about my actions because I know I'm not only representing myself...but also my race...

You think I don't have tats on my face because i'm trying to impress someone?...NO, I dont have tats on my face because its "not my thing" and thats not how I want to represent myself or my race.

...Like I said, one black persons actions...whether its good or bad, affects the entire black community....Like it or not

Where did all this "impress" people talk come from anyway?

like i said earlier homie doesn't represent a whole race if (the white man) thinks that way he is just ignorant and nothing you say or do will change that so we dont need to do better he need to do better if anybody takes one action or a few actions of a certain group and generalize them in a negative light is just ignorant that all there is to it you need to do better and whoever thinks like that need to do better
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by beezylocks

its not that hes representing black people but, white people wouldnt expect anything less from a black person.

white man " only a black would do something like that."

that just takes black people one step back becasue of one ****** ( in the eyes of the white man)

Thank you!!!! ....

I didnt wanna explain it because I thought yall would get the gist of my title... but apparently it needed a detailed explanation
Why the *!+$ do you care what a stranger thinks?
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by beezylocks

its not that hes representing black people but, white people wouldnt expect anything less from a black person.

white man " only a black would do something like that."

that just takes black people one step back becasue of one ****** ( in the eyes of the white man)

Thank you!!!! ....

I didnt wanna explain it because I thought yall would get the gist of my title... but apparently it needed a detailed explanation
Why the *!+$ do you care what a stranger thinks?
Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

You'd be ******ed to live your life to impress someone that will never be impressed. Even if that person is impressed, is that the sort of smug "the animal can do tricks" cookie that you want? where's your sense of self? where's your own $#*@+## pride? stop clumping people on both sides into one entity.
Who's trying to impress anyone?...I'm just saying WE need to stop doing stupid *!!+ like getting Gucci Monogram tatted all over our faces. I'm respectful to everyone and I'm very conscious about my actions because I know I'm not only representing myself...but also my race...

You think I don't have tats on my face because i'm trying to impress someone?...NO, I dont have tats on my face because its "not my thing" and thats not how I want to represent myself or my race.

...Like I said, one black persons actions...whether its good or bad, affects the entire black community....Like it or not

Where did all this "impress" people talk come from anyway?

like i said earlier homie doesn't represent a whole race if (the white man) thinks that why he is just ignorant and nothing you say or do will change that so we dont need to do better he need to do better if anybody takes one action or a few actions of a certain group and generalize them in a negative light is just ignorant that all there is to it you need to do better and whoever thinks like that need to do better
But Barack Obama represents a whole race though?...Right?... Right....

When Jackie Robinson kept a poised attitude during all those racial taunts and slurs, he was representing a whole race.... Right?... Right

Why is it when ever a black person gets praised, the black community is quick to have that person "represent" them as a whole.... but the moment a black man Tattoos Gucci Manogram all over his face. "Oh...well...He doesn't represent blacks"....That's BS, in todays society...The black community needs to learn how to take the Good with the Bad because Theres double standards in America. Just because in your mind YOU think this guy with the Gucci all over his face is "just an ignorant person"... Most of society looks at him as "an ignorant black man"...point blank

I'm not saying its right, but that's how it is....even today.
Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

You'd be ******ed to live your life to impress someone that will never be impressed. Even if that person is impressed, is that the sort of smug "the animal can do tricks" cookie that you want? where's your sense of self? where's your own $#*@+## pride? stop clumping people on both sides into one entity.
Who's trying to impress anyone?...I'm just saying WE need to stop doing stupid *!!+ like getting Gucci Monogram tatted all over our faces. I'm respectful to everyone and I'm very conscious about my actions because I know I'm not only representing myself...but also my race...

You think I don't have tats on my face because i'm trying to impress someone?...NO, I dont have tats on my face because its "not my thing" and thats not how I want to represent myself or my race.

...Like I said, one black persons actions...whether its good or bad, affects the entire black community....Like it or not

Where did all this "impress" people talk come from anyway?

like i said earlier homie doesn't represent a whole race if (the white man) thinks that why he is just ignorant and nothing you say or do will change that so we dont need to do better he need to do better if anybody takes one action or a few actions of a certain group and generalize them in a negative light is just ignorant that all there is to it you need to do better and whoever thinks like that need to do better
But Barack Obama represents a whole race though?...Right?... Right....

When Jackie Robinson kept a poised attitude during all those racial taunts and slurs, he was representing a whole race.... Right?... Right

Why is it when ever a black person gets praised, the black community is quick to have that person "represent" them as a whole.... but the moment a black man Tattoos Gucci Manogram all over his face. "Oh...well...He doesn't represent blacks"....That's BS, in todays society...The black community needs to learn how to take the Good with the Bad because Theres double standards in America. Just because in your mind YOU think this guy with the Gucci all over his face is "just an ignorant person"... Most of society looks at him as "an ignorant black man"...point blank

I'm not saying its right, but that's how it is....even today.

Thank you for keeping it real.

Do you people not watch Tosh.0? Fox News?

Tosh gets straight up racist whenever it's a black person doing something dumb, and people love it; his show is huge now. Fox News is #1 in ratings (has nothing to do with legitimacy) and those twisted views are those of your bosses, deans, senators, etc.

Keep ignoring the reality of how this world works.


Thank you for keeping it real.

Do you people not watch Tosh.0? Fox News?

Tosh gets straight up racist whenever it's a black person doing something dumb, and people love it; his show is huge now. Fox News is #1 in ratings (has nothing to do with legitimacy) and those twisted views are those of your bosses, deans, senators, etc.

Keep ignoring the reality of how this world works.

Originally Posted by moneymike88

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by beezylocks

its not that hes representing black people but, white people wouldnt expect anything less from a black person.

white man " only a black would do something like that."

that just takes black people one step back becasue of one ****** ( in the eyes of the white man)

Thank you!!!! ....

I didnt wanna explain it because I thought yall would get the gist of my title... but apparently it needed a detailed explanation
Why the *!+$ do you care what a stranger thinks?
So i'm not supposed to care about how people perceive me?..

When I  drive into a gas station... I don't want anyone to have any negative premonitions about me because of my Race....That's just me though...
Originally Posted by moneymike88

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by beezylocks

its not that hes representing black people but, white people wouldnt expect anything less from a black person.

white man " only a black would do something like that."

that just takes black people one step back becasue of one ****** ( in the eyes of the white man)

Thank you!!!! ....

I didnt wanna explain it because I thought yall would get the gist of my title... but apparently it needed a detailed explanation
Why the *!+$ do you care what a stranger thinks?
So i'm not supposed to care about how people perceive me?..

When I  drive into a gas station... I don't want anyone to have any negative premonitions about me because of my Race....That's just me though...
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

You'd be ******ed to live your life to impress someone that will never be impressed. Even if that person is impressed, is that the sort of smug "the animal can do tricks" cookie that you want? where's your sense of self? where's your own $#*@+## pride? stop clumping people on both sides into one entity.
Who's trying to impress anyone?...I'm just saying WE need to stop doing stupid *!!+ like getting Gucci Monogram tatted all over our faces. I'm respectful to everyone and I'm very conscious about my actions because I know I'm not only representing myself...but also my race...

You think I don't have tats on my face because i'm trying to impress someone?...NO, I dont have tats on my face because its "not my thing" and thats not how I want to represent myself or my race.

...Like I said, one black persons actions...whether its good or bad, affects the entire black community....Like it or not

Where did all this "impress" people talk come from anyway?

like i said earlier homie doesn't represent a whole race if (the white man) thinks that why he is just ignorant and nothing you say or do will change that so we dont need to do better he need to do better if anybody takes one action or a few actions of a certain group and generalize them in a negative light is just ignorant that all there is to it you need to do better and whoever thinks like that need to do better
But Barack Obama represents a whole race though?...Right?... Right....

When Jackie Robinson kept a poised attitude during all those racial taunts and slurs, he was representing a whole race.... Right?... Right

Why is it when ever a black person gets praised, the black community is quick to have that person "represent" them as a whole.... but the moment a black man Tattoos Gucci Manogram all over his face. "Oh...well...He doesn't represent blacks"....That's BS, in todays society...The black community needs to learn how to take the Good with the Bad because Theres double standards in America. Just because in your mind YOU think this guy with the Gucci all over his face is "just an ignorant person"... Most of society looks at him as "an ignorant black man"...point blank

I'm not saying its right, but that's how it is....even today.
who said any of them represent the race as a whole no one said that homie true enough they done thing that have never been seen before and even with those milestones in American history that you just described it is still people that look at african americans in a negative light nothing will change that ever homie just like dude with the tat does not represent the whole race , obama and jackie robinson doesn't either there individuals and until people relize that and let people do them you will always have people think of you in that negative light I mean people of all races have dumb *** tats nobody ever said that he made black people look bad in every thread that was made about him except this one I  even would go on to say that it is not a white man speaking negative about the black race it is always somebody of there own race talking down
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

You'd be ******ed to live your life to impress someone that will never be impressed. Even if that person is impressed, is that the sort of smug "the animal can do tricks" cookie that you want? where's your sense of self? where's your own $#*@+## pride? stop clumping people on both sides into one entity.
Who's trying to impress anyone?...I'm just saying WE need to stop doing stupid *!!+ like getting Gucci Monogram tatted all over our faces. I'm respectful to everyone and I'm very conscious about my actions because I know I'm not only representing myself...but also my race...

You think I don't have tats on my face because i'm trying to impress someone?...NO, I dont have tats on my face because its "not my thing" and thats not how I want to represent myself or my race.

...Like I said, one black persons actions...whether its good or bad, affects the entire black community....Like it or not

Where did all this "impress" people talk come from anyway?

like i said earlier homie doesn't represent a whole race if (the white man) thinks that why he is just ignorant and nothing you say or do will change that so we dont need to do better he need to do better if anybody takes one action or a few actions of a certain group and generalize them in a negative light is just ignorant that all there is to it you need to do better and whoever thinks like that need to do better
But Barack Obama represents a whole race though?...Right?... Right....

When Jackie Robinson kept a poised attitude during all those racial taunts and slurs, he was representing a whole race.... Right?... Right

Why is it when ever a black person gets praised, the black community is quick to have that person "represent" them as a whole.... but the moment a black man Tattoos Gucci Manogram all over his face. "Oh...well...He doesn't represent blacks"....That's BS, in todays society...The black community needs to learn how to take the Good with the Bad because Theres double standards in America. Just because in your mind YOU think this guy with the Gucci all over his face is "just an ignorant person"... Most of society looks at him as "an ignorant black man"...point blank

I'm not saying its right, but that's how it is....even today.
who said any of them represent the race as a whole no one said that homie true enough they done thing that have never been seen before and even with those milestones in American history that you just described it is still people that look at african americans in a negative light nothing will change that ever homie just like dude with the tat does not represent the whole race , obama and jackie robinson doesn't either there individuals and until people relize that and let people do them you will always have people think of you in that negative light I mean people of all races have dumb *** tats nobody ever said that he made black people look bad in every thread that was made about him except this one I  even would go on to say that it is not a white man speaking negative about the black race it is always somebody of there own race talking down
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by moneymike88

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by beezylocks

its not that hes representing black people but, white people wouldnt expect anything less from a black person.

white man " only a black would do something like that."

that just takes black people one step back becasue of one ****** ( in the eyes of the white man)

Thank you!!!! ....

I didnt wanna explain it because I thought yall would get the gist of my title... but apparently it needed a detailed explanation
Why the *!+$ do you care what a stranger thinks?
So i'm not supposed to care about how people perceive me?..

When I  drive into a gas station... I don't want anyone to have any negative premonitions about me because of my Race....That's just me though...
but people get judged regardless if it is not for your race its going to be for what you wear,drive,money even the most smallest thing people are judged 

you sounding real sensitive over there homie man up 

people are misjudged on a daily basis but they man up with there heads high because they know the person is ignorant
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by moneymike88

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by beezylocks

its not that hes representing black people but, white people wouldnt expect anything less from a black person.

white man " only a black would do something like that."

that just takes black people one step back becasue of one ****** ( in the eyes of the white man)

Thank you!!!! ....

I didnt wanna explain it because I thought yall would get the gist of my title... but apparently it needed a detailed explanation
Why the *!+$ do you care what a stranger thinks?
So i'm not supposed to care about how people perceive me?..

When I  drive into a gas station... I don't want anyone to have any negative premonitions about me because of my Race....That's just me though...
but people get judged regardless if it is not for your race its going to be for what you wear,drive,money even the most smallest thing people are judged 

you sounding real sensitive over there homie man up 

people are misjudged on a daily basis but they man up with there heads high because they know the person is ignorant
Com'on fam... You don't know anything about me passed this screen name...So state your opinion about the racial stuff and chill with that "man up" and "sensitive" talk...

I'm sensitive because I don't want people negatively prejudging me?... You sound goofy.

I understand that people are prejudged based off they're appearance.... its the negative prejudging that i'm trying to avoid.

So ya'll might not care when you see a young black male on a random corner with his pants hanging off his $!+...but I dont like seeing %#*+ like that....Sorry -shrugs-
Com'on fam... You don't know anything about me passed this screen name...So state your opinion about the racial stuff and chill with that "man up" and "sensitive" talk...

I'm sensitive because I don't want people negatively prejudging me?... You sound goofy.

I understand that people are prejudged based off they're appearance.... its the negative prejudging that i'm trying to avoid.

So ya'll might not care when you see a young black male on a random corner with his pants hanging off his $!+...but I dont like seeing %#*+ like that....Sorry -shrugs-
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