Black woman tells dogs to attack white news reporter

Jul 6, 2008
An ABC6 crew was on assignment in Providence when they were assaulted in broad daylight. It started with a simple question that led to a violent response. The crew was on Public Street in Providence, attempting to get reaction from the mother of the teenage girl who was shot at a graduation party over the weekend.

Instead of declining to speak on-camera, Melissa Lawrence replied “OK, that’s good,” and then suddenly hurled a rock at ABC6 photographer Marc Jackson. The rock just missed the photographer’s head. The crew then started to leave, but Lawrence came out wielding a baseball bat. She then told her two dogs to attack.

:smh: :smh: :smh: why my people have to act like this? not to mention giving pitbulls a bad name
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After watching the video, I can see why the lady was mad, but you don't need to tell your dog to attack 
op ur racist case closed. if you would of titled it women sicks pitpull on reporter i would of gave u a free pass. shame on u
Why do you have to describe them by race? Why not dog owner tells dog to attack news reporter?

Camera man didn't do a damn thing except video tape her running. :lol:
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op ur racist case closed. if you would of titled it women sicks pitpull on reporter i would of gave u a free pass. shame on u

if you watched the full video at the end she calls her a white b... so it's clearly racism, problem?


Why do you have to describe them by race? Why not dog owner tells dog to attack news reporter?

Yeah I did because if you watched the full video at the end she calls her a white b... so it's clearly racism, problem?


hell change it soon enough once and by that time everyone is going to focus on how racist he is.

Wrong, I'm not changing anything. A African American woman tells her dogs to attack a Caucasian woman and at the end calls her some racial slurs and I'm racist? :rofl: :rofl: ok buddy
White vs. Black. :smh: Who would have thought?

Can we start a poll though? I say 10 pages by tomorrow.
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Title should have been

"White woman with booty gets rock thrown at her by fat jamaican woman vol...white people got it bad"
After the rock was thrown,I would have ran. Not going to lie though, I found this extremely hilarious none the less.
can't eem autotune this ignorant  gorilla..... baboon  ..... Dodo bird. What's her problem?
Gotta always keep it classy. PLUS it's only a freaking camera crew outside recording everything. :smh::rolleyes

These days with cameras and cell phone cameras everywhere.. you have to learn to just chill. Last thing anyone should want is to be a star on WSSH
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