Blu-Ray: What's the difference? How much better than DVD? Is it worth buying?

I can't even watch this because my boy has my PS3 at his crib right now. I gotta work tonight too.

I heard BD Live is pretty cool but I was never big on special features and stuff. I might checkout the Nolan screening.

I ALMOST copped the SD DVD just to have it for whenever/wherever viewing as well. The digital copy is going on the pod, but having the DVD version could comein handy at some point.
Thats OD man

I ran into my friend at wal-mart last night when I got it, and he bought the Blu-Ray and the DVD too get the coin

At least he didn't waste 50 on the BatPod @ best buy like he was originally going to do
Got it BluRay

It does look grainy but I thought that was normal for movies.

I still haven't watched a BluRay that makes me say WOW

The Imax scenes on TDK were pretty nice, just like IMAX

Anyone want to point me to the best BluRay out?
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Got it BluRay

It does look grainy but I thought that was normal for movies.

I still haven't watched a BluRay that makes me say WOW

The Imax scenes on TDK were pretty nice, just like IMAX

Anyone want to point me to the best BluRay out?
The Hulk does look pretty amazing. On Thanksgiving we watched it at my Aunt's house since they just got the new Samsung 630, and have surroundsound and it was pretty sick. (I don't have surround sound here, just a really nice TV)

Tropic Thunder looks REALLY good too IMO.

Casino Royale is supposed to be one of the best looking Blu-Rays out there but it didn't impress me.... maybe because I was hungover as hell when I watchedit.

Any movie that takes place in a visually appealing place tends to look better. The colors tend to be more vibrant and stick out more. Thats part of the reasonTDK doesn't look the greatest, it doesn't take place in the most visually appealing environments.
Considering i've only watched transformers on bluray other than TDK i thought this looked really good, no pasty #@# faces, and i didnt notice the grainlike there was on transformers.
check out "The Fall" i thought it looked pretty good and the movie isnt too bad either.
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Got it BluRay

It does look grainy but I thought that was normal for movies.

I still haven't watched a BluRay that makes me say WOW

The Imax scenes on TDK were pretty nice, just like IMAX

Anyone want to point me to the best BluRay out?

Speedracer should do the trick.
Originally Posted by Fiasco23

is black hawk down good n blu?

i thought the transfer looked pretty good. you guys should check out some blu-ray forums like they have a pretty decent marketplace where you canget movies for pretty cheap. cheaper then reatail in most cases.

i was able to pick up Appocalypto & 300 for $20 shipped.
I just bought TDK on dvd and I it looks like garbage, my bootleg divx rip looks better than this crap. Anyone know where I can get a cheap blueray player?
Originally Posted by TmAk15

I just bought TDK on dvd and I it looks like garbage, my bootleg divx rip looks better than this crap. Anyone know where I can get a cheap blueray player?

You wont find anything less than $200 for something legit...

Keep your eyes on and you might get lucky
the people who say there is no difference between blu-ray & dvd.

if they dont see any difference between those stills, there in denial.
yo, can someone post a pic of bats putting his hands up when swat team told him to
IMO, I don't think the technology is worth it, VHS to dvd was a huge step, DVD to Blu Ray not so huge. Yes the quality of the picture is extremely crisp,but its going to get better, and personally I see the DVD whether its Blu ray or not becoming obsolete in the near future.
Speed Racer on Blu-ray has the most vibrant colors I've seen so far. The reason why Tropic Thunder probably looks good in Blu-ray is because it has a lotof natural green colors, which is the color that most HDTVs reproduce the best because the human eye is most sensative to it.
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