Blue Valentine

I don't get why all of a sudden she got tired of his B.S. What couldn't she stand anymore?
I don't know if her character was capable of love. He met her at a crossroads in her life and committed to her when she opted to keep the kid that wasn't his. He seemed to generally love her and was happy.
I think it just shows how an accumulation of frustration built in a relationship can take its toll

Their end goals were different as well. I believed she loved him but I think her not acheiving more career wise got to her...he reached his goals in becoming a husband and father and emotionally loving her as much as he a sense thats the only career life he cared about
yea this is a great movie i watch this and the company men in one day was like how do i watch two depression movies back to back......i need to go do something productive in my life
Would this be a good movie to watch with my girl?

I could see it being a bad basically explors the imploding of a relationship.

My dude Gosling though...I keep telling cats about him and they just don't listen
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