Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Thread - "Margate Sands" SEASON FINALE

"What's life if it isn't ******g personal" 
"the show must go on"...and the marriage is over.

Margaret pimped that doctor though. Can't even hate. That chick is a hustler on the low. 

GYP is in the running for one of the best characters on TV. 
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This show is getting boring the writers really drag out alot of story lines.

We need more Chalky , Rothstein ,Capone and less nucky simping.
This show is getting boring the writers really drag out alot of story lines.

We need more Chalky , Rothstein ,Capone and less nucky simping.
What do you mean? We have 13 years of prohibition to cover. They're setting the story up.

Gyp has barely gotten started. 

We didn't see a bunch of folks in this episode. 
This show is getting boring the writers really drag out alot of story lines.

We need more Chalky , Rothstein ,Capone and less nucky simping.

This ain't the show for you if you're expecting a fast paced drama. We still have a decade of events to go regarding Prohibition and more before Nucky's downfall.

Good episode last night. Nucky is a half gangster. Killing Jimmy is haunting him. He's increasingly getting sloppy over Kent. Why? I don't know.
Harrow has 63 bodies. Damn. Putting in work.
That kid set up Mickey Doyle for getting insulted earlier in the episode.
Gillian is foul. She knows that Jimmy is dead, but she's telling those that don't know of the events that he's out of town in order to forge checks and essentially benefit from his name among other gangsters. Gyp's words with her stung.
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This ain't the show for you if you're expecting a fast paced drama. We still have a decade of events to go regarding Prohibition and more before Nucky's downfall.
Good episode last night. Nucky is a half gangster. Killing Jimmy is haunting him. He's increasingly getting sloppy over Kent. Why? I don't know.
Harrow has 63 bodies. Damn. Putting in work.
That kid set up Mickey Doyle for getting insulted earlier in the episode.
Gillian is foul. She knows that Jimmy is dead, but she's telling those that don't know of the events that he's out of town in order to forge checks and essentially benefit from his name among other gangsters. Gyp's words with her stung.

Yep. Jimmy's ma will sooner or later be gone and her business will fall into NY's hands. Harrow might end up workin for nucky later once that happens.
Gyp's role is not blooming yet...wait til he kills someone big and watch the fireworks happen.
Nucky is simping too much and like someone said in here it will cost him (if he dont got the right people catchin bullets for him..hes a weasel like that)

I hate catching shows a few seasons in but i got into it in season 2, watched every episode after seeing s2.e1.
This ain't the show for you if you're expecting a fast paced drama. We still have a decade of events to go regarding Prohibition and more before Nucky's downfall.
Good episode last night. Nucky is a half gangster. Killing Jimmy is haunting him. He's increasingly getting sloppy over Kent. Why? I don't know.
Harrow has 63 bodies. Damn. Putting in work.
That kid set up Mickey Doyle for getting insulted earlier in the episode.
Gillian is foul. She knows that Jimmy is dead, but she's telling those that don't know of the events that he's out of town in order to forge checks and essentially benefit from his name among other gangsters. Gyp's words with her stung.
I wouldn't say he's half- a gangster. He just hasn't had enough kills under his belt to get use to being haunted by their faces. Even Harrow told Nucky he knew the answer to if he remembers everyone he's killed.

As for why he's simping. Look at this episode. Nuck don't want to be alone. Go back to last season, he was becoming happy with Margaret until she ****** it up. He wanted to get married to her. Now in this ep he tries to offer an olive branch in an unsettling uncomfortable (and frankly unnecessary) situation and she ignores it, stonefaces and shows little to know concern about him acting a bit weird/distant. Gyp laid it out simple to Gillian, if you don't even have family what do you have? Nuck is haunted by Jimmy cuz he cared for him, had plans for him and he was forced to take him out cuz he crossed the line, he cut Eli off for the same reason (but he didn't care for him much anyway), now Margaret crossed the line by messing with his money so he doesn't trust or like her much either. What does dude have? Billie, another jumpoff that's everybody else jo too. Makes sense he's looking and feeling vulnerable, he doesn't have that rock to rely on, a right hand man to talk to or confide in or even somebody else he could hang with and help out so he could get his mind off his problems for a while. He can't be best friends with Chalke, ppl will talk, Rothstein is an ally but also a fellow competitor (there's only so much time he can chill with dude), Jimmy's dead, Slater is still new and probably seems shifty, it aint gonna be Mickey, def not Eli, so who he got. He needs not just an employee, not just a friend but someone that's loyal too. It's either that or he goes the opposite route where he's insanely independent and feels he doesn't need anybody to do his thing but that's not how Nucky has been portrayed since S1 so if he did he'd be fooling himself. I feel the start of this season is just building on all that and what the solution will be.

I figured for the longest Gillian would be the best match for him cuz she's insanely loyal and is very smart but clearly something happened in their past to stop that from happening. You get that feeling with her talk with Gyp. It goes past him obviously killing Jimmy. I'm guessing she picked the commodore over him or she aborted Nuck's kid or something where the two could never reconcile

This whole ep he's having bad dreams and hallucinating cuz he can't sleep. It aint just cuz he aint having sex he can't go to sleep (like Margraet thinks when she tells him to drink warm milk :lol: ), he wants the comfort and that familiarity. Companionship. Peep how he was able to knock out just by being in Billie's apt and how he treated her once he woke up even though he knows she was probably off tricking for days.

He's definitely simping but not half a gangster. He just needs to find another enemy (worthy for him to kill himself and not let a goon do it for him) in that regard so he can evolve past being haunted by old memories. I figure that'll be Gyp. The way it looks, business has been smooth sailing so no huge wars recently.
People expect bodies falling and heads being blown off every episode. :lol:
Like somebody didn't get set on fire :lol:

Dudes want Harrow to just kill everybody.

Yall shouldn't be taking these eps where you think nothing happens for granted.
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Well I'm finally all caught up with the show. Bought season 1 and two boxsets and watched the three episodes of season 3 today. I must say, this show is awesome. Last time I was enamored with a show was when I bought The Wire. Breaking Bad didn't even have me glued to the TV like this. Thank you NT for putting me on.

I'm very interested to see where Chalky White and daughter story line will go. Perhaps she'll weasel into the family business.

Richard has been my favorite character since his introduction so I'm very interested to see where he ends up? Perhaps joining up with Nuck and Owen in some capacity?

I'm not really feeling love sick Nucky, it's goddamn embarrassing what he's turned into at this point. Stalking that flat chested broad and neglecting business.

An one question, why the hell is Gyp allowed to come im like a hurricane like that? He doesn't seem to be connected with A.R. and company, so why won't Nick or Owen knock him off?
I forget where he's from but I assume he has the muscle to back up his wild actions. I also have been noticing for a lot of these guys it takes a lot to happen to decide to take out boss. They'll ignore and endure a lot before they say okay it's time for this dude to die. It's like a guy has to really cross the line where all other bosses that do business together are like okay yeah even I'd kill him now. There are consequences for doing that to early and I think they tell themselves if I kill him now his henchmen allies may come after me.

These dudes don't really want war. Just to do their business. Some of these guys are in an illegal crime business to a certain level. A guy Lucky is going all in but Nuck and Rothstein are getting a piece of the pie from multiple legal endeavors as well as illegal. Hell before Prohibition there was no reason for Nucky to be a bootlegger of booze cuz he was running AC and that's a steady cash flow.
Chalky interaction with his daughter reminded me of some of these females today smh
Maybe I'm looking at it Nucky and Billy relationship differently. IMO Nucky finally found a woman who doesn't need him, unlike Margaret and the other girl and loves that about her. Or maybe that is simping, I don't know these days.
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I dont know if this has been covered but I believe she's someone from his past. The exchange they had when she was lying naked waiting for him. I don't remember exactly what he said but I think they already knew each other.
Gyp gruntin like a monkey :lol:, son got problems. Wasn't hugged enough as a kid or somethin. Really wanna see Chalky's story develop more. I got a feelin once Van Alden take that first sip of the Devil's elixir, it's gon turn him out :lol:

Margaret is def gon give the yambs up to the doctor
I dont know if this has been covered but I believe she's someone from his past. The exchange they had when she was lying naked waiting for him. I don't remember exactly what he said but I think they already knew each other.
They knew each other prior to their "introduction" at his party, but I assume their past isn't that extensive.. just that he has been sleeping with her for some time before the start of this season.
Didn't Nucky have some weird dream in S1 too? I never focused on it to see if it foreshadowed anything for that season or the 2nd one but I'm sure some things did. Not sure what these weird dreams and hallucinations mean for this season yet other than some obvious things like Nucky is going to directly or indirectly get a kid killed or maybe something to do with his guilt over Jimmy and how he failed him in a way. I was expecting Nuck to find Billie dead in the morning and that she's been dead for days the way things were going.
The hallucinations and dream sequences can be credited back to The Sopranos which used them often as well.. and personally I love when they do. 

Great episode tonight. The conversations between Nucky and Gyp were great... Nucky saying "You're a man who could find insult in a bouquet of roses"...  "then this is where you shake my hand" was interesting to see the differences in style between two criminals. Nucky, Rothstein, Lansky, Harrow,  are the gangsters who try to (at least when it's convenient) adhere to tradition, respect, and try to keep things "professional".. whereas guys like Gyp and Luciano are more uncontrollable wildcards who can fly off the handle very quickly. 

Lansky coming through shooting was awesome.

Gyp going nuts in the car over one sentence "bone for tuna" was great "What the **** is life if it's not personal" 

And Harrow continues to be a tremendous character and his exchange with Nucky was really cool. "Jimmy was a soldier, he fought and lost". Such a great character.
Now that I think about it I wish Manny was alive to confront Gyp. One dude is insanely ruthless when crossed/disrespected and the other has a short fuse and is cutthroat when crossed/disrespected.
I also think Richard might find love this season. There was a split second scene last episode in Gillian's cathouse when the new girl was learning the rules. Richard walked in an the camera panned to the new girl's face and it was not a look of horror as other reactions have been. It was a slight look of compassion perhaps. Thoughts?
That'd be nice but then something would happen like he teams up with Nuck or somebody else and gets some enemies gunning for him and indirectly her or maybe an enemy of Nuck's gets the *****house shot up and she dies.

I don't think the writer's want to have a happy ending until the actual ending of the show for him, they'll tease him and show the journey in a great way but if he got it now, they'd snatch it away from him to teach him some lesson. They like their Harrow dark, stoic, a bit wise, lonely and at times vengeful.
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I agree. I like him as a dark tortured soul. An if he got a girl we'd be able to get a glimpse of the Richard that was described when he was with his sister. Then some tragedy could occur as you stated and it'll be torn from him. It'd be a great story arc IMO.
I'm gonna miss Jimmy though... I wonder if we'll eventually see the rise of Lucky and Al Capone to their real life counterparts.
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