Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Thread - "Margate Sands" SEASON FINALE


well he did have it coming.

my man harrow. 

The episode hasn't ever aired yet and it's already my favorite line this season.
This episode didn't disappoint... Caught Manny in his doorstep :x

Kinda feel sorry for Nelson this season, he had it coming though
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The theme of this episode was feminist heavy and from the ending we can definitely see it throughout the season especially in Margaret's case.
Might be my favorite character on the show.
A bit confused though.
Who put the hit out on Manny (meaning who gave Harrow the go to off him?) Was it Nucky?

I took it as revenge for Angela's murder, he did it on his own accord. Harrow clearly tried to follow Jimmy's last piece of advice to him being "to come home" and stop killing which is probably why he never went after revenge in the 16 months since the murder. His day out with Tommy drummed up all his old feelings for Angela mixed in with Rapist Grandma trying to erase Angela existence from Tommy's memory. He probably finally felt it was time for Manny to go.
I took it as revenge for Angela's murder, he did it on his own accord. Harrow clearly tried to follow Jimmy's last piece of advice to him being "to come home" and stop killing which is probably why he never went after revenge in the 16 months since the murder. His day out with Tommy drummed up all his old feelings for Angela mixed in with Rapist Grandma trying to erase Angela existence from Tommy's memory. He probably finally felt it was time for Manny to go.

Excellent point. IDK why I didn't even make that connection when it was discussed all episode long :lol: .
Great episode to start the season. My body is already ready for next week. Rosetti gonna go? Gonna escape and start a war?

Wasn't expecting that murder at the end. Manny finally got what was coming to him. Harrow 8)

They need to go ahead and get Michael Shannon in the bootlegging trade already. Wonder how it'll play out if he's set up against Capone...
does anyone have the link to the new episode online? full episode with no interruptions? please PM me! thanks NT fam
Damn, I really wanted to see more of Manny. Richard is definitely acting alone.
**** I didn't know, I didn't know.

Now I have to wait until a rerun.

There's gonna be replays at 10 and 11 plus the West Coast feed as well.
Watched them :pimp: If I wanted I could keep watching cuz they're rerunning it like 3 more times :lol:

Great season premiere. Went by too fast though. Should've been 2 hrs.

Love this Gip guy, gotta love the overreacting extra sensitive and easily disrespected stereotypical Italian mobster. I really thought he was gonna let dude with the dog live and really can't wait until one of these guys kill him. I was like :wow: when Nucky grabbed his cheek. Thought he was gonna snap right there Joe Pesci style.

Great to see where things are now like a year and some change later. Figured it was going there but I feel bad for Nuck that's he's back in a loveless situation where he essentially has no support and is being extorted by his own wife with children that aren't even his own.

Van Alden as Mueller :lol: "Everyday in every way I am getting better and better. Everyday in every way I am getting better and better." :smokin I just love the overall continued development of this character. Knocked up the midwife and has a son now, can't wait til he gets back in to the thick of things in the Chi.

I don't think Harrow was so much getting revenge for Jimmy but for Angela as he was very upset with the situation of Jimmy's son thinking his incestuous grandma is his moms, completely trying to erase Angela who he was clearly in love with. Figuring he killed dude specifically for killing Angela. I would've thought Harrow would've been smashing Jimmy's moms by now but I'll wait and see. She seems to barely tolerate him while she has her side hustle forging Jimmy's signature for checks. Harrow has seen his perfect dream die with Jimmy and Angela so he may be like **** it and go full on revenge though. This show really had me thinking Manny would've been a problem for seasons to come.
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Good episode but I think it's getting a bit cartoony. Need more of a balance with the violence like the sopranos. Very good first ep though. Many storylines.
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