Bodega Owner Stabs Man After He Confronts Store Owner For Snatching Chips From His Daughter

Well there you go. Easily avoidable.
Why was there even narrative that the gf was white ?
To justify this guy death cuz he had a white gf?
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Well there you go. Easily avoidable.
Why was there even narrative that the gf was white ?
To justify this guy death cuz he had a white gf?

I think people saw the original video and saw a caucasian arm come through the glass at the counter and they assumed that was his girl.

People do a lot of assuming and jumping to conclusions lately. :lol:
From my perspective, that white arm (could be hispanic) was trying to calm down the situation and telling him to chill out. but it look like Amiri said F that
Goes well beyond this specific incident. But people need to get better at deescalating stuff and not letting situations turn violent or have the potential to turn violent in the first place.

I see so many incidents where people exchange words, it escalates and someone gets shot, or someone gets jumped and more often than not the incident was either a misunderstanding or something which shouldn’t have been that serious and easily diffused by any level headed person.

The lady in this vid is trash and her man is a bum with a crappy temper and the end result is the consequences of their own actions. But there’s something sad in the fact that had this lady acted like a civilized person and didn’t flip out over some chips and just left things alone, it wouldn’t have set off this huge chain reaction of things that happened. And her man made the personal choice to try and assault the bodega worker over such a stupid reason. Had he acted like a rational person he wouldn’t have ran behind the counter. But if he didn’t figure out how to act rational after the first 27 arrests, that likely wasn’t happening, but it’s kinda sad in a way.
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Goes well beyond this specific incident. But people need to get better at deescalating stuff and not letting situations turn violent or have the potential to turn violent in the first place.

I see so many incidents where people exchange words, it escalates and someone gets shot, or someone gets jumped and more often than not the incident was either a misunderstanding or something which shouldn’t have been that serious and easily diffused by any level headed person.

The lady in this vid is trash and her man is a bum with a crappy temper and the end result is the consequences of their own actions. But there’s something sad in the fact that had this lady acted like a civilized person and didn’t flip out over some chips and just left things alone, it wouldn’t have set off this huge chain reaction of things that happened. And her man made the personal choice to try and assault the bodega worker over such a stupid reason. Had he acted like a rational person he wouldn’t have ran behind the counter. But if he didn’t figure out how to act rational after the first 27 arrests, that likely wasn’t happening, but it’s kinda sad in a way.
Ego and pride
Goes well beyond this specific incident. But people need to get better at deescalating stuff and not letting situations turn violent or have the potential to turn violent in the first place.

I see so many incidents where people exchange words, it escalates and someone gets shot, or someone gets jumped and more often than not the incident was either a misunderstanding or something which shouldn’t have been that serious and easily diffused by any level headed person.

The lady in this vid is trash and her man is a bum with a crappy temper and the end result is the consequences of their own actions. But there’s something sad in the fact that had this lady acted like a civilized person and didn’t flip out over some chips and just left things alone, it wouldn’t have set off this huge chain reaction of things that happened. And her man made the personal choice to try and assault the bodega worker over such a stupid reason. Had he acted like a rational person he wouldn’t have ran behind the counter. But if he didn’t figure out how to act rational after the first 27 arrests, that likely wasn’t happening, but it’s kinda sad in a way.
Bro, all of this right here 👏 simple. I don't get it. Never have.
Shoulda never went behind the counter

Old man should have a legit case of self defense. Young dude came back there and was slapping him around, who knows what else he could/would do. Old man feared even worse was coming and took issue into his own hands

So many robbings/shootings/assaults you see on the news lately that I don’t blame old man for thinking I gotta get out of here before he can get me and I’m in the body bag
Bro, all of this right here 👏 simple. I don't get it. Never have.

It’s crazy. Especially when people don’t learn. Like having kids, I’ll go out my way to avoid any type of nonsense these days. There’s nothing soft about being the bigger person and walking away when you have stuff to live for while often the person who is the aggressor in these situations doesn’t. Yeah you may be upset in the moment that you didn’t handle that situation, but you’ll forget about it within a few minutes and go about your day.

But I agree with ahat ahat ego and pride will get people acting irrational and making some reckless decisions which often have ramifications well beyond that moment.
It’s crazy. Especially when people don’t learn. Like having kids, I’ll go out my way to avoid any type of nonsense these days. There’s nothing soft about being the bigger person and walking away when you have stuff to live for while often the person who is the aggressor in these situations doesn’t. Yeah you may be upset in the moment that you didn’t handle that situation, but you’ll forget about it within a few minutes and go about your day.

But I agree with ahat ahat ego and pride will get people acting irrational and making some reckless decisions which often have ramifications well beyond that moment.

Should be copied and pasted into the road rage thread.
I see where THIS is starting to go....
Cmon dog, everything doesn’t have to turn into race. I don’t care if both the victim and/or suspect were white, black, brown, red, or blue.

Young cat goes and assaults senior citizen for nothing. Old guy doesn’t even say anything, fight back, or escalate the situation. He finally has enough and takes matters into his own hands.

The guy went out of his way to WALK INTO THE BACK COUNTER to confront the old man. Should somebody die over a $2 bag of chips? Hell nah. But you can’t escalate a situation and then when something happens, cry about it.

I then posted the article showing how some guy robbed 5-6 7-11’s in the course of a couple hours while killing 2 innocent workers/employees. Just to show what some of these clerks see/deal with
Cmon dog, everything doesn’t have to turn into race. I don’t care if both the victim and/or suspect were white, black, brown, red, or blue.

Young cat goes and assaults senior citizen for nothing. Old guy doesn’t even say anything, fight back, or escalate the situation. He finally has enough and takes matters into his own hands.

The guy went out of his way to WALK INTO THE BACK COUNTER to confront the old man. Should somebody die over a $2 bag of chips? Hell nah. But you can’t escalate a situation and then when something happens, cry about it.

I then posted the article showing how some guy robbed 5-6 7-11’s in the course of a couple hours while killing 2 innocent workers/employees. Just to show what some of these clerks see/deal with

This SITUATION ain't about race.

But just pay attention to the tone of some folks responses.

If you don't see that, it's fine.
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