Bodega Owner Stabs Man After He Confronts Store Owner For Snatching Chips From His Daughter

I'm glad they have the actual audio from that interaction, because at this point I don't know what the hell else they need to prove this was self defense, and this man didn't want to be involved in any confrontation whatsoever. From the get go, shorty was threatening to bring her man down to **** him up. After the owner made every attempt to appease her. Even when the bf came around the back, dude even said he didn't want any problems, and fell back. The bf was the aggressor , and in that predicament what is an individual supposed to do?

We're living in crazy times, and people kill for less. If someone is brazen enough to go behind the store counter and assault you, why wouldn't you think they can potentially kill you? At that moment you should have every right to defend yourself by any means necessary. It's a sad time to be alive when a man can assault you on video, and you end up getting arrested for murder. Freaking insanity.
I'm glad they have the actual audio from that interaction, because at this point I don't know what the hell else they need to prove this was self defense, and this man didn't want to be involved in any confrontation whatsoever. From the get go, shorty was threatening to bring her man down to **** him up. After the owner made every attempt to appease her. Even when the bf came around the back, dude even said he didn't want any problems, and fell back. The bf was the aggressor , and in that predicament what is an individual supposed to do?

We're living in crazy times, and people kill for less. If someone is brazen enough to go behind the store counter and assault you, why wouldn't you think they can potentially kill you? At that moment you should have every right to defend yourself by any means necessary. It's a sad time to be alive when a man can assault you on video, and you end up getting arrested for murder. Freaking insanity.

Ain’t playing with NOBODY out here
Two of the best pieces of advice my parents gave me:

"It aint what they call you, its what you answer to" - Mother after a fight over Yo Mamma jokes.


"Speak softly and carry a big stick" - Father after a fight with a bully.

When I was younger / high school the "speak softly" part didn't hit until I moved to a new school and made friends with Clarence Moyler in Jr. ROTC.

Had no idea who he or anyone else was but he was always quiet, cool, and laid back.

Respectful to the teachers and never in any kind of mess. He was actually the first dude I was cool with...probably because I kept my mouth shut when I saw them cheating on a test :lol:

Others didn't seem to mess with him like that but I didn't know why.

The following semester I remember hearing people talk about him in the hallway.

Come to find out the night prior he blew another mans head off from the back seat of a car for threatening his Mother / Family over a short pack.

It was at that very moment my Fathers words hit different.

Its the quiet ones Fam. Clarence was Papi and I aint even know! Didn't dress flashy, no jewelry, no car.

Dude in the Amiri shirt was most likely food on the block.

Couldn't get that aggression off on anyone else but someone he thought he could do it to and get away with it.

Old dude showed him the light and didn't even raise his voice.

Good thing is Clarence is out now after a 20 year bid and doing very well for himself. Married and opened a landscaping business.

Still a good dude.


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I had almost the exact situation happen to me working in a store like that. me and the dude ended up face to face kinda behind the counter and I had a knife. I told him what I was gonna do as soon as he tried to touch me and when I saw his shoulder move I upped it to swing lol he backed up and said this B got a knife and left talking.
The store I was in had gambling g machines and that’s what it was over. I was told I wouldnt have walked.
I had almost the exact situation happen to me working in a store like that. me and the dude ended up face to face kinda behind the counter and I had a knife. I told him what I was gonna do as soon as he tried to touch me and when I saw his shoulder move I upped it to swing lol he backed up and said this B got a knife and left talking.
The store I was in had gambling g machines and that’s what it was over. I was told I wouldnt have walked.
I’m glad you came out of that without harm my dude. I have full respect for those who work those types of jobs, it ain’t easy.
i just assume a lot of these corner liquor store workers are packing some type of weapon by their side
not sure what 7-11 policy is, i assume, they don't allow it?
Mess with the wrong employee and upper room tickets getting punched quick in certain neighborhoods.

You'd be surprised how integrated these stores / employees become with the local community when they treat customers with respect / kindness.

There’s a dude in my corner store name Tony. He been there over 20 years. Since I was in high school. This is how I feel about him. Someone can throw a cotton ball at him, and I’m on they a***! He’s such a good guy. That man like a family member to me! This video definitely true. If you take care of the hood, they’ll take care of you
This just happened this week here in so cal. Dude robbed a bunch of 7-11’s within hours, shot several people, killing 2 of them, for no apparent reason

They caught two of the guys for this murder today.
i just assume a lot of these corner liquor store workers are packing some type of weapon by their side
not sure what 7-11 policy is, i assume, they don't allow it?

im guessing you can if you conceal it how would 7-11 know?
Mess with the wrong employee and upper room tickets getting punched quick in certain neighborhoods.

You'd be surprised how integrated these stores / employees become with the local community when they treat customers with respect / kindness.

They also fully become part of the “culture” so to speak. Especially the kids of the owners who might be around their mid thirties and down and been working their since a kid. In NY Bodegas are mostly run by Dominicans and Delis by Arabic people. Some of those Arab dudes move just like any black or Hispanic dude from the neighborhood would.

JOSE FREE :pimp:
I hope they set up a go fund me for Papi.

This entire situation just reaffirmed why you always leave people alone. We don’t know how Jose use to give it up as a youth. You just never know.
just read and seen a clip of a smoke shop worker in vegas getting into an altercation with a couple of masked teens that tried to steal some items. he asked them to leave and one hopped over the counter area and tried grabbing some products and the worker proceeded to stab him. apparently, they were teenagers. could have ended badly for the the worker (jail time) and suspect.

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