boom shaka laka

At that age you have to make friends based on your interests. I made friends at my gym. You see them more than anybody else if you go 5 days a week. Also use dating apps. A lot of women aren't looking for anything serious. In big cities where everyone works too much, dating apps offer people opportunities to meet and hang out with others. Just be upfront that you need social interaction more than anything else. You can also use internet forums. There used to be a time when NT had summits and friendships were formed. Find a hiking, running, or marijuana tree trimming group. Whatever your interests are, find the local enthusiasts and join them. Failing all that, there's always volunteer work.
like this pandemic was very revealing on who my true friends are.
I feel most people only contact me if they ever need anything (eg. i have this gay friend who i talk to but i know his hidden intention is to somehow get with me even though i had vehemently told him I'm straight) or if my friend knows what i do- they can use me to fit their own agenda.

rarely do people just text or call you to ask you how you really are.

as someone who is 30, it is extremely difficult to meet people offline who are genuine , who wants nothing but to be that friend that is there, you know?
as kids, its easy. you see someone- bam you're automatically friends

no one sticks around anymore and it's depressing that the next 50 years i'll be lonely
I'm not antisocial at all, but i feel all this loneliness is making me forget how to be social. working from home, and social distances doesn't help

bro if you have a gay friend who’s open about his sexuality to you, that is a good friend to keep around. You assuming he’s attracted to you sounds like homophobia.

honestly, as you get older, the less people you really know. When it comes to friends, don’t push for a relationship, just keep talking until your comfortable. Genuine friendships aren’t sought, they’re casually made through genuine communication.

I have a coworker who’s gay. He opened up to us and honestly I commend him for it because he had no business telling us, but the fact that he did showed he was comfortable around us. Honestly, he’s the closest person at work I can actually call a friend. I actually introduced him to my other friends outside of work when we were trying to get a discord squad for among us lol
Good topic.

I’ve always been a loner that attracted people... every kid on the block wanted to be my friend growing up and we’re connected through me. So many considered me their ‘best’ friend and I’d just brush it off, like thanks, I guess.

fast forward to 35 - I have a single friend from HS/hometown, two good friends that I met after the age of 21, a 100+ acquaintances from previous jobs. I have a handful of long-distance friends from studying abroad/traveling.

my social meter gets tapped quick, as the memes put it, I need 72 hours alone for every 8 hours I spend with a homie. Loner life is real, I never in my life felt like I ‘needed’ anyone. But the people I do have in my life, I give them a 100%.

also to touch on compartmentalizations in friendships: I have drinking buddies, f buddies, gambling buddies, creative buddies, coffee buddies, traveling buddies, international buddies. All from different periods/interests in my life. Can never have all your eggs in one basket.
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bro if you have a gay friend who’s open about his sexuality to you, that is a good friend to keep around. You assuming he’s attracted to you sounds like homophobia.

Apologies if that's what is projected, but i am not a homophobe at all. I was merely stating an example with one of my guy friend who happen to be gay, and word got around from our coworker that he likes me. our coworker even told him I am straight and he told them that he can "turn me gay". so no, I am not assuming anything. Hope this new information put things in perspective for you.

if anything this thread says more about certain people's homophobic tendencies, since they seem to enjoy the comments left by these bozos
like this pandemic was very revealing on who my true friends are.
I feel most people only contact me if they ever need anything (eg. i have this gay friend who i talk to but i know his hidden intention is to somehow get with me even though i had vehemently told him I'm straight) or if my friend knows what i do- they can use me to fit their own agenda.

rarely do people just text or call you to ask you how you really are.

as someone who is 30, it is extremely difficult to meet people offline who are genuine , who wants nothing but to be that friend that is there, you know?
as kids, its easy. you see someone- bam you're automatically friends

no one sticks around anymore and it's depressing that the next 50 years i'll be lonely
I'm not antisocial at all, but i feel all this loneliness is making me forget how to be social. working from home, and social distances doesn't help
YNS. But seriously get on a dating app and find you peaches.
Man, get you a dog. A couple dogs, a snake, maybe a fish tank, etc. stuff has to be organic. And honestly, with the advent of social media, narcissism and materialism being at an all-time high and showy people, the leas friends the better.

10% of the population will give a care, the other 90% don’t give a damn. Find that 10% and flourish.

But real talk, get a dog or exotic pet. Dogs/lets attract a LOT OF new friends. I walked my Rottweiler at the beach once and I was getting questioned left and right. Find like minded people based on your hobbies and interests
Good topic.

I’ve always been a loner that attracted people... every kid on the block wanted to be my friend growing up and we’re connected through me. So many considered me their ‘best’ friend and I’d just brush it off, like thanks, I guess.

fast forward to 35 - I have a single friend from HS/hometown, two good friends that I met after the age of 21, a 100+ acquaintances from previous jobs. I have a handful of long-distance friends from studying abroad/traveling.

my social meter gets tapped quick, as the memes put it, I need 72 hours alone for every 8 hours I spend with a homie. Loner life is real, I never in my life felt like I ‘needed’ anyone. But the people I do have in my life, I give them a 100%.

also to touch on compartmentalizations in friendships: I have drinking buddies, f buddies, gambling buddies, creative buddies, coffee buddies, traveling buddies, international buddies. All from different periods/interests in my life. Can never have all your eggs in me basket.

Bro, you sound EXACTLY like me. I never really liked anyone from my high school. I met all my childhood friends in elementary or middle school. I don’t deal with ANYONE from my childhooh neighborhood.

I was an only child so I’m use to being alone. I get agitated and annoyed REALLY fast. So I need alone time. I’m the dude who who girls cal conceited/mean and who the dudes know like “Oh, that’s whats his name, do not piss him
off because he’ll let you have it”.

I’ve caused so many scenes at the corner store, in the grocery store, etc. at family functions, etc. my temper is TERRIBLE. I always have on nice clothes or dope shoes and I literally see people staring, wanted to ask me questions so bad but they be afraid. And I ride SOLO. I’m always in the car by myself, two deep at the most.

I’m that dude who pulls up at any function for about a hour them I leave without telling anyone. They be like “damn, where’d ______ go?!?!?:lol:

I have two Rottweilers and a snake, people say I love my dogs more than human interaction. :lol:
I imagine most conversations going like
Friend- "Want to grab some pizza?"
OP - "I'm straight"
I appreciate your contributions to this pandemic but that's some suspect **** to be sending another man food like that.

I can see picking up the tab if yall out but I don't even know how'd I feel if I got a surprise delivery of meat from the homie.

I think you need to question dudes real motives.
Man, get you a dog. A couple dogs, a snake, maybe a fish tank, etc. stuff has to be organic. And honestly, with the advent of social media, narcissism and materialism being at an all-time high and showy people, the leas friends the better.

10% of the population will give a care, the other 90% don’t give a damn. Find that 10% and flourish.

But real talk, get a dog or exotic pet. Dogs/lets attract a LOT OF new friends. I walked my Rottweiler at the beach once and I was getting questioned left and right. Find like minded people based on your hobbies and interests

I'm pretty sure he was offered one of those already.
OP sounds awkward.

But yes, it’s really hard to have friends at 30+.

And I think the majority of that is simply there’s no mental energy nor time available to invest in it.

-Work takes up about 630 am to 7 pm
-Time with girlfriend or family takes up the remaining few free hours
-What else is there time left to do?
Bro, you sound EXACTLY like me. I never really liked anyone from my high school. I met all my childhood friends in elementary or middle school. I don’t deal with ANYONE from my childhooh neighborhood.

I was an only child so I’m use to being alone. I get agitated and annoyed REALLY fast. So I need alone time. I’m the dude who who girls cal conceited/mean and who the dudes know like “Oh, that’s whats his name, do not piss him
off because he’ll let you have it”.

I’ve caused so many scenes at the corner store, in the grocery store, etc. at family functions, etc. my temper is TERRIBLE. I always have on nice clothes or dope shoes and I literally see people staring, wanted to ask me questions so bad but they be afraid. And I ride SOLO. I’m always in the car by myself, two deep at the most.

I’m that dude who pulls up at any function for about a hour them I leave without telling anyone. They be like “damn, where’d ______ go?!?!?:lol:

I have two Rottweilers and a snake, people say I love my dogs more than human interaction. :lol:
:lol: no ones afraid of you man, relax Hulk
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