boom shaka laka

OP thinking his gay “friend” is there as a hook up first and a friend second doesn’t sound like homophobia at all. It sounds like OP has come to that conclusion based on his interactions with the guy, nothing more.
Finding friends as you age is as simple as it was when you were little. Difference I’ve seen is that my definition of friends change and the amount of friends I need changes as well.

As you grow you find yourself less dependent on the people around you and your group of “friends” shrink as your interests change and your needs for support changes.
As mentioned, find people who are into what you are into and it’s easier to call those people friends because you have a want to be around them, not a need to. I only need to be around certain people, those people are called my family and my coworkers. The people I want to be around, those are my friends.
These days I have fewer of those. I rarely add friends as I don’t have a lot of people in to what I’m in to since that tends to be working. That is my hobby. Outside of work my only hobby is DFS, so my friends or new friends will likely come from those activities. I’m trying to be retired by 50 years of age, I will make tons of new friends at that point.
"eg. i have this gay friend who i talk to but i know his hidden intention is to somehow get with me even though i had vehemently told him I'm straight"

The hell :rofl:
Lol. And you are still his friend ? If your friend is gay then he’s gay. But if your friend is gay and he likes you. I’d either rarely talk to him or don’t be his friend unless you like that. I knew a person who had a friend like this. My friend is straight but the other guy would slip stuff out randomly in texts or pop up in random places he was at.
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Got a gay friend I had to ghost, not for nothing like op, son was just too needy and texted too much, more than my women. If you don't respond to his text within the hour dude runs to facebook playing victim with some tumblr quote. That's just too much.
I have a few past coworkers who are exactly like this with me
all women though

i used to ghost them too but recently I kind of know why they were like that
I’ve done a few psychologist sessions after my divorce and when we were having a normal conversation I mentioned to her some coworkers who used to do this : if you didn’t respond within an hour or so they would start posting depressing things on social media about people abandoning them.
She told me it had to do with anxiety issues and they can be severe
Didn't realize how common that is but that makes sense in this era. Thinking about it got some former women co-workers that do the same ****. I'm not purposely ghosting them though, just real life **** happens.
a-friend a-friend we out here come downtown this weekend. I'm #familyman so it'll be harder for me but if its before the club and **** i can come through plus Im 5min away from Bricktown
Apologies if that's what is projected, but i am not a homophobe at all. I was merely stating an example with one of my guy friend who happen to be gay, and word got around from our coworker that he likes me. our coworker even told him I am straight and he told them that he can "turn me gay". so no, I am not assuming anything. Hope this new information put things in perspective for you.

if anything this thread says more about certain people's homophobic tendencies, since they seem to enjoy the comments left by these bozos

Yikes ok I understand now. Lol definitely tell him personally that you’re not interested.

But yea I’m approaching 30, and I definitely don’t go out to look for friends. I moved to a new city with my lady a few years back, and really I don’t have any friends here other than a few co workers whom I’m close to.

Whenever I meet people through kickits, I tend to come off as friendly, but really I’m just trying to have fun and happen to leave behind a good impression. Funny because one of my lady’s friends was asking if I can host her and her bf at our apt and I instantly wrote it off saying my place is too small when really like I’m not your friend nor do I want to invest any time and energy right now aha.

Honestly, the older you get the more taxing it is to hangout with people. Could be a geopolitical thing, because right now in Cali, there’s just no way of doing anything social. I’m sure my mood will change when things begin to open, but it’ll just be the occasional social spurts I get, and a majority of my mood will be just chillin by myself or with my lady.
a-friend a-friend we out here come downtown this weekend. I'm #familyman so it'll be harder for me but if its before the club and **** i can come through plus Im 5min away from Bricktown
My girl leaves tomorrow for vacation, she’s going back home and I’m not with it at all. No Airports and Flights for me this year, too much going on. I’m down to clown around a bit though. Scheduled to have my wisdoms out on FRIDAY, I already had the mind to cancel/reschedule as I don’t want to be home alone without the Lady after a surgery, I love that pamper afterwards to much to waste a good recovery period alone. One of them is quite painful though so, we’ll see how I feel come Friday. If I’m out I’ll roll...
Been trying my hand at the platonic thing recently.....


Na i find myself having less "friends" as ive gotten older. I'm close to my cousins but they all live far away. I also have like a handful of friends and the rest of the time I do my thing and honestly my little family is all I need. My man and i have mutual friends so we do alot of family ****.
i feel like if it's hard to make friends or build relationships you need to do some real self reflection.
I've learned in my life people are attracted to people who are happy. it may be for their selfish reasons but that good energy attracts people to you.
so maybe you gotta learn how to make yourself happy first
Weird thread from a weird username.

you collect thousand dollar jeans and you have trouble making friends?
The people you grown-up with are usually your friends because school setting forced y'all to be around each other. You gotta find a good balance of peers that will come from common interest vs some who don't for a good balance. Childhood friends feel like a myth sometime. It's cool to have ppl from back in the day to share memories with, but the more you live, the mor you realize how short and contained those early relationships were.
alright enough of the trolls

here's the thing. if we are talking self reflection ya'll here throwing around the term "friends" quite loosely. I don't call someone a friend if we just "kick it" for good time sake. No. that to me don't qualify as a friend. a friend calls you up from time to time, checks up on you without hidden agenda, hangs out , comfortable to be around, no facade , no bs.

some of ya say you have 5 , 10, 20 friends. let me tell you- you really don't. call them up and tell them all to come on over to help because your car broke down. tell me how many will actually show up and we'll talk.

ya'll old and you can't even tell what a friend is.
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