boom shaka laka

The people you grown-up with are usually your friends because school setting forced y'all to be around each other. You gotta find a good balance of peers that will come from common interest vs some who don't for a good balance. Childhood friends feel like a myth sometime. It's cool to have ppl from back in the day to share memories with, but the more you live, the mor you realize how short and contained those early relationships were.

elevate yourself and you'll find these "old" friends of yours start becoming enemies.
The people you grown-up with are usually your friends because school setting forced y'all to be around each other. You gotta find a good balance of peers that will come from common interest vs some who don't for a good balance. Childhood friends feel like a myth sometime. It's cool to have ppl from back in the day to share memories with, but the more you live, the mor you realize how short and contained those early relationships were.

I grew into a different person than a lot of my high school/early year friends.
By the time I hit 20/21 everyone I was hanging out with were new people that aligned with my interests/hobbies more, some met through moving out for college, other friends of friends that I thought would be cool to kick it with and now we're like family.
At this point I have a handful of people I don't have a ton in common with as well but just enjoy their company. Juggling so many people can be overwhelming at times but I also have no probably disconnecting socially for periods of time and just chilling at the house and doing nothing, not that I have much options at the moment.
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alright enough of the trolls

here's the thing. if we are talking self reflection ya'll here throwing around the term "friends" quite loosely. I don't call someone a friend if we just "kick it" for good time sake. No. that to me don't qualify as a friend. a friend calls you up from time to time, checks up on you without hidden agenda, hangs out , comfortable to be around, no facade , no bs.

some of ya say you have 5 , 10, 20 friends. let me tell you- you really don't. call them up and tell them all to come on over to help because your car broke down. tell me how many will actually show up and we'll talk.

ya'll old and you can't even tell what a friend is.
no doubt. and i agree. life is tough as it is. surrounding yourself around happy people bring hope and joy in their lives.
Certainly that is a self reflection for me. I am not happy with my current life, so that might bleed into it.
Quality of life. It’s a subject many are pondering. Read up on maslows hon.. when you learn how not to argue, life seems a lil more chill
I wasn't arguing. It's just I feel like I'm dealing with a lot of trolls and I can't even open up an honest conversation with people telling me to " give my gay friend a chance" etc etc. Like how is that even relevant to this topic?

now you have this dude telling me to show him my jean collection. Like dude- there are plenty of threads to go and find your short-lived entertainment. This isn't the place especially when you have other viewers watching this thread for advice.
it's in the general topic for a reason. if these people want to go to jordan, nike newbalance, air max, there's a WHOLE section there.

yeah, we might all share similar interest in sneakers, but we are all human at the end of the day with real emotion, with real problems. the general lounge should be a place for us to freely talk about it. If troll is all you want there are so many OTHER threads.
I wasn't arguing. It's just I feel like I'm dealing with a lot of trolls and I can't even open up an honest conversation with people telling me to " give my gay friend a chance" etc etc. Like how is that even relevant to this topic?

now you have this dude telling me to show him my jean collection. Like dude- there are plenty of threads to go and find your short-lived entertainment. This isn't the place especially when you have other viewers watching this thread for advice.
Lol... internet is undefeated. Gotta roll with the punches. That’s what friends do
alright enough of the trolls

here's the thing. if we are talking self reflection ya'll here throwing around the term "friends" quite loosely. I don't call someone a friend if we just "kick it" for good time sake. No. that to me don't qualify as a friend. a friend calls you up from time to time, checks up on you without hidden agenda, hangs out , comfortable to be around, no facade , no bs.

some of ya say you have 5 , 10, 20 friends. let me tell you- you really don't. call them up and tell them all to come on over to help because your car broke down. tell me how many will actually show up and we'll talk.

ya'll old and you can't even tell what a friend is.

When the fires hit here this year, my phone blew up from friends asking me if I need to stay at their house/need a place to store my things/need anything. I lived with one of them for half a month and kept my **** there until it was safe by my house.

Whenever anything bad in my life has happened and I didn't reach out, those same people reached out to me and sent me things/visited without me asking because they cared. 2 months into quarantine my homegirl sent me a letter with a bunch of scratchers and a chain.

Hell, there's NT'ers that check on me in my DMs on a regular basis to ask if I'm doing ok and see how everything is going on in my life because I had a few really bad incidents happen to me this year.

I've had friends drive 20 miles to help me with car trouble.

I don't know why you're so set on everyone else's friendships being "phony" and that because you have quantity it can't equate to quality.
I'm very picky about the people I keep close to me but there's also so many people out there in the world and I'm a social person and I enjoy those relationships. You don't have to have a ton of friends but you've come off as bitter in some of these posts.

Just try to be positive when interacting with people and that energy will draw people to you, and put yourself out there/make yourself approachable. And be able to take a joke.
I am not happy with my current life, so that might bleed into it.

making friends is not a lot different from attracting women...if you radiate sad boy vibes, people pick them up.

thing about childhood friends is that they were just the only people available at the friends know who they are and come together in mutual interest, voluntarily choosing to spend time with one another.

would you go out of your way to hang out with the person you are?

if not, why would anyone else?

what do you offer?

hard truth is that you´re probably not going to develop any healthy friendships until you have one with you.
I wasn't arguing. It's just I feel like I'm dealing with a lot of trolls and I can't even open up an honest conversation with people telling me to " give my gay friend a chance" etc etc. Like how is that even relevant to this topic?

now you have this dude telling me to show him my jean collection. Like dude- there are plenty of threads to go and find your short-lived entertainment. This isn't the place especially when you have other viewers watching this thread for advice.
I think you just don’t understand nt yet
You will always get half jokes half serious answers

that’s what we do
Bruh, I can definitely take a joke. but there is a place and time for that. When I create a thread I definitely didn't come here to get troll on- like what exactly is the point of posting then?

Look, i don't know your life. But if you have a good circle- I'm happy for you. Not many of us do, and it's not always a lack of trying. And I am actively working on it and use this thread to gauge if i'm alone in this. Until you been there then I don't think you'll ever understand. I don't think I'm bitter. I certainly acknowledge my faults.

I am not dead set, but "phony" friends definitely exist. you just never encounter them.- and you should consider yourself lucky. Everyone is selfish.
Bruh, I can definitely take a joke. but there is a place and time for that. When I create a thread I definitely didn't come here to get troll on- like what exactly is the point of posting then?

Look, i don't know your life. But if you have a good circle- I'm happy for you. Not many of us do, and it's not always a lack of trying. And I am actively working on it and use this thread to gauge if i'm alone in this. Until you been there then I don't think you'll ever understand. I don't think I'm bitter. I certainly acknowledge my faults.

I am not dead set, but "phony" friends definitely exist. you just never encounter them.- and you should consider yourself lucky. Everyone is selfish.

I’ve definitely encountered fake people and cut them the hell out of my life, not saying I’ve had a perfect social life
Hell, people I was going to be groomsmen in their weddings for tried to pyramid scheme me by having one of their girls try to pitch on me and when I respectfully declined she copped an attitude and I called them out and never saw them again. They tried to reach out multiple times years later but I never hit them back.
It’s a part of life, I don’t think anyone has had a perfect draw on people they’ve considered friends. Just don’t let those bad experiences dictate your future ones.
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making friends is not a lot different from attracting women...if you radiate sad boy vibes, people pick them up.

thing about childhood friends is that they were just the only people available at the friends know who they are and come together in mutual interest, voluntarily choosing to spend time with one another.

would you go out of your way to hang out with the person you are?

if not, why would anyone else?

what do you offer?

hard truth is that you´re probably not going to develop any healthy friendships until you have one with you.


it's hard to know exactly why I ended up with no real friends. I have self examine myself and I could honestly only come up with a few

- not initiating contact with said person (biggest one)
- being secretive / into myself? ( like I don't like talking about my business to someone else, especially if we aren't family"
- and then I guess just not being happy with my current life so perhaps that shows in my vibe?
- i am also very selective with who i consider a friend

im not happy with my current life due to not acheiving where i want to end up career wise/fiancially, not being surrounded by good peers who align with my vision are the probably the two main ones.

I use to be content when i was working retail. i jive with everyone but. i. felt i was stooping to them because i was much older not having established my career but from what i could tell everyone enjoyed my. company because i was friendly, helpful, never caused issues, crack jokes, etc but since i left that job to be self employed i haven't met anyone.

and the old coworkers i thought i jive with- yep only ever heard from 3 (including the gay guy) didn't hear from the rest. so im assuming they busy with their own lives, or it was all fake.

hard to pinpoint what went wrong when i don't even know

just giving ya'll a context of my situation.
Being self employed has a socially nomadic component to it that's not really talked about. You will not be in the routine of ppl that work structured schedules. Most of the time self employed people will have to make friends with other self employed lifestyle people. Back to making friends within your peer group.
Been trying my hand at the platonic thing recently.....


Rarely exists.

You know you tryna smash them girls :lol:

it's hard to know exactly why I ended up with no real friends. I have self examine myself and I could honestly only come up with a few

- not initiating contact with said person (biggest one)
- being secretive / into myself? ( like I don't like talking about my business to someone else, especially if we aren't family"
- and then I guess just not being happy with my current life so perhaps that shows in my vibe?
- i am also very selective with who i consider a friend

im not happy with my current life due to not acheiving where i want to end up career wise/fiancially, not being surrounded by good peers who align with my vision are the probably the two main ones.

I use to be content when i was working retail. i jive with everyone but. i. felt i was stooping to them because i was much older not having established my career but from what i could tell everyone enjoyed my. company because i was friendly, helpful, never caused issues, crack jokes, etc but since i left that job to be self employed i haven't met anyone.

and the old coworkers i thought i jive with- yep only ever heard from 3 (including the gay guy) didn't hear from the rest. so im assuming they busy with their own lives, or it was all fake.

hard to pinpoint what went wrong when i don't even know

just giving ya'll a context of my situation.

ah man...self-employment. I know that struggle, I´m a freelancer myself.

idk after reading the added context it does seem like the problem is in your mentality.

why do you put so much weight on how you´re doing financially?

you probably ate today. I assume you live indoors. you´re online. seems like you´re doing at least okayish.

hell, you seemed happier in would more friends or more money make you happier?

I say if there´s anyone in your past you still feel you may develop a friendship with, keep reaching out.

somebody liked you at some point.

Being self employed has a socially nomadic component to it that's not really talked about. You will not be in the routine of ppl that work structured schedules. Most of the time self employed people will have to make friends with other self employed lifestyle people. Back to making friends within your peer group.

yeah there are a lot of benefits to being self-employed but it´s definitely harder for us to be social.

we may not adhere to standard schedules, we may not have default socialization opportunities.

you have to make an effort to come into contact with people, and then sift through those to find quality folks.

if you have the kind of job where you work from an office, maybe try a coworking space?
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As this has take a more serious turn.

Robin Williams is an example of someone who exuded life, joy, and probably had tons and tons of friends. However, he is the perfect way to really understand that it has to come from within.

Seeking something from others will always have you feeling less than whole inside.

OP id suggest using this time as an opportunity to understand yourself better. You should really solve for 95% of what you need. Friends, even family, even wives, children etc have to be closer to that 5% range. They are all uncontrollable and anything can happen. The more positivity and enjoyment you can bring to them and they to you the better or worse that 5% is going to be. But unless you are already whole inside it’s never going to solve anything by getting more (friends, gf, living in a different city etc)
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