Boondocks Season 3 - Sun. May 2nd, 11:30pm Adult Swim

Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Hmmm, mouse---aaron mcgruder got a twitter or something? I think that's prolly a question that should be brought to his attention

and on the comic strip, wasn't there a female that was like Huey? 'Round 01 or something??
yep .. she was part of his gang of friends had dreads and all, just can't remember her name

I think your talking about Caesar, he's a dude though.

The only girl I remember from the comics' around Huey's age was Jazmin.
I thought it mighta been a dude, but I was hopin' not
Originally Posted by COOLnificent
Listen, I've been searching for this gif for three eons, one century, and four score, this plus the news of Boondocks is an extra win.
In other news, Madhouse stepped their animation game up.
Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Hmmm, mouse---aaron mcgruder got a twitter or something? I think that's prolly a question that should be brought to his attention

and on the comic strip, wasn't there a female that was like Huey? 'Round 01 or something??
yep .. she was part of his gang of friends had dreads and all, just can't remember her name

I think your talking about Caesar, he's a dude though.

The only girl I remember from the comics' around Huey's age was Jazmin.
don't forget cindy(the clueless white girl)....anyway glad they bringing the show back
been following it since it was just a comic strip

question: anybody know if this season they'll intoduce hiro? the asian kid thats a dj?
Originally Posted by Aljayz863

Is it any good. only watched 1st season.

2nd season was good and i can only imagine that this will be awesome as well

and mark hamil has been doing a good job on metalocalpyse so im looking forward to him lending his voice
^ which voice does he do on metalocalpyse? i watch the show here and there but never caught his name on it.
Originally Posted by kyrac2

Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Hmmm, mouse---aaron mcgruder got a twitter or something? I think that's prolly a question that should be brought to his attention

and on the comic strip, wasn't there a female that was like Huey? 'Round 01 or something??
yep .. she was part of his gang of friends had dreads and all, just can't remember her name

I think your talking about Caesar, he's a dude though.

The only girl I remember from the comics' around Huey's age was Jazmin.
don't forget cindy(the clueless white girl)....anyway glad they bringing the show back
been following it since it was just a comic strip

question: anybody know if this season they'll intoduce hiro? the asian kid thats a dj?
lol i never even heard of dude.
Originally Posted by NJstress03

^ which voice does he do on metalocalpyse? i watch the show here and there but never caught his name on it.
he does senator stampington (sp?) that dude in those briefing sessions with the tribunal in front of the huge screen, mr selatcia (sp?) so the bigdude at the head of the tribunal, jean pierre the decapitated personal chef and apparently the news anchor with the half burnt face (didnt know this one untili checked wiki). he also does various random voices too.
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