Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

Idk about that episode...
Jesse isn't killing Walt... Walt lasts at least another year given he turned 52 in new hampshire
Weird ep.

Who's to say that it's really Walt's 52nd birthday? He's using a fake I.D. I've been thinking maybe that scene isn't 1 year from now. The birthday on the fake I.D. wouldn't necessarily be the same as Walt's birthday.
Oz is simply ten times above Prison Break.. there's more to the story and it's always changing...the acting is better, and most importantly it was on HBO and they got away with so much. There's a lot of male nudity though, so watch with caution
I haven't seen Prison Break in awhile but Oz is a show about prison and bigger themes about crime and society. Prison Break was more about family and suspense that happened to be set in a prison.
Thanks for the insight.
Why would Walt do the bacon tradition for a birthday that isn't really even his?

Because he's faking his identity. His fake I.D. says it's his birthday. It does not mean it is Walter White's birthday.
Because he's faking his identity. His fake I.D. says it's his birthday. It does not mean it is Walter White's birthday.

I get that you're saying that the ID is different and it's not his real birthday, but why would he do something he did ON his birthday every year... even thought it's not his birthday. That kind of makes no sense to me, only way it does is if he's trying to have the waitress remember him, with the huge tip and all
Fake ID? Yeah I can see it but don't think that's true... Maybe tho

Jr dying in a car accident would be :wow:

Definitely agree that Jessie & Walt will have beef starting up soon

What about Lydia? Is she in on something or what?

Can't wait for next week
Apparently at the end of the episode after the watch hits the 12 mark, there's a sound of a gun cocking.
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Would just go along with this possible foreshadowing when Walt drops the gun and the barrel faces him and the trigger faces Jesse. I do think Jesse will be the one to get rid of Walt somehow when this show he does it is still up in the air.
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I get that you're saying that the ID is different and it's not his real birthday, but why would he do something he did ON his birthday every year... even thought it's not his birthday. That kind of makes no sense to me, only way it does is if he's trying to have the waitress remember him, with the huge tip and all

It is his birthday, though. What was the name he was going buy? Something Lambert? It's Something Lambert's birthday. Therefore he celebrates his birthday by making the 52 out of bacon. You know it's Walter White, but no one in Denny's does. He tips $100 because that's all he had.

The first 4 seasons take place in the span of one year. According to that opening scene this season spans one year. At the rate things are going I don't see how that's possible, unless they do a significant time jump during the break.
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******g hate Skylar man...

Basically sums up my view after this episode :lol: . I think somebody is going to happen to Walt Jr with his car...possibly die. I don't see Walt being that cold to take out his wife though. I don't see him giving the green light to anybody else to do it either. I think she will stick around and might lead to the downfall of things. The watch was definitely foreshadowing something though.
I know it's 'Lamberts' birthday... but in your first post you said it's not Walt's real birthday. He could easily just show his ID and get his free breakfast... but the whole Bacon thing I feel has a deeper meaning behind it, meaning I think it's Walt's real birthday too. You could easily be right though since they haven't skipped forward to anything since the series began.

But all of this is moot until we find out what happens that leads to him even needing a fake ID, next 3 episodes should tie things up greatly.. and I can't waitttt!
Pretty awesome opening.. Breaking Bad doesn't always get to have fun with its characters in that kind of way. So I enjoyed that nice moment and I appreciate the not so subtle way of advertising the cars :lol:

We already suspected it, but they directly mentioned the tradition of Skyler breaking up the bacon for Walt on his birthday.. I also loved how distraught Walt Jr. looked when Skyler took his big piece and gave it to Walt.

Hank got his promotion, but we all know he won't be able to give up his search for Heisenberg

Walt's speech about the past year and how tough it's been for him had good double meaning.. both about his family and the cancer, then about the meth and his close calls he's had over the year.

I'm glad they let Skyler blow up and have her confrontation with Walt this episode.. dragging it out any longer would make it grow really stale and it was good timing with Walt's birthday. I was definitely on her side in the argument because she's really trapped at this point, and while she hasn't been innocent the whole time, it's obviously been a struggle deciding what to do as things have developed. Walt's able to manipulate and spin things so easily and he totally broke her in the argument because she couldn't think it through and make a plan like Walt.. because he's broke bad and he isn't the same sad sap of a father and husband he was a year ago.

Her final shot to him was the knockout punch, though. Telling him she's just waiting for his cancer to come back clearly affected Walt and made him retreat into the Heisenberg persona.

I also LOVED how quickly Mike realized he had to kill Lydia.. ok she's dead. He gave her a pass and he knew that was a mistake.. I'm sure he'll end up regretting it in the long term.

And I felt really bad for Jesse. Walt manipulated him into giving up a woman who loved him and her son who he cared for.. yet Jesse still shows loyalty and love for Walt by getting him the watch. 
I also LOVED how quickly Mike realized he had to kill Lydia.. ok she's dead. He gave her a pass and he knew that was a mistake.. I'm sure he'll end up regretting it in the long term

Speaking of that, im curious as to what Walts plan is. If its true that there was a gun being cocked at the last tick of the watch maybe it has something to do with his plan cause Jesse gave it to him right after.
Well at least we've got the Skylar part temporarily out the way. I knew she was gonna go in to the pool off jump and frankly I was getting tired of her passive aggressive stunts. Felt the talk should've came a bit sooner. Glad Walt came hard with that logic :pimp: Just wonder what his move is since she was coldblooded enough to say she's waiting for the cancer to come back.

Too many compromises Mike :smh: Seems this 1st half of the season will be a bunch of good reasons why Lydia should be killed and somehow she survives. :smh: @ Jesse saving her, I feel he was more emotional about it than it being about the connect.

I loved this ep btw, lot of drama and set up a lot and it's one of the reasons I love the show and as I was watching it was hard to accept this is the last season. I really hope there's a movie.
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:lol: at saying it was a waste. They continued to develop the Walt/Skyler relationship to its breaking point and even threw in some of the meth business plot line to keep things going for next week

Btw, RIP to the Pontiac Aztek. Hotwheels or Matchbox needs to release a special Breaking Bad edition ASAP! :pimp:
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