BREAKING NEWS: Obama backs gay marriage.

Originally Posted by MotivatedMidwestMogul

As an unmarried straight guy, I too support gay marriage. Actually, I'm really just in support of people minding their own business and letting other people live their own lives.
Originally Posted by o fenomeno

Originally Posted by Essential1

There isn't much political capital to be gained from supporting it (depending on how the GOP handles this).. It will do what? Get people to vote for Obama? The people who view gay marriage as their defining issue to vote were voting for Obama regardless of today..

The way I see it, Obama had already lost the highly religious vote. Anyone who is strongly against marriage was almost certainly not going to vote for Obama. By backing gay marriage, he has the chance to reinvigorate his liberal and progressive base, particularly the youth vote that may have been disillusioned by him since coming into office. 

From that perspective possibly.. But the barrage of attacks he will receive from this are counter-productive.. And even if it is gay marriage, negative attacks are bad for favorable poll numbers.

He's taking a HUGE risk on this when he could have kept his mouth shut about it, and kept it moving with Repeal of DADT
Originally Posted by Grey

congrats, Romney

Yeahhh... SIKE!
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Bigot, huh...

yeah, bigot. what would you call it?

So every president prior to Obama - was a bigot?
How many presidents before this could have come out supporting it and have even a SHOT at being reelected?

Politics man... I know you get it so don't play dumb.

But if you're right now in 2012 and you're still upset about gays wanting rights, then... well...
Originally Posted by Lieutenant Kif

Originally Posted by Deuce King

I kinda wish he would have waited till after the election to express this because I want him to win, but either way it takes alot of courage as President to say something like this during an election year.  I hope it doesn't backfire on him.

He was backed into a corner by Biden and the other members of his administration who came out in favor.  He couldn't look like he wasn't master of the house.

This is definitely going to backfire.

I get what your saying, but I wouldn't say he was "backed into a corner" as he still could have stated his position on the matter and stayed the same as before, or at least till after the election.  Obama's previous statement versus what Biden recently just said is really no different than from what Cheney said about gay marriage versus Bush's viewpoint when they were in office.  

He's taking a HUGE risk on this when he could have kept his mouth shut about it, and kept it moving with Repeal of DADT

Exactly.  I think he moved too fast in front of the crowd on this one, but we'll see.
Originally Posted by MotivatedMidwestMogul

As an unmarried straight guy, I too support gay marriage. Actually, I'm really just in support of people minding their own business and letting other people live their own lives.
I really don't understand how anyone could be against it. Don't try to tell me either, because I'm sure you won't say anything I haven't heard before and it won't make any sense.
But yet and still dude doesn't wanna tackle the issue about decriminalization. GTFOHWTBS

It's good to see people having the freedom to do what they want as far as companionship though.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Bigot, huh...

yeah, bigot. what would you call it?

So every president prior to Obama - was a bigot?
Damn homie, I been on NT for three days and that's the second time I've seen you ignore the point of a post to nitpick some ulterior angle. Come on son... 
I really don't understand how anyone could be against it. Don't try to tell me either, because I'm sure you won't say anything I haven't heard before and it won't make any sense

Please allow me... but bear in mind my previous post. It's all about tradition. The only "truths" we have in this world are passed down observations of old. That goes for science, religion, folklore, and any blend of the three. Everything we do and know that isn't instinctual was taught to us by somebody that had it taught to them. Issues like homosexuality, or how it pertains to religious beliefs for example, are ingrained so deeply in some people that for them to NOT be against homosexuality would unravel their whole worldview. And many people don't handle ignorance as well as me. I can accept not-knowing. That's why I'm fairly agnostic these days. But a lot of people NEED certainty to survive. They need the validation that comes from other people conforming to their ideas. I think that's petty, but I do understand it. Understanding ALL sides of the issue (even the bigot's) is crucial to resolving the conflicts that arise with these things.

P.S. I REALLY hope I didn't just kick off the inevitable religious debate that was coming anyway. 
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Bigot, huh...

yeah, bigot. what would you call it?

So every president prior to Obama - was a bigot?

when it comes to homosexuality? maybe, maybe not.
But the potential backlash would've been too much for many to deal with, especially in an election year. Hell, Obama is gonna get alot of flack for this most likely.
Originally Posted by CrunchyBlack9

Let them be miserable like the rest of us married people. They shouldnt get any perks for being gay. 


Originally Posted by gllahone84

But yet and still dude doesn't wanna tackle the issue about decriminalization. GTFOHWTBS

It's good to see people having the freedom to do what they want as far as companionship though.

Agree with both points.
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

Originally Posted by gllahone84

But yet and still dude doesn't wanna tackle the issue about decriminalization. GTFOHWTBS

It's good to see people having the freedom to do what they want as far as companionship though.

Agree with both points.

marijuana will never be decriminalized on a federal level...not anytime soon atlest

keep dreeming though
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

yeah, bigot. what would you call it?

So every president prior to Obama - was a bigot?
How many presidents before this could have come out supporting it and have even a SHOT at being reelected?

Politics man... I know you get it so don't play dumb.

But if you're right now in 2012 and you're still upset about gays wanting rights, then... well...


Chill bruh, I'm in no way, shape or form a biggot. Gay marriage is great, this is what America is truly about..

I just find it surprising that no president prior to Obama, has been labeled a biggot by American media - because they haven't supported gay marriage.  

Damn homie, I been on NT for three days and that's the second time I've seen you ignore the point of a post to nitpick some ulterior angle. Come on son... 


..the hell you talking about?
Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Congrats I guess, but this looks like a ploy for votes imo. Don't know how to feel bout this, not necessarily the gay part but the fact he's "using" them.

I'm with you. Reminds me of Guantanamo. Regardless, it's a huge victory for gay marriage and political/presidential history.
Honestly this alone could sway my vote. I don't think the world is ready for the Ron Paul Revolution. I think we need more interior destruction from one of the big 2 parties before things can get interesting
Fine that he personally supports it, but it's still going to be left up to the states to handle legislation. Nice gesture, but ultimately just symbolic.
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