BREAKING: Shooting on MIT Campus VOL: 26 yr old brother dead, 19 yr old on the run

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this white hat dude got some crazy endurance to be leadin' hundreds of cops on a manhunt for hours..
Damn, pure craziness.

Don't even want to go to bed now.
Black t shirt running through boston towards the finish line of the marathon... this is how it's gonna end?
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Evacuation is starting now for the residents in Watertown. the Buses are arriving now

EDIT 4:44 EDT: "All is well" after a period of silence.
EDIT 4:43 EDT: Officer heard saying "Get down on your knees".
EDIT 4:42 EDT: Greenway bicycle paths shutting down.
EDIT 4:39 EDT: MIT update - Suspicious package in the area of 500 Memorial Drive.
Wait I heard he was taken to the hospital. If he had a bomb strapped to him, how would they gather all his limbs to take him to the hospital? 

Also, I heard he was shot by an officer when they were throwing IED's on the road. 
they said 1 ran towards them shootn like he wanted to die
I don't know why officers aren't lining the river..3 more injured officers reported.
i bet the new 3 injured are from some sort of accident on their part. someone gettin scared and shooting type stuff
EDIT 4:48 EDT: They mentioned an injured officer at command post. Unconfirmed if it is a new injury or related to this.

EDIT 4:44 EDT: "All is well" after a period of silence.

EDIT 4:43 EDT: Officer heard saying "Get down on your knees".

EDIT 4:42 EDT: Greenway bicycle paths shutting down.

EDIT 4:39 EDT: MIT update - Suspicious package in the area of 500 Memorial Drive.

EDIT 4:36 EDT: Suspect 1 was confirmed dead at Mt. Auburn, not Mass General. My mistake.

EDIT 4:35 EDT: CNN is showing Naked Man. He is NO LONGER A SUSPECT. CNN is old news.

EDIT 4:34 EDT: Suspect 1 died to explosive attached to chest! White Hat might have one as well.

EDIT 4:34 EDT: "White Hat" reported to have explosive device on him.

EDIT 4:31 EDT: Suspect "White Hat" has been spotted.

EDIT 4:30 EDT:ohwell:u/Trucidar suggest we use Reddit Stream to reduce refreshing.

EDIT 4:28 EDT: Sunrise in Boston will be at 5:56 AM EDT.

EDIT 4:27 EDT: Police officer that was shot is in surgery
smh...putting this into perspective...this is only 2 guys wreaking havoc in Boston....

can't imagine what would happen if it was 15+ like someone stated earlier...
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