BREAKING: Shooting on MIT Campus VOL: 26 yr old brother dead, 19 yr old on the run

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Good Luck for Middle-Eastern foreign exchange students studying in this country in the future, cause America is about to lock that down.
Wasn't middle eastern.....
and wasn't a foreign exchange student. 
light-skin caucasian can mean middle-eastern, that doesn't matter. Thats just a color description.
light-skin caucasian can mean middle-eastern, that doesn't matter. Thats just a color description.
Sure it can, but thats all they've said so far, so lets not jump to conclusions. Not blaming you because I know as a society our first thought as terrorists goes to the middle east. 
RT @charliespiering: Police ran over first suspect, reports NBC, as he was wearing an IED
How the hell can you let someone get away tho?

No one ever gets away, never, Especially with this many police officers.

Cops were def shook because these dudes had bombs, they back up quickly, let him go.
How the hell can you let someone get away tho?

No one ever gets away, never, Especially with this many police officers.

Cops were def shook because these dudes had bombs, they back up quickly, let him go.
No need to take unnecessary risks. The cops have the area on lockdown. They know they'll get him eventually.
No need to take unnecessary risks. The cops have the area on lockdown. They know they'll get him eventually.

The problem is the people of Watertown, someone can be held hostage again. He can hold a family hostage. I'm not quite sure the police did the right thing. I'm sure the FBI went HAM on the cops that let one guy get away, and hours later have no idea where he is.
well what's your source? If it's CNN or MSNBC, they've lost all credibility as others can tell you.
Im saying that you could be right or I could be right, none of us have the facts. I just dont think some university kid could train for 1 month and become a good shooter and bomb maker
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