BREAKING: Shooting on MIT Campus VOL: 26 yr old brother dead, 19 yr old on the run

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They said the suspects name on the radio. Thought I heard it was mulugeta (last name) dude was born in 1991
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Editor of Boston Globe: A marathon suspect is in custody as manhunt continues for another in Watertown, according to official with knowledge of the investigation.
The police scanner is getting hammered right now. A lot of people are up looking for information 
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That reddit thread is surreal. Like is this real life? Almost reads like the script of a movie; actually reminds me of the scene in TDK where Joker is pursuing Harvey all around Gotham in the tractor trailer, and just creating havoc all about.

Life imitating Art, or Art imitating Life? The lines have become so blurred you can't even tell anymore.

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