Bring Back The Nor Cali Summits

Well count me out I can't do anything till August, these summits need to be planned a couple months in advance.

I think I'd rather do something with just the OG heads now that I think about it.
Azubuike - Barnes - Biedrins - Cabarkapa - Davis - Ellis - Foyle
Harrington - Jackson - Jasikevicius - O'Bryant - Pietrus - Powell - Richardson
OG heads... thats sounds nice.. but most likely never happen.. unless its made a secret... invite only..
aim: yoursprmanishere
ftp: runstyles
I know Joe wouldn't want me too... but can I come? haha.

Seriously though, it isn't just pick a place, pick a date, and bring some food. If it were that easy, we'd be having picnics every month. And trust me, you want it planned, or there will be 4 dudes and one weirdo trying to sell everyone his stuff out of the back of his trunk. Even though Fremont sucked, it was planned, and it brought everyone together. Which is what we want to do. A summit isn't a summit without people attending. But don't make it sound like I'm being pessimistic, do your thing. Just make sure it's all planned out.
"shegotgame - People want Vince to leave so he can join their team. Vince will stay put. Sig that."

"DontStepOnMyShoes - itll be a sad day in history if AI gets sent to the Kings nobody will ever win in sacramento"
How about this.. since the OG HEADS want to be all OG and have an OG style summit in the OG Benicia spot.. then that's cool, let's do it. That picture looks like a nice grassy area with lots of space to play football and i'm sure theres a court around there.. so thats awseome.. BUT is it cool if some of the OGs step up and plan that summit..? Since the VETS have done it already.. I mean, i know some of us non-OG simpltons are trying to get a summit going here in GGP.. but if you guys know whats best then please make it happen! Hopefully if you're disagreeing with the GGP plan then you're working on figuring out a Bencia plan.. And please, invite us! Some of the non elite would love to join you!!

That being said.. KL14 i checked out some sites on GGP and couldn't find to many areas with basketball courts.. There are a few spots in the panhandle, but i'm unfamiliar with them... i'll email you in a bit.
LeBron James​
For President in 2008​
Because he's in the NBA Finals.. and yeah.. thats great!​
I think I'd rather do something with just the OG heads now that I think about it.
TEAM Black & Mild
Guaranteed Freshness
I'm just saying, if KingLouis, oco120, myself, and others do have a plan set I doubt we're gonna leave it at just newer heads only.

Like I said, we're kinda being left out in the dark with what you guys are disscussing.
TEAM Black & Mild​
Guaranteed Freshness
instead of making one big 'summit'... how about before all that... lets just go have lunch/dinner or something first.. way easier to plan..

ex: just meet here at this time and bring 50 bucks so you have money for food/gratuity/drinks.etc...
aim: yoursprmanishere
ftp: runstyles
just a side note: if anyone wants a quick summit.. i'm going to sf in a few hours to pick some stuff up at a few stores in the union square area and sf centre...
i'm take the bart...let me know
aim: yoursprmanishere
ftp: runstyles
it's funny @#%$ hell how when it comes to a "day at the park" summit it gets all complicated about what/when/how.. but when it comes to the strip club summits the first place/location mentioned is jump'd on!

^^yeah...and that lack of planning resulted in 5 people attending the strip club get together...i wasnt expecting a ton of people to show up since it being at a strip club in the first place excludes a lot of people from attending...but the lack of extensive planning resulted in a low turnout...

to pull off one of these "open to all" type summits successfully it needs planning...a lot of it...or you will have a crappy turn out..

BUT is it cool if some of the OGs step up and plan that summit..? Since the VETS have done it already.. I mean, i know some of us non-OG simpltons are trying to get a summit going here in GGP.. but if you guys know whats best then please make it happen!

pretty much...
no disrespect to the vets here, but everytime talks of a summit come up, we(the noobs i guess?) try to plan something and its shot down because it doesnt look like itll live up to summits of past...
i think its kinda silly to depend on us to throw something epic when we dont know how to properly do guys have shown you know what to do to get people together and have a great time....if one of the vets took the initiative to throw something thatll meet the vets standards, then id be more than happy to help out in any way i could...then i could learn what to do to keep these going guys know best since youve organized these before...

we saw what happened last time when we trusted a no-name to organize the summit...we all got shafted and got left looking stupid...i dont want that to happen sure nobody else does either...

**scratch everything i just said...
Let's just go on double dates.

Here's the thing...

Anybody can plan a summit. You guys don't need Bastitch, Retrokid or myself to help plan a thing. All it takes is initiative and someone willing to do some leg work.

All we can do is give you some advice on what might make it a good turnout. You guys could hold it at the local am-pm and as long as you guys have fun, it's successful. What made all of our past summits great was that we established friendships that still last today. That's why you hear a lot of the older guys saying they would go as long as certain people attend. I don't even consider the City Beach summit a failure. Sure, dude flaked out but I still got to kick it with a lot of old friends that I hadn't seen in awhile.

Some of you guys are tossing around ideas that we've all done before. So I apologize if it sounded like I was disagreeing with your plans. If KingLouis wants to have a weed smoking summit...go ahead. If y'all wanna do the strip club thing, that's on you. I'm just saying that our summit's were never about getting high or getting a lap dance. We kept it simple and had a lot of fun. We let the love of sneakers bring us together.

I believe the torch has been passed. As much as Id like to get together with the OG's, I don't think the summit is the place for that.
Niketalkin' since December 15th, 1999!

HELP REPORT eBay Fake Listings!

i know its not rocket science to throw one of these..ive set up meets and get togethers on my car you mentioned with your summits, we never needed strippers or weed to have a good time...and on that forum me and some real close friends ive made are considered the OGs of the meets, and we have a formula that works, so we stick to it...the # of people there, like here, has increased in the past 4 or so years, but our formulas for meets there still work and we stick to them and have a great time, every time...if the OG norcal NT summit formula for success isnt broken, then know what im getting at...

with organizing something here, i could easily throw something together in golden gate park or something, but if you guys know it wouldnt work out well, then id trust you guys to tell us what to guys got all the experience here, so you know what wouldnt work...i think we need at least some input or guidance from you guys on what we should do...if we come up with a plan, improvements on the plans would be helpful instead of comments of how great the old summits used to be and stuff like that, you know? if a suggestion of a BBQ in golden gate park gets reactions of "I think I'd rather do something with just the OG heads now that I think about it." then something is obviously wrong with the plan being discussed...

sorry if i sound bitter about the fremont summit, im still pissed about the ticket i got on the way there...i agree fremont wasnt a complete failure since i did get to meet people that i used to only know by words on a screen...but the actual plan for the summit which involved the indoor courts there and stuff would have allowed us to socialize more than being stuck at the wasnt a failure but could have been a lot better if that guy didnt flake...we did make the best out of a crappy situation...

i do appreciate the time you are taking to reply to me ijapino...thanks

i may be speaking for myself on this, so if anyone else feels im just talking out of my @#%$ , just tell me and ill shut up... :D

Whatever is decided, I'll try and make it if I'm free. And damn, looking at that old summit pic...where the heck is btrbean nowadays? HAHA. That kid was hilarious. Rolling down the hill.

And Jacob owes me money, but it's all good, I don't charge interest 8)
Jocelyn = Dopeness on a stickNiketalk Rules of ConductEmail: [email protected]Website: RK / SCI have failed over and over again in my life, and that is why, I succeed.
The reason why I typically shoot down Summit ideas is because most people underestimate how hard it is to get 50 different people that normally wouldn't hang out on the same page. I didn't say anything about that strip club Summit because I knew that would work. If you have less than 15 people, it's actually easy and really fun since you get to know people better than you would in a larger group.

If I'm going to do anything from this point out, it'll be good. I'll put a lot of effort into it and I won't have to "hope" it turns out okay. It WILL be good.

But quite frankly, the ends don't justify the means. At least not for me. There's this whole "getting together for the sake of getting together" that just don't fly with me. A lot of older guys WOULD actually go if other Vets came through. That just makes sense to me. We're not trying to alienate the people that are "new" to this. It's just that we've been there and done that. We've done the Summit thing. We just need better reasons to make an effort to come out. If it means that Alex Wang has to promise me Alex's wang, then that's what it'll take to get me out.

I mean, even though the last flop at City Beach essentially failed, I still had fun BSin' with Kevco and a lot of the older guys. That made it worth it to me. So when planning things like this, you have to diversify the activities to give EVERYONE a) a reason to want to get together, and b) a reason to be glad they went. (For instance: Strip Club Summit - a) I want to see ****. b) I saw ****.)

So, in the end, don't let anything discourage you. There's nothing in this thread that should deter someone from planning and executing a Summit if they really wanted to.

The problem is that there are like 50 critics with an opinion about everything and only 2 people that actually have it in them to plan and execute one of these things.

Good luck.
: Team Sea Monster :

Dude, please. Tell your girl to shut up.
What about some Arcade/Bar or Mini-Amusement park type shiit?

Like Dave and Busters or some Go-Kart/Arcade spot I know amusement parks are cool cuz you get a chance to talk it up in line, or even some Great America type shiit!!! Just need some1 who knows how to get some cheap tickets.

If its August, I'll let you all come to my condo. You can even BART in since it'll be walking distance from P-Hill BART.

Bastich has to bring the beer then.

Retrokid can bring the pictures from the Warriors game.

And someone fly in Dirty too.
ICE Blue X's on ebay RIGHT now!
And Jacob owes me money, but it's all good, I don't charge interest 8)
Azubuike - Barnes - Biedrins - Cabarkapa - Davis - Ellis - Foyle
Harrington - Jackson - Jasikevicius - O'Bryant - Pietrus - Powell - Richardson
I'm ready for a summit this summer. Anywhere in the Bay Area is fine with me. Hope we could get a decent turnout.
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